Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Let’s keep these silly tests to this thread, and in the off topic section. Posts like this in the other sections will be considered low quality and trolling.
  2. Why don’t you do a little research on your own?
  3. Changa is kinda gross and in my experience weak sauce
  4. Is MDMA safe? I haven't really tried it because I heard it can rob you of your sensitivity to emotions. Haven't really researched it.
  5. @Leo Gura Same
  6. Exquisite Balance We live in a world which is greatly out of balance. We have mental health epidemics, political issues all around the world, religions which no longer serve their original purposes, businesses failing every day, leaders who lack integrity, uneducated and unhealthy people, various ideologies and viruses which have taken hold of a great deal of the population. Let's contemplate many of the areas of human life: Business Personal life Mental Health Spirituality Power and electricity Resources Relationships Finances Community Politics Education Nutrition Ecology Habits Epistemology and world view The quality of our nervous system organs, etc Social Systems Infrastructure Polices, Laws, regulations Each of these areas requires balance. When they become out of balance this causes many problems for the individual and the collective. Each of these areas of life is happening at once. To fully appreciate how difficult it is to balance these complex systems for the individual and the collective one must begin to study systems thinking. A Balancing act is taking place on earth at all points in time. I think there are many life purposes to be made, and lots of money to be earned by solving many of the worlds issues that are leading to this lack of balance on the planet. Let's begin to contemplate what balance is in our personal lives: Relationships Finances Home and work environment Learning and education Rest and recovery Business/ career/ life purpose etc Here is a list of 10 questions you can ask yourself in your contemplations to begin contemplating how to bring more balance to your personal life. I will not be providing questions about the larger systems we are apart of in this post. What areas of my life are currently out of balance? What areas of my life do I need to bring more conscious, awareness and critical thinking towards? How are my finances lacking balance? How can I learn more about personal finance? If I am having depression, anxiety, and emotional difficulties what is leading to this imbalance? (Mind, body, spirit, environment) Am I in balance with my development and what I am trying to achieve? I am balancing theory and practice/ direct experience? How can I balance my body's need for rest and recovery with my desire for work, education, socializing and fun time? How is my home environment in or out of balance? is it clean or messy? Organized or disorganized? How can I bring more balance to this area. How is my world view balanced? Am I aware of my biases? How my mind interprets reality? am I epistemologically responsible? What would an exquisite balance in all areas of my life look like? How valuable is that if I made it a reality?
  7. @acidgoofy I have met people
  8. Try to be a little more mature and wise. In that, I think you are trolling so be warned.
  9. @Zedman or, meet it with a more mature response. They are dangerous and people should be careful. For lots of people they can really be dangerous and harmful, if they are immature, haven’t done enough research, are in a weird spot with their psyche at that point in their life. You are playing with dynamite .
  10. I really don't know enough. I would have to see more things all at once to know if these videos are good or bad. Considering things are already "bad" in many ways.
  11. @DocWatts Your video makes a good point. But, I still think when people do a good thing in a broken system that is a good thing. Forget the story as well, and see a kid feeding other kids despite a broken system. I think feel good stories can be misleading. But, I also think that... this is all very complicated. Anyway, I am willing see see all the perspectives here. I think second thought makes a lot of good points. People are afraid to see the truth. Blinded by the systems they are in. Good Video. I will need to contemplate further. Can't there be fair wages in our society? I still need to learn more. I don't think these videos lead to mass complacency. But that there is already mass complacency. I'd like to see the actual states.. do these videos inspire young people to go clean up their beaches? to study more ? Or make them more complacent?
  12. Mister beast is an entertainer... who also happened to help 1000 people see. What the heck did you do in your life? That being said, Ram Dass was part of a group who helped 100s of thousands of people see. same surgery.
