Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Guys, let's keep this away from personal points. Remember, only you can discover what is true. Try the techniques, find out for yourself. Let's be kind to one another here. We are all intelligent people. We all have different views on these things which is healthy. You guys likely wont ever agree on what techniques work, what awakening is and so accepting that is important. My advice is: Get direct experience, smash through the noise. You have access to so many techniques with Leo's teachings, other teachers, the internet and the forum. Nothing is stopping you. Unless you listen to people who aren't willing to do... what you yourself must do. Find out what is true.
  2. I didn't say that. For 99% of people who would reach the deepest levels of awakening.. which I lack better words to point to. Just going about it willy nilly, sitting for 20 minutes on a cushion and not putting effort or intention into is won't get you anywhere. It's paradoxical that to reach levels of awakening takes effort. That's how every domain of life works. You need clarity, intention, a long time horizon and effort. Resisting what I am saying, and all your beliefs around awakening is also ego. So, it's tricky and nearly useless to say "so and so is ego" Yeah, welcome to the murkiest of waters. Anyway, I am not debating. Just, allowing my post to be here for others to read so they can see my perspective that: ONLY THEY can do this. Just smash through and learn to think and awakening for yourself. Don't listen to anyone telling you it's just easy, or this one technique will do it, or that trying to do it is ego. No, you go and do it. You go and discover what is true. You go and try the techniques. You go and become wise. You go and gain direct experience. You go and have deep profound awakenings. You go and discover what is true. You go and develop a backbone to ignore foolish spiritual tropes and dogmas. You go and discover infinite love and the grace of God. You go and become sage. You go and build you deep understanding of reality. You go and meet girls. You go and contemplate. You go and self actualize. Ignore everyone else because they will drag you down. They will nay say you, distract you, saying things which aren't true. They will tell you "enlightenment is so and so". But are THEY enlightened? Are they deeply spiritually pure? Are they deeply awake and emotionally mature? Probably not. So smash through the bullshit and keep going if you really want it. When you have your deepest awakenings, when you realize Peace, or stillness or infinite love, or God... That state of consciousness. That is all I have ever wanted to share with you at the deepest levels. When you reach that awakening you know what so few know. You will say to God "Thank you". It will be worth it.
  3. Kindly, this is not true. I want everyone here to focus on direct experience. There is a lot of noise around this subject. People on the forum could make a list of all the spiritual tropes, sayings, ideas, beliefs etc... In reality there is a lot of nuance here. In reality more trips will make a difference. The more spiritual work you do... meditation, contemplation, etc the better. You need to discern structure vs content here. It's pretty much impossible to meditate your way to a psychedelic state of consciousness in 20 minutes of meditation so please be wary of people when they say these types of things. In reality, as a consciousness you can be more or less 'conscious'. It's also not linear, and highly complicated and requires implicit understanding to really grasp. However, even the idea of 'enlightenment' is misleading. There are also different schools of enlightenment. Most of them I know require practice and the use of techniques. YOU, in the end will have to go all the way, become your own authority on this because there is a lot of people on the forum, and in every spiritual community etc that just spews whatever they believe is true. Their own dogmas etc. You will have to cut through the BS. If Zero is infinity, and no amount of tripping will bring you closer to enlightenment. You might as well do 200 trips over the next 5-10 years just to be sure. What have you got to lose? If you don't go and get direct experience with different techniques and just listen to what "others" tell you... You are falling into a trap. You might as well: Trip, meditate, do yoga, contemplate, read books, Qigong, gain direct experiences etc. Simply don't believe an "other" and realize the uselessness of 99% of spiritual debating.
  4. @John Paul What do you mean by game? Like an ice breaker thing?
  5. Not all women are broken, needy victims. I think that’s an unfair over generalization. People enjoy each other’s company. I think many women are interested in casual sex, I had direct experience of this in university. There was lots of fun casual sex and fun being had.
  6. @Inliytened1 Hey, I don’t think so. Men and women can enjoy sharing a night together. Clubs, parties and enjoy sex with people can be a fun night.
  7. I am considering locking this as we have moved far away from the original point. You are welcome to open a new thread in the dating and sexuality section to further discuss these points.
