Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. "Keep you waiting, hour after hour Every night, in your lonely tower Looking down, at all of the wreckage When we met, you never expected And you say, maybe we don't deserve love" - Arcadefire - We Don't Deserve Love You ARE LOVE
  2. @Something Funny Read: The God Memorandum by Og Mandino
  3. Also, having a troll for an image makes me not want to click any link you share
  4. @Something Funny How what?
  5. Learn to work
  6. This song soothes me:
  7. I recently felt connected to my entire city: The buses, building, cars, roads, harbour etc as my own flesh and blood.
  8. I am very un refined in my way of showing up in life. However, I love that.
  9. I had this image of being deeply rooted in: Wisdom Integrity Long Term Thinking Emotional Mastery Healthy Boundaries Sober Living The high level use of psychedelic substances for awakening, healing and deep appreciation of reality and consciousness Feeling perfectly healthy in my body Feeling happy for no reason Letting Go of the toxic drive for dumb stuff that is all around us Becoming extremely of value in society Despite the issues around me. I grow deep roots. Soon, in years time I flourish. There are many challenges I face. Yet, I persist and through these challenges I will become a man. I am already 27… in many ways my development is out of sorts. However, I know I can pull this thing together and build a powerful life.
  10. I can't see it clearly. How many humans are there? What are accurate statistics on this kind of thing? How common is toxic shame? Guilt? Negative emotions? Addiction? Trauma? This is a deep, holistic, mind body and systems problem that involves a great deal all at once.
  11. A major point to be made in all this work is: 1. Long Term thinking 2. Direct Experience 3. Read and study deeply 4. If you can afford it invest in professional help 5. Make High Quality Distinctions 6. Use each day to refine yourself to higher and higher levels of personal mastery 7. Take full responsibility for your life: Your self love, your self care, your happiness 8. Fill yourself with love. The question is not "OH why oh why does reality not give me the love I crave" or "How can I get more love from society" But, "How can I love reality?" "How can I be a leader in love?" "How can I love through all the guilt, the shame, the blaming, the skapegoating, the lying the bullshit. How can I love all of it? and be a light to humanity?" We live in a sea of toxic emotions, addictions, shame, trauma, bullshit, conspiracy theories and nonesense. Bunker down. Grow deep roots. I still don't know very much and I make errors all the time. I am very young and stupid. But I am committed to life long learning and we all should be very humble.
  12. @Yimpa This is the part of your functioning I would call a healthy shame. I don't know the reality of your accident. Healthy shame is part of human social cohesion. It helps when we make mistakes, are in accidents, fights etc. Toxic shame is something else entirely which is the point I am making with this opening thread. All the toxic shame we got from our conditioning should be left behind. But, we should begin to contemplate and bring awareness to our shame and how it works in our lives. For those of us who are deep in toxic shame we might not be ready to hear about the fact that healthy shame exists. This is fine. You should know that it DOES exist. That, all your emotions exists for good reason. However, they can become toxic if misused. We live in a sick society. So, do not look to others for a deep understanding of shame. Healing The Shame that Binds You I have read many books on forgiveness, shame, trauma. I am only just beginning my study and my work. This is a deep and profound area of study for me. I see so much addiction, pain, suffering in myself and in those around me. This is a very big problem in our society.
  13. @Javfly33 Yeah okay like he really knows. I still know little. But, I am not pulling my ideas out of my no where. Hawkins stuff is useful… but I think you will find it fails underneath the strain of human psychology
  14. @The Blind Sage No man those are definitely just your labels and framing on how YOU use those words. I personally don’t see the value in framing those two words like that. How people use there words is murky
  15. @Javfly33 no.. who cares what Hawkins said. That knowledge or even desires to not get in trouble in society is what I am calling healthy shame.
  16. Still getting used to my mod layout. Sometimes I click “edit” instead of “quote”. When I exit out it leaves that I edited the post though I changed nothing. Just my big dumb thumbs.
  17. Give it a try and post results below! --- What is Qigong? Qigong (pronounced "chee-gong") is a holistic system of coordinated body posture, movement, breathing, and meditation that is practiced for health, spirituality, and martial arts training. The term Qigong is composed of two Chinese words: Qi (pronounced "chee"), which means life force or vital energy, and Gong (pronounced "gung"), which means skill or work. The practice of Qigong has its roots in Chinese philosophy, traditional medicine, and martial arts, and it is believed to have been developed over thousands of years. It is based on the principle that the body, mind, and breath are intimately connected and that the flow of Qi can be manipulated to promote health, balance, and harmony. There are many different styles and forms of Qigong, each with its own unique practices and techniques. Some forms of Qigong focus on gentle movements, while others emphasize stillness and meditation. Some forms are designed for specific health conditions, while others are used for martial arts training. Qigong is often practiced in group settings or in classes led by a trained instructor. It can also be practiced on one's own, and many people integrate Qigong into their daily routines as a way to maintain health and well-being. Scientific studies have shown that Qigong practice can have a range of health benefits, including reducing stress, improving immune function, lowering blood pressure, and improving balance and flexibility. Additionally, many practitioners of Qigong report feeling a greater sense of peace, calm, and vitality as a result of their practice.
  18. We need to do work that is top down (cognitive behaviours) and bottom up (Somatic Practice). Qigong can be used in part of a toolbox to do that work. But, for these types of issues it's a much deeper and complex process of healing. Like, I find Qigong relaxing but I still have stresses and challenges that require direct experience, feeling, and facing those challenges through direct experience with consciousness.
  19. Haven't watched a show in years
  20. Reading these threads is so interesting to me. Everyone is so full of shit. Most of us here just simply don't know. You think you know. But you just don't know. You hardly understand any of the things you think you know. Why are you so attached to one path vs another? How much do you really know? How much is just your own personal bias? How much of the situation are you seeing? How many interpretations are possible here which you haven't thought of? Regardless, I think the comparing Leo and Frank is nonesense. I just don't see it. Franks content is fun, but what is there? There is no real depth. It is very human though.
  21. You know how much shit I got from family and friends about practicing and training to teach Qigong? 0 shits given this practice is helping me so much. I've had people break down in tears of joy after a practice. so, it's worth it.