Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. You are the curriculum - Ram Dass
  2. @onacloudynight Well, we learn to love what is. There is a higher realm to trust, and love that you are now on the path to understanding and emobodying.
  3. Remind me to share some… I’ve complied a bunch
  4. Ram Dass said something interesting. We are all God, but how God chooses to be is up to itself. Christianity could be looked at a path of Bhakti, or devotion. The joy of the spiritual path IS that they are able to love God, or Jesus as another.
  5. It would be cool if the forum could open up about their thoughts on this after watching! Important.
  6. @Breakingthewall did he say how often?
  7. Persistence and patience
  8. There is this thing I have come to realize that is driving a lot of my life right now with my reading, Qigong, meditation and song writing. It's this idea that there are states, concepts, principles and God's Grace that is always on your side. The Infinite Friend. When you begin to align your life with Mystical Truths, Cosmic Law and God's Grace nothing can touch you. You become immortal, perfect, and you win life. Forever you are loved Forever you are forgiven Forever you are perfect It doesn't matter your past, your name, your current suffering. There is a way out of all that entraps you. The false self and all it's attachments, judging, and suffering. It doesn't matter what anyone else says in society. Love yourself fully and deeply. Align yourself with reality, with the Tao. Discover increasing ease, grace and beauty in your life. Take care of your body. Massage, stretch and breath out all the pain you hold in your nervous system, organs and energy body. Cultivate in juiciness. Your body is a temple. As you go throughout the world of today, with all peoples petty human behaviour, gossiping at work, drama on the news, people committing injustice both to you and others... Realize none of that affects your True Self. Use your suffering, attachment, and pettiness as the tool that frees you from these things. Begin to observe yourself objectively. Self observation is the key to Cosmic Truths. Become your own best friend. Forever. Unconditionally. Sit in this room, and be blissful. Be a spiritual warrior in a sense. Despite all the toxic bullshit around you. Be Love Now, Be here Now, be everything now. Become strong, set boundaries. Develop wisdom, do not fear failure no matter how repeated. Create balance in your life systems. Fall so deeply in love with reality that nothing can touch you. Be patient along the path. Everything that happens to you can be of service to your mission. Master this finite domain, transcend all the human bullshit and create heaven in your own experience. Imagine the whole world looked through your eyes. The whole world looking through your infinitely loving and compassionate eyes. Become so loving and unconditional, that you must keep it a secret. Crying tears of love as you walk down the street, as you see the people. Total acceptance and loving at what is. Had a ego backlash? Made a mistake? Only falling deeper and deeper in love. You don't need my approval, or Leo's or anyone. Reconnect. You are Absolute, and a fountain of infinite love.
  9. Leo said he doesn't wanna teach humans so, I don't have hopes.
  10. Well that’s a positive outlook. What’s your cash app btw? juuuust kidding
  11. @Carl-Richard I don’t think you are grocking what I am saying but, this is a looping conversation. This is the end for me. Best of luck. Rationality is useful, but what I am saying is trans rational, and useless. What I am saying doesn’t change anything in the human plane. Because this finite domain is as if: eyes, brains, others, etc. But, it’s not happening to someone, or somewhere. It’s just pure being, pretending to be sense perceptions of a human. There’s nothing for God to sense because it’s all alone. So it imagines distance… when you walk… your not really going anywhere except changing where you imagine you are. Red, when you see it… it’s not happening anywhere or in a brain, and it’s not a sense perception . Red actually exists absolutely, as does people, cars and fridges. But, at the same time they don’t, they are just your consciousness. English doesn’t work you have to have a mystical experience. Rationality is perfectly useful for human existence. But, With regards to solipsism and consciousness these are for me, personally translational subjects. I respect your views.
  12. Why should I trust you, Leo, or these two kind gentleman kastrop and spira to tell me what’s true? I guess I should trust my own direct experience. Both Rupert and Kastrop think there is an external world being sensed by perceptions. But, I’ve experience this is false. There is no sense perception, just absolute truth. As entertaining as all this is, I’m gonna let it go. I am seeing the futility of this conversation. Truth, over being right.
  13. @Carl-Richard I agree with that idea. Clearly I use these distinctions throughout daily life. Buuut. Reality is pretty slippery. But no, I mean specifically he was slippery. For one minute there’s different minds, then one mind idk. I haven’t listened to him or read him. I will buy his books for sure. I’ll consume everyone. I don’t really know who he is so I might as well be taking to anyone on the forum when I here his opinion.
  14. @Carl-Richard Does he contradict himself by first saying there can be multiple minds and then saying that a penguin only exists when perceived by consciousness? But that it doesn’t actually exist? Ex it’s? He seems a bit slippery here. With the whole sense perception, consciousness thing, hard to know if he things there is an external reality from one’s perception that could still be “consciousness “
  15. I think Carl is a materialist, even if he is closeted hehe You know Carl, when I read you telling someone how many times you’ve told them something it’s rather off putting and unfriendly. We are all trying to understand one another. I read it like “because you were too stupid to understand me the first 13 times I’ll repeat myself”… but, we aren’t asking you to do that. We have different metaphysical understanding than you and it takes time to understand one another. I personally don’t think “Sense perceptions” exist. But, English doesn’t have the words. It is confusing in that, each of us have different understandings of this subject. Let’s be patient with one an another and I’ll work on that too. Like, when you see a fridge… it’s just absolutely there. No eyes or sense organ needed. Consciousness. Eyes are just a back story to explain it. Like, in a video game it’s just code….
  16. @Rasheed You’d have to: 1. Practice writing 2. Get real world experience IMO before you can write a great book. Because if you read all these books… what do you really know? Nothing…
  17. @Flyboy Missed what?
  18. Seems like salvia is a rare thing