  8. I think some women DO want that. Happens a lot. I’ve had sex with a lot of girls and we clearly were just friends, or clearly one night stands. It can be all good. It can go both ways for girls or guys.
  9. This is basically what I take away from it as well. Go out, talk to women, have fun. Face rejections head on. Have great nights, meet new people, learn to have great consensual sex with women! That’s a good thing. Many men really want to have sex, meet women, have fun, and meet enough people they find a good match for a healthy relationshi. That can’t happen if you don’t go meet people. The initial attraction phase is playful and silly. Unfortunately many hornet men.. which is most young men. Have no clue how to do this. They feel desparate and wind up up in toxic male ideologies. There is so much toxic stuff out there right now. Also, lots of women want to have sex as well. But, they want a quality confident guy, or at least a guy who has the social skills she can feel safe and confident to have a fun night with, and maybe some good sex. Sex is a good thing! Enjoy your bodies. Enough of the toxic shame around sex. There is nothing wrong with teaching men this skill set. People expect men to either be charismatic and good with women, or not. Well, in reality social skills require development, practice and learning theory. Leo also lives in Vegas… sort of known for being a bit dirty ahaha anyway.
  10. @Inliytened1 Perhaps, I personally have watched Leo’s pickup series, and all his videos in general. I also have read his comments. I don’t think people see him clearly. I don’t really see what is damaging to anyone with it? Men and women are struggling with this area of life right now. I am not surprised by the comments I see. There is a reality when it comes to men and women. There is a dynamic at play here. For me, it seemed balanced and realistic. He focused on picking up girls at night in bars and clubs. I don’t think he needs to do anything.
  11. I want to note that people of both sex, depending on their personality, desires and current tastes an preferences may want: 1. a long term relationship 2. casual sex There is no need to shame anyone for wanting either. Obviously you should be looking to have quality consensual relations with those you become intimate with. I am wondering if this thread has gone off topic?
  12. In the series he does discuss how to transition from pickup into long term. And mentions he will do a video on conscious relationships in the future. Please note the area around dating, pickup, and attraction is generally controversial in general. Please remember to be respectful to one another. I and other mods will be keeping an eye on this thread. These can be important conversations but let’s not let things get out of hand. People are making great points and asking questions here.
  13. Please refer to the forum Guidelines: Not Allowed Recruiting members to start local meetup groups in your city Locking thread. Try to find people in your social circle or some other avenue to do pick up with.
  14. @johnnygotvision Just relax. No one is deceiving you in some malicious or bad way. Reality is a complicated thing to explain and can seem scary when explained as “God deceiving itself”. Basically, focus on the fundamentals of getting your footing on spirituality and personal development. How are you feeling today?
  15. @Matt23 There is a lot more needed than just tripping to really grow. People need to read, journal, get life experience, etc. There’s the 4 quadrant model from Ken Wilber: 1. waking up 2. Growing up 3. Cleaning up 4. showing up Dont want to go into more detail. Tripping along with everything else I am doing is growing me for sure. Shrooms eradicated my depression by more than 80% in a single trip but I also do a lot to take responsibility, action, and develop self efficacy in my life.
  16. I have occasioned DMT from a pipe with a little weed in the bottom while with wise musicians by a sacred river as the digerydo did bowlllll
  17. *six months after this post half the forum has large amounts of large gauge facial piercings*
  18. @Leo Gura It’s working with the mind body connection and bio energy. Just had Chinese roots, language and epistemology. Big part of my work is linking my understanding of western and Chinese science.
  19. @Leo Gura isn’t it like physical exercises and breathing and stuff? I’m relistening to your description of the book. It’s essentially Qigong. Your definition of Qigong is just limited. He just isn’t teaching “Chinese medicine” but it’s still “Qigong”. Qi- Life force Energy Gong - to be skillful with Nick Loffree is Qigong teacher… his brand is Bio Energetic Health. There are over 3000 types of Qigong. Reichian therapy sounds to be one of them.
  20. @Federico del pueblo talk about getting mind fucked
  21. Yeah, honestly if you are gonna do it the bigger the better.