  13. Don't spam these. I think it's good you share them maybe.
  14. There are therapists out there for sure
  15. Use your intelligence and be cautious. But, it makes sense people fear them. People fear death, so..
  16. Reading Leo’s blog post reminded me that…. These substances are for my personal use. I do not promote or encourage people to try them. If people feel inclined to try them that’s their risk. In my early use I fell into many traps I will not discuss here because I know what they are, have contemplated deeply why I fell into these mistakes and have created protocols, and the wisdom to avoid such mistakes in the future. Some tips I found include: 1. Create a safety pre trip protocol list you read before tripping 2. Integrate trips 3. Don’t trip around people unless they know what you are doing 4. Don’t make any decisions while tripping 5. Make sure the pipe isn’t too close to the tripping location 6. Simply so low doses 7. If you are smoking weed chronically, that is a sign to be extra cautious. Psychedelics are not like weed. Totally different beast they will fuck you up. Remember, it only takes one weird decision or mistake while tripping to ruin relationships, lose body parts, jobs, and even your life. It is deeply embarrassing, and totally not worth the trip at ALL if it ruins your life. For these reasons as well, don’t share these substances with others no matter how great you think they are. Even if people ask you for them, or want to trip with you. As a general rule, for 99% of people unless you have deep trust… no. These are dangerous substances. That being said, mistakes may and likely will happen. Learn from these lessons and become a mature, stable pschonaut if that is what you are called to do. Share wise protocols in psychedelic circles.
  17. I like to vape it. Can come on really strong though. I like that however if I’ve done lots of prep, a fast deep dive is nice. But, prefer snorting. Vape pens can let you ease in, but be careful ahaha. You can sip a vape pen. Like a baby sip and then put it down and feel. But, chances are it’s already deeper than you thought. When I use a vape pen I usually just take one deep inhale, hand it to my friend., It can be a very powerful, overwhelming and frightening experience. It’s so radically different and paradoxical at first. Your not used to swimming in such deep water it can feel like the end, how could anything happen after this? But, that’s the paradox of it all. Sorry sort of rambling Yes, vaping is likely to cause trauma more than other methods. As it comes in so fast
  18. @OBEler yeesh, who trip hurt you?
  19. @Alfonsoo A bad trip, or a bad part of a trip can teach you a lot. My most recent mushroom trip lead me to realizing the groundlessness of human communication and how ripe and full everyone here is if their own limited experiences, projections, and maps of symbolic language. Most people here are clueless to the depth in which they walk in. This isn’t an insult but it’s true. You have no idea how deeply full of shit you are, and how deep, nuanced and multiperspetival, infinite, multifaceted, open to infinite interpretation reality is. You project, assume, think you understand, feel you are right, believe in your opinions, believe in those you gave authority too… etc but it’s all a house of cards. The depth of self deception and ignorance that is omnipresent throughout society is terrifying and makes you puke. Very few could stomach how twisted it is. I also saw how people grow, change, have insights, awakenings, learn, change, grow, and move closers to truth and God as they continue to work. But, that was easy, sort of. it was challenging because I was contemplating all of humanity, all at once. As myself. Then, I had to accept the unacceptable about reality, consciousness, humanity. I have to look at the unacceptable, and integrate it into myself and learn to love it. I realized that a state of consciousness exist when consciousness can’t accept itself, and that too is fully accepted by God. I realized a major part of my purpose is to share self acceptance, self care, and self love.
  20. @Scholar Don’t be so sure What are you, inside Leo’s skull? Idk, maybe God realization is simply non-linear, not understood rationally, can’t be proven or explained, makes no sense to human survival based existence, is completely useless, can’t be explained through language from “one human to another”, I have a question for you. What a awakening experiences do you have? How deeply have you contemplated infinity, consciousness, paradox, truth, being, reality? Honestly, you are right. When you realize God… you’ll probably just be like “Yeah, lame, so so”. Leo is just saying, when you have your God Realization you will be awestruck. God, being in loving Awe with itself. Because obviously ahaha but it’s not obvious until you experience it. Reality is an amazing thing. You are an amazing thing you just can’t see it with a calcified and overly skeptical, rational egoic filter on everything. Likely, you can experience Awe if you are learning and being here on the forum.
  21. @ZenAlex That’s not really what he did. He twisted things to fit his frame. Then at the end was like “Yeah, it’s not really a cult and people seem to leave mostly positive comments and the forum is very active” like what?
  22. Breaking through, ah, what a wonderful thing
  23. No magic numbers will win you an easy life