Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. No magic numbers will win you an easy life
  2. What makes a good man? 1. Taking responsibility for their actions 2. Doing the work to overcome their toxic masculinity, shadow, trauma, 3. whether you lead or follow, you do it with integrity 4. You respect the consent and boundaries of other men, women and children. 5. You do not abuse others emotionally, physically or sexually 6. You take your education, personal development and spirituality seriously 7. You respect your community 8. You act from a place of love, wisdom, intelligence and integrity 9. You have your shit together: skills, finances, emotional mastery, healing work 10. You are acting in a way to lift up those around you. You create a safe space. 11. You have stage green/ tier 2 view on other people, cultures 12. You are able to self reflect, and improve when you make mistakes 13. You lead your brothers through the darkness of our current era to higher ground 14. You are a good partner, father 15. You have deep roots, and are dependable. 16. You life and act intentionally 17. You love your brothers and sisters (humanity) 18. You provide authentic value to the world… you do not scam, cheat and leech 19. You love yourself 20. Strong sense of boundaries, assertive, strong, high self efficacy and self esteem 21. High emotional, social and adversity intelligence 22. Ability to balance intuition and critical thinking 23. Relatively honest with self and others 24. Forgives and understands the mistakes and shortfalls of his brothers around the world and in difficult circumstances 25. Sees a positive and constructive vision for the future
  3. @Mips Well, you can enjoy a movie even if you know it’s actors. I still enjoy friends and family. Not using psychedelics is fine. You can also try them when you want. Or not. If reality is just consciousness then… well… What do you think about psychedelics? Why do you want to awaken? I think it’s unique to you really.
  4. Yes. I don’t know 100% but I would treat it as a scam.
  5. Hmm, I am wondering here. I don’t know what to say to you. You can realize that all you see, hear, feel, taste and see around you is made of consciousness. You sort of need to grok it yourself. I found DMT to be useful for this. this video helps too
  6. @ZGROPIUS Hey, what do you think Mods can do better? Mods need good feedback just like anyone on here. Yeah, there tends to be a lot of conflict on forums. Everyone here has different opinions, biases, attachments, egos… it is the internet. But, also there are lots of quality conversations being had here.
  7. Locking because this is useless. Let’s focus on constructive threads. There is very little use in debating “what is awareness” “what is consciousness” “what is awakening”. It generally leads to projections bouncing off projections, different vocabulary and experiential data sets that don’t interface adequately. You need to really do the work for yourself. I am locking this just because at this point it’s best to start anything you wanna discuss on a clean slate.
  8. @axiom appearance is consciousness in my words, and it’s not just mear dumb appearance. It’s absolute intelligence. Collapse it all at once
  9. @AsafTheMagniv Or you can but it’s a paradox
  10. @axiom That’s not what I mean by consciousness. By consciousness I mean absolute being. Consciousness = God = Truth = infinity = love
  11. @axiom what does consciousness mean to you?
  12. Imagine we weren’t speaking about any person here, but what the universes potential is for consciousness
  13. @AsafTheMagniv Yes, I am in a dream right now because I am not in an awakened state.
  14. @AsafTheMagniv You are God now. You just don’t know what God is. In terms of my human life, yeah here we are. But, this is a dream. You are God dreaming up reality.
  15. @AsafTheMagniv Yes, but in terms of total awakening… your survival is this mask or game you are playing as a human. You are not a human. You are God. But, you are playing human. This is fine. Awakening and God realization is a domain of reality that transcends survival. There are aspects of awakening which can help improve life. But, also many aspects which are useless. You have to want to pursue truth for its own sake. Yes, in many ways as a human I am working on my life. But, I know that this is just a game I am playing and awakening as Leo describes it is beyond the human and has more to do with raw consciousness and God realization.
  16. @AsafTheMagniv No, awakening has nothing to do with survival. I some ways, developing insight, more consciousness, more emotional mastery, clarity, sober mindedness, clear seeing, etc are all great. But, there are degrees of awakening that transcend all this… that are timeless. Impossible to imagine.
  17. @AsafTheMagniv Maybe Not sure awakening really has anything to do with improvement I don’t think you know what enlightenment and awakening is. I think it goes well beyond these Buddhist ideas of awakening, or whatever. It goes beyond human existence, time, space, the idea of others and even service. I pro improving my life. But, I sense there are degrees of awakening which are not imaginable for many in the forum. Some of which I have experienced. There is no improvement in these states.
  18. No, none of those dualities are "what this place is caught up in" that is such a gross over simplification. God Vs Ego? Truth Vs lie? Etc How is that anything to do with what we are talking bout here? I mean they are tangentially. But, we aren't here spouting dualities off one another.
  19. @UpperMaster It doesn’t matter what I think. I think most of Leo’s principles and insights are pretty powerful. But, you also have to be thinking for yourself. So, it’s good to listen, you’ll have more requisite variety with regards ti theory. Ideas will change over time, what is useless today maybe useful tomorrow. It’s unlikely people will agree with him on everything because we all have different life experiences, tastes, levels of development etc. It’s a good sign when you don’t agree with everything a teacher says
  20. Trust your own conclusions, see what results they bring.
  21. I feel uncomfortable. I don’t want to pose or pretend. I don’t want your approval. I don’t want your love, whatever that is. None of you know me, none of you love me. I am here to love reality. I am here to awaken. To create. I am building my life and understanding of reality. I am not interested in being stock in an dogma, cult, religion, or spiritual system. I want to cut through the bullshit and know. I don’t care if you think I am ignorant, I don’t care if you think I am a fool. I don’t care what Leo thinks of me. I just want to awaken.
  22. I’d rather be in a state of not knowing than know. I do not care what anyone on this forum thinks. I see what people post. If you want to develop the highest possible understanding of reality, you need to embrace how little you know. How many ideas you have that are wrong, partial, corrupt and unquestioned. Even Leo, question him. Consume him, question him, awaken beyond him.
  23. @Leo Gura I don’t know Anyway, not a good time. Post later I need more trips, and more hours of deriving this stuff for myself. Leo has shown me a lot, but I need more hours of contemplation and direct experience. I have a experienced things that would probably emotionally disturb half the forum or more…