Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @MisterNobody I hope you realize how much of an arrogant fool you come off as sometimes. It helps when learning from someone to empty your cup.
  2. I have to admit something, even though I respect Leo very deeply, and I say this as in humour... When I check to see if Leo is active on the forum I think "Is grumpy on?" and it's funny to me. I know, he may not be grumpy but sometimes I think he might be... just a little.
  3. Week can be great for insights. Rumi also has poems where he speaks of getting really drunk or high and having insights. Just one poem of many, one perspective on things of many.
  4. @Moksha Maybe it is ego, selfishness and trying to make you look and feel as if you are better than others. Or, if you are a teacher students who knows what awakening is, you may need to tell them. "Hey, look. I can see where you guys are at and you are not awake. I know, because I actually became awake and I can simply see you are not awake." In that case, a teacher must tell his students that he is awake, and stress this point. Leo isn't framing his teachings like other teachers and is trying to cut through the bullshit Buddhist/ New age ideas of awakening. I personally cannot confirm his awakening, at this moment. But, It is clear to me he is more awake and a better thinker than many other spiritual teachers. Especially the people on this forum. No fucking way they are awake. To proclaim one's truth, is not necessarily an act of Ego. Also, this Ego nonsense is problematic and is often used as a tool to gaslight people from sharing their insights, developing themselves, or saying what they know to be true. It needs to be said with care, when we accuse someone of "acting from ego".
  5. My view on your Realizations 1. This is false. Saying you are more awake than others does not need to be egoic, but can simply be true. You may reach a point where you realize that you are the most conscious being in existence. When, and if you realize this, then if you say it's the case then it would be true. Others though, cannot verify this for you. Which is challenging. 2. Yes, taking offence at someone saying they are more awake than you, is ego. Even here I foresee come caviats 3. Sure. I actually think the more awake you become, maybe the more boundaries dissolve, but at the the say time more high quality distinctions are made. I am not convinced it's purely that awakening or enlightenment is to dissolve boundaries. I think that is more buddhist framing. Thinking, knowing making high quality distinctions are also a part of becoming more awake. At least, in some aspects of the awakening process, as a human being. To learn to think, be wise, intelligent, use wise discernment etc are to me, signs of a deeply awakened and wise person. At the highest levels of my own awakenings, and I am not saying I am awake... It's ineffable how One, it all is. But, each awakening I've had has lead me to making higher and higher quality distinctions within the oneness as a human. 4. Sure 5. True 6. Maybe. This is assuming that all experiences are equal, symmetrical in value to understanding God and awakening. I would say that is false. There are higher states of knowing that simply aren't accessible to most people, and buddhists especially so... They just like to imagine that all states are an equal playing field. This is false. 7. Buddhist Framing. This framing is also in some Hindu and other types of spiritual framing. I am not sure there is a purpose of life. But, I do myself create the meaning that the purpose of my life personally, is to live masterfully and be deeply loving and contribute to the world. But, this is a meaning I have created. For me, life is a love simulator. I am choosing to create for myself the most powerful framing I can. Which, does include aspects of this buddhist framing but, transcends it.
  6. Everything all at once. Everything Now!
  7. @LSD-Rumi He says Wine, Weed and sleep put us into a sleep. They numb essentially is how I perceive the poem. Wine makes us leave the two worlds, weed lowers our ability to be self conscious and sleep puts us to sleep.
  8. @MisterNobody How do you describe God?
  9. @r0ckyreed There is truth to what you are saying I think. However, there are tools and practices to reveal to you the nature of God, that is not understood through intellectual process, but by direct realization and being. In these states of consciousness God reveals itself to itself. Just because it's dreaming most of the time, it can reveal itself to it's human self in a way that the human self can grok things about God's nature to itself.
  10. @r0ckyreed There is not real english word for this. God Knows itself, by Being Itself. It knows itself perfectly. If it didn't know itself, completely it would be a retard. God, as infinite intelligence and consciousness completely know's itself, even if it is a mystery to itself. God is also the one thing that doesn't need to prove to itself that it knows itself because it knows itself so well if never needs to prove it to itself.
  11. Well, I asked chatGPT and it said: "ChatGPT and other language models like it are highly advanced tools that can assist writers in various ways. However, I do not believe that they will replace creative writers. While language models can generate content and even mimic writing styles, they lack the ability to think critically, feel emotions, and draw on personal experiences and perspectives that are essential in creative writing. Creative writing is a highly complex and subjective art form that requires imagination, intuition, and a deep understanding of human nature. A language model like ChatGPT can help with tasks such as generating ideas, editing, and even providing inspiration, but it cannot replace the unique voice and creativity of a human writer. Furthermore, writing is not only about the end product, but also about the process of creation. Writing is a deeply personal and therapeutic act that can help individuals explore and express their thoughts and emotions. While a language model can assist with technical aspects of writing, it cannot replicate the personal journey of self-discovery and growth that comes with creative writing. In summary, ChatGPT and other language models are valuable tools that can assist writers in various ways, but they cannot replace the unique creativity, imagination, and human experience that is at the heart of creative writing."
