Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Inliytened1 So your going to ask another? Really?
  2. @Leo Gura Cool
  3. @Inliytened1 No, this is a none mod issue. Id actually like to see more seriousness around here.
  4. @Inliytened1 That’s a projection. You guys aren’t actually doing the work. It’s obvious by how dumb this thread is.
  5. @The Mystical Man No, But, also it might. How would you know? Anyway, you aren’t conscious enough to see what I’m saying. Like like when I show you one side of a coin you forget the other exists or something.
  6. What he said he said. Everyone feels different about it. Decide for yourself.
  7. @BipolarGrowth grammar on a casual form. Stop wasting our time.
  8. @Inliytened1 Yeah, sure. Just stop playing dumb games.
  9. Essentially, The work we are doing here is to fully awaken ourselves. This means to practice high level philosophy and embodiment of the highest principles of living a good life. When we do anything in life. We do it with intent, consciousness and love. We are mature, grounded adults. When we trip, or take psychedelics this is the same thing. It is a particular type of endeavour where you can become super fucking conscious beyond that if other people who are sober. A mindful, awake life is to do all things with wisdom and consciousness. Psychedelics are not toys, they are not just “drugs” they are serious tools for serious people. If people wanna be idiots with them, or poopoo them and not take them.. they are idiots, fools, and stupid. Frankly. Stop wasting our time here if that’s what you are gonna do. If you don’t try doing this work seriously, have the humility to say “I don’t know”. Ask questions, be here to learn, stop fucking around with jokes and stupid shit. Be constructive, do the work, come on guys.
  10. @The Mystical Man Because you are a fool. Everything you are saying is horse shit. Don’t be so reductionist
  11. @The Mystical Man Good! Give me something to work with when you respond. How can you equate taking psychedelics to living mindfully? Why would you even ask that?
  12. @The Mystical Man Obviously. No! Don’t be stupid. Why are you wasting your time here if you don’t practice thinking? Living mindfully, why don’t you contemplate that? Maybe, whatever you do you live mindfully. Psychedelics are actual tools for growing yourself. If you don’t get that stop wasting our time with your foolishness.
  13. @The Mystical Man You are a fool to think they are different
  14. @halfknots ? Where do you get this from? I am interested
  15. Can an infinitely creative being dream to bd such a way? - asks human who is such a way
  16. It’s a process. Look up some books on self forgiveness and do the exercises. Also, working on your self esteem and integrity now can help. Also, so can orienting yourself towards the future.
  17. I think it is welcomed. ?
  18. True. I am still contemplating this situation. I want to say I am open to changing my mind, learning, and contemplating different perspectives in this. I initially felt annoyed and a bit sarcastic when I came into this thread. I am working on coming from a more neutral and understanding place.
  19. @supremeyingyang Actually, the rant in question here helped me cut through some of my own bullshit
  20. Be the example you want to set I guess. The forum seems more chill these days overall. Many of the trolls and drama causers are gone. Leo has been more insulting to people lately for whatever reason. He has spoken about this in some videos. Honestly, that sort of way of speaking to people is still something I feel ambiguous about.
  21. Not sure I understand
  22. Clearly the forum. I already gave you the context of others threads at the time. Anyway, my last response. Wish you well.