Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @StarStruck You are creating a good life by being competitive right now that’s good
  2. @bmcnicho Id like to add that yeah, Neitzche lived a miserable life where he boredered on madness much of the time. I think he also had extreme pain and suffering from Gut issues.
  3. @The Blade Most people fail on the path At least they fail to impress others
  4. @Breakingthewall What is this tiger Eye which you speak?
  5. @martins name The drugs aren’t the problem but the symptom is what I wanna point to.
  6. Healthy conflict should be the goal of our conversations when conflict is happening. Healthy conflict is really a core pillar of how this forum will grow.
  7. @Inliytened1 Love you too bro. I appreciate you pointing these possibilities out to me and I will be sure to self reflect that I don’t let me liking if Leo blind me towards criticism of him, and other potentially negatives that could arise. Thank you for believing in my ability to awaken deeply and I would like to share this belief with everyone here. I do not have a good gauge of anyone’s spiritual development or implicit understanding of God and reality.
  8. @Inliytened1 I didn’t mean to be offensive when I said “oh go away” by the way. I felt that I was expressing I was brushing you and your comment off. Though when I feel into it, I was triggered in my response. I get people will have their ideas of me, and I have to learn to let them think that way. I hope you don’t feel bad towards that comment. Thanks for sharing and wanting to help with my evolution. I like that we all help each other grow and hold each other accountable. I guess, I value people asking more about my opinions than telling me what I think. I think I like people wanting to learn more about me, than tell me what I think. I’d like to also treat others that way. When it comes to Leo in his videos, I like the work and I like the man. I won’t hide this from people. I am appreciative. But, I also always want to see reasonable critique of the forum, Leo, teachings. Whether I agree or not is another thing but I like to see them.
  9. Focus on your own spiritual development for now. There are plenty of spiritually interested people you just need to find those groups around you. But, the highest wisdom will be rare throughout your life. Use your life if you want to be a part of the change towards more balance and wisdom.
  10. @Inliytened1 oh go away You are entitled to your projections. I do not know Leo, and have no fantasy I do.
  11. @Nilsi with regards to Leo’s health and social life you simply make a lot of unfounded projections. Also, I really think you have a bad grasp of Leo’s work.
  12. Right these are his most anti life teachings Very anti life. I have no idea what you mean by “some other world”
  13. Meta AF. Though, I will be cutting back on my sarcasm as I realize it’s not in alignment with my values as a mod.
  14. Rule 1: No thinking Rule 2: Ban people for no reason Rule 3: Be ideological Rule 4: Lock all quality threads Rule 5: specifically be unfair to you out of everyone else Rule 6: Enforce a thought police agenda. Don’t think like Leo? Well, that’s your first mistake bucko
  15. Where in the guidelines can’t you speak about Wilber, Nietzsche, Schmachtenberger, Peterson? is a very small community by the way. The internet is very open for you to think whatever you want. Do you think you are really self reflecting in a quality way? You SHOULD think for yourself. But if you break the guidelines, are rude to others and are a jerk we moderate you. That’s what a mod does. Instead of twisting our moderation based on your fantasy of what we are doing why don’t you actually consider for a second what the guidelines are by reading them over. Then, ask yourself as you observe if we are in accordance with that. Don’t like the guidelines? Too bad.
  16. I don’t know about the first part. But, I doubt it would attract more users. You aren’t marketing it. You are just making it safe to use. Have you read a case study of people making illegal drugs legal increased its use? Made it more addictive? Sounds like an assumption. The real problem is the addiction.
  17. Simply make them all legal to possess in certain quantities but illegal to sell. Then, focus on the mental health and trauma aspect. Make the policies around drugs oriented towards healing, health, wellness and curing of trauma. Stop punishing drug addicts with jail time and criminal records. Safe use sites are good idea too. But, people should be able to use in their own homes as well. Increase education around safe drug use. The government should create a pure and healthy supply of the street drug to ensure people don’t overdose and then support them with whatever therapy is needed. Make them easy to access with little to no questions asked and make them affordable. Try to use systems thinking to run the street dealers out of business somehow. Make mental health services widely available and affordable. Invest billions in training speakers, therapists, etc in helping heal these communities. Creating stronger regulations around doctors over prescribing and better rules around what pain killers can and can’t be used. Addiction as it is costs billions of dollars a year. It’s a problem worth fixing. Demonizing a drug using addict is nonesense and hypocritical. If someone has a hard drug problem they are likely simply trying to cope with and cover their pain. Covering pain should not be illegal. This is idiocy. It’s arbitrary that some of these drugs are illegal while smoking Tabacco, alcohol are legal. Focus on the whole system of the social matrix at once. Why are people so hurt, traumatized and full of pain that they need to cover the pain? The pain and trauma is the real problem with our society. The drug use is a last resort solution for people to cover their pain. They know no other way. The addiction is a tactic of sorts to not feel the pain, shame, guilt, trauma, etc if their abuse and neglect of various sorts.
  18. As long as you orient your overall goal towards a creative end, not a competitive one that’s ideal
  19. Lol weird I still don’t fully grasp my 5meo experience very paradoxical