  12. @r0ckyreed Or, maybe some people do know what God is, because we are God and somehow obviously God must know itself. @MisterNobody When I say God is Consciousness, I don't think I am saying it's "Awareness". Awareness is something that exists in consciousness or is imagined as part of a dream, as does intelligence. The idea of awareness is to create a duality of subject and object which is imagined. If God wasn't consciousness, then how could it be intelligence? Without a ground of being, trueness, etc how could you have intelligence? Consciousness, is infinitely intelligent and God. Consciousness is not something a human is having, but, is God itself. It can take many different forms (an infinite amount). Now, you are conscious right now. That is really the truest thing. To imagine God as something else is sort of silly if you think about it. But, if you smoke some DMT, maybe a week later snort a little 5meodmt, take a few mature trips with these substances, or even have a near death experience etc... Yeah, you start to see that what concousness is is far bigger than being a human, far bigger than logic, far bigger than being human. The problem with words like "Awareness" "Consciousness" and even "intelligence" is when that is an idea grounded naive realism, and the idea of an external physical world, which is perceived by sense organs. Essentially, materialism limits these words down to something mechanistic, rational, human, biological, scientific, etc... But, What God is, is consciousness. It's not human, it doesn't exist anywhere, its not really anything, it just literally is what is the case. What is the case, is consciousness. Consciousness is God, Consciousness is being, Consciousness is infinity, Consciousness is intelligence, Consciousness creates and imagines all distinctions which allow intelligence to be possible. For there to be intelligence there must be duality, and the duality must take place within a ground of being, or essential essence which is true under all circumstances. There is a strangeloop grokking that needs to be had here. That would be... Consciousness. Which is why Solipsism is true, because God is Consciousness. So, whatever is the case that is true under all circumstances is that which is conscious, or that which is. The problem I have is, you can't really put it into words or prove it. You really just need to Grok it. The grokking takes time, and can happen at deeper and deeper levels. I am still vey young in my contemplations and explorations in understanding God, understanding the deepness of reality.
  13. Great Report! You have a beautiful way of describing this experience. I felt like I was reading my own trip report.
  14. Kseny is actually the Qigong Sauce guys, you gotta try it out.
  15. As someone who has tried and actively trying different techniques, I can say that a psychedelic can show you things that meditation can not. A lot of you guys here like to posture as if you know. But you really don't. I personally, do not know what I don't know. But, I do know that different techniques result in different results. I've read many books on meditation, and practice regulary. It's not for awakening. Meditation is not for awakening. It's for increasing your consciousness, mindfulness, inner peace, learning to feel your Qi, and can be used in part with reading self help, self inquiry, contemplation, and life experience to improve life. Or, you can just learn to love sitting, and meditating. Meditation, self inquiry, yoga, Qigong, breathwork, self reflection, etc are all great practices. But, they are not the awakening Leo is speaking about. Categorically different efforts. But, it's not a psychedelic which literally changes the "Brain chemistry" instantly and dramatically. That, psychedelic awakening has shown me things, that I can't put into words but are true. That, frankly make some of your claims that Awakening is this simply buddhist idea of meditation, or even self inquiry is just dumb. God is something so amazing it transcends any human forms of spiritual practice. You are not human. Human spirituality is a dream. Which is fine, it's just not awake. You can't possibly know what another person has awoken to unless you yourself awake to it. That is the nature of studying and practicing awakening. In order to understand it you must do it. If Leo has indeed awoken to some Alien God Consciousness which is what we are, then that is the case. If he hasn't, well how would you know unless you did it? See, you sort of just need to be humble, question all your spiritual, epistemological, metaphysical framings. As new forms of spirituality are developed, practiced and introduced to you, me and the world I think it is healthy to be humble, open minded and also skeptically healthy. Many of you think you know what infinity is, awakening is, what spirituality is, what God is, what meditation is, what self inquiry is, what consciousness is... But you don't. You don't and the more I study, practice, awaken and grow the more this is obvious to me.
  16. @Inliytened1 Meditation is useful. But, it's not being AWAKE.
  17. I've been contemplating my use of the forum, feeling it out, self reflecting. I have decided that, of course I will continue to moderate the form. However, for my use here when I am engaging with you guys... If I deem you are a drama causer, or you are disrespectful, trolling, immature and don't respect my time on your threads then I will stop engaging with some of you guys. I've grown a lot, and have a lot of value I can offer to you. But, if you speak to me like a petty fool, I am not engaging. I have decided that I want to enjoy the use of the form, and I want to focus on constructive and higher conscious threads.
  18. Way to shit on some of the best spiritual tools out there. Okay, I took a week break from posting because I was feeling like I was getting to caught up in peoples bullshit. I've made two comments since my return, and both I regret it. Okay, I am taking another post break for a week. Will pop my head in from time to time.
  19. @LSD-Rumi Thats totally off topic and none of your business. I will just observe your psychedelic use going forward and stay out of it. Just stay safe and develop wisdom with your tripping.
  20. It's alright. We have to learn the mature way of using these substances. Just, be very careful. Some mistakes when using these substances really can't be reversed (Like hurting ourselves or others.) Go slow, take a break from tripping and contemplate how you want to go about using them. This means tripping protocols, integration protocols, what books maybe you could read about good tripping protocols. Stay safe.