Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @axiom Awakening and spirituality is not just activity of mind, as to be some arbitrary thing. It’s pretty important I think to develop a deep understanding of reality and God. Sort of, the biggest deal. What’s not a big deal is petty human shit.
  2. Self love. By learning to love reality instead of need it to love us back.
  3. This is true. I’d like to see a comment on his recent outbursts actually. I feel ambiguous about the comments when he has been angry with the trolls. But, I also think he has dealt really well. I know I’d be upset if people constantly accused me of being a cult leader, of encouraging suicide of my followers, and all the other things people throw at him. I know that it’s not mentally healthy long term to just act like you aren’t upset or pissed with people, when you actually are. It could be the healthiest thing for him to actually be authentic in those moments. I think he is just going to be himself, authentic etc. Sometimes you just got to tell assholes they need to fuck off. Being a spiritual teacher or life coach doesn’t mean you need to be a doormat, or let people walk over you all the time. I’ve only ever had respectful interactions with Leo, but I also don’t actively troll, gaslight, and accuse him of nasty things. I may not agree with him… but just like in your day to day life… if someone was constantly harassing you…. You’d probably tell them to fuck off. Also, a lot of you guys have that exact double standard. You’ve never seen other spiritual leaders in a room full of people accusing him of nasty shit, telling him to stop making his work and teachings, telling him he is evil, deluded, wrong, Acting with ill intent, etc… imagine any other person not even spiritual teacher having that happen over and over and over again… he is a human and will get fucking upset. There was a guy here a couple weeks back, going on and on about Leo’s “recent out bursts”… who then had a far worse outburst speaking to me in a private message… so, you know we need to be able to hold ourselves to a higher standard as well if we want Leo to do so. I will continue to let myself observe. I don’t really think it’s a big deal.
  4. What are are the principles, concepts, ideas, and resources that exist out there that can be used to overcome difficult situations in life? Life can be hard some times, and we should have the mindset and resources to deal with these situations. I have some books in mind I will list, but I always like to see what other people have in mind as well. Life can be tough. But, if we are committing to life long learn and have a long time horizon we can achieve things. I believe this.
  5. @Nilsi sounds like a good book
  6. @Nilsi I’m still new to the idea. But there is a lot in there as a newbie already that I value like… how to masturbate really well instead of how most young men have been trained. Ive had the full body orgasm he talks about but it’s so different from what I’ve grown up doing.
  7. I recommend asking chat GPT What are the top 100 books for honouring my life?
  8. @Twega Books for Honouring Your Life: 1. Code of the Extraordinary Mind - Vishen Lahkiani 2. The Art of Loving - Erich Fromm 3. Pathways to Perfect Living - Vernon Howard 4. Mystic Path to Cosmic Power - Vernon Howard 5. The Greatest Salesman in The World -Og Mandino 6. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason 7. Adversity Quotient by ? 8. Guide to Rational Living by ? 9. The Success Principles - Jack Canfield 10. Loving What Is - Byron Katie 11. Total Forgiveness - R.T Kendall 12. How to be an adult in love - David Richo 13. Personal Finance for Dummies 14. Simple Qigong - Mantak Chia and Lee Holden 15. Full Catastrophe Living - Jon Kabat Zin 16. Multi-orgasmic Man - Mantak Chia and more
  9. Solipsim is true And people are not empty vessels. They are just as full as you!
  10. Good points. Nothing I say is gonna change anyone’s mind. I personally don’t care if he occasionally cusses out some assholes. At the same time, I am trying to observe everything objectively.
  11. @StarStruck It’s his forum not “the internet” Like, I am not saying to lick his ass. Just, notice how much shit gets directed to him here. Yet, he keeps going, gratitude for something you enjoy.
  12. People think they can come to a forum a guy runs, verbally abuse him all they want and if he reacts they get upset, play victim. Generally, I do not condone that type of language but at the same time. Thank you Leo for keeping the forum open despite all the assholes you deal with. I enjoy my time here with you all. I respect Leo and understand why he is upset.
  13. @Leo Gura Ram Dass talks a lot about his Guru, very interesting story that guy must have been a genetic freak.
  14. @MisterNobody There is just reality as it appears. Not even solipsism exactly. Just pure consciousness un restrained. But, it's dreaming it's human. The infinite dreamer. There is no external reality at all. It's more like, everyone including you is happening in consciousness. It's all the dream. Everyone is just you. All duality and difference is imaginary. It's 100%, as if there was others. It makes no difference. It's fun to contemplate and play with. Thats part of the dream. But, in the end it's useless to think about. Reality as a human is a dream, in which others are real. But, if you fully awaken to realize you created the entire fucking dream, you realize you are alone. But, as a human others might as well be real from your perspective. If it makes you depressed, you don't get it. YOU are a distinction in consciousness. OTHER is a distinction in consciousness. It's all good. Smoke soom nnDMT and maybe you will see what I mean when a door opens up literally from the field of perception into an impossible dimension or the walls melt and a face talks to you. When you reveal to yourself you are the infinite Now. All is here, NOW.
  15. @MisterNobody You can change the title if you wanted. Instead of false advertising.
  16. Solved once and for all isn't the same as speculation