Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Raf Snorting isn't too bad if your technique is good. What, it takes like 5 or 10 minutes? I don't normally time it. I just snort, and go into fetal position on my bed. I just sit, breath, and feel.
  2. I identity politics stuff is just surface level. It's really about trauma, mental illness and peoples ability to totally deceive themselves. Now, maybe he was always trans or had gender dysforia since a young age and he was several abused and traumatized by what happened to him as a kid and that school. There is no reason to shoot kids and student. I know that person who did the shooting went to that christian school when he was a kid. There is a lot of mental illness in trans community. There is a lot of mental illness in the west right now in general. Try not to demonize Trans people. But, also notice how much bullshit there is there.
  3. @Breakingthewall I went through a deep phase of seeing how much I am an idiot over past couple years. Been growing a lot.
  4. I was like “Oh thank Fuck, I can just relax and love myself. I thought others were real. Now I realize they are me I will just love me”.
  5. @spiritual memes @Water by the River In the end, every tool can be used as you wish. Psychedelics can be used maturely without messing someone’s life. They are a field of mastery like anything. It should be obvious not all tools or practices can be treated the same way. Every practice will come with pros and cons and it’s own unique safety precautions. My personal view is, psychedelics are powerful tools for deep awakening. Their use when done maturely over time, with proper integration periods, they can be great. But, yes risky. I do have an understanding of the difference between absolute and relative truth though. It’s just fresh. Anyway, all for now for us on this conversation.
  6. @Raf Quality 5meomalt is closer to white. I enjoy snorting it. Start low, to be safe.. 5-10…. Last one is up to you. Personally did it alone.
  7. People are generally idiots and dysfunctional
  8. Or, read a book like: There is a Way Out by Vernon Howard or Warrior of Light by Paulo Coehlo These books are Amal bite sized chunks of wisdom. Other good ones like this are: Daily Laws by Robert Green Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by ? These books are little bite sized books where you can read a single page to get the whole idea. They are also easy to finish and add to a feeling of satisfaction when you read the book. Start with small short books, that are fun l, satisfying and interesting, that each day you read it inspires you.
  9. @spiritual memes Well, then meditation doesn’t increase baseline state either. If you stop practicing for a year then… you’ll lose your gains. You must not be watching Leo’s videos on a regular basis or in completion. Leo talks about all kinds of things. He mentions exactly what I said above a lot. Just because some episodes are focused on tripping doesn’t mean he doesn’t stress the importance of other practices. When he talks about deepest awakenings, yeah that’s psychedelics. Doesn’t mean meditation isn’t useful. and your last comment. You don’t know. These things require contemplation as well. Not just sitting or tripping. Baseline state is increased by a combination of practices, tools, and habits used on a regular basis. No single technique will increase baseline state.
  10. @spiritual memes You are wrong about psychedelics not increasing baseline state. Mushrooms for example removed any glimpse of suicidal thought from my mind for 3 months afterward and one trip was a major life improvement. This was a baseline improvement. Some of the states offered by tripping you don’t want to be in all the time. that’s why they are bottled up in substance, not constant. Leo, in my view clearly teaches to balance manual spiritual practices and psychedelics. Don’t distort what he teaches. If you trip but don’t contemplate, and do manual spiritual practice you might as well be a retard. You don’t understand the distinctions, nuances and paradoxes of relative and absolute truth.
  11. Going on this trip together rabbit hole goes on forever
  12. @JellyDogShoe_1Mil Sure, that’s nothing new to me. But, Thai field of awareness… is dreaming and the finite consciousness which is me, this human intelligence is still learning and growing and awakening to understand itself ever deeper. Waking up, realizing things like time, space, external reality, others etc are things I’m constructing is a lot deeper than just “awareness man”
  13. @JellyDogShoe_1Mil Well, Maybe one day you’ll be surprised. Your framing could very easily lead to a retardation of one’s spiritual potential. Sure, you exist. You are reality. But… you can awaken deeper and deeper into it. There’s a lot more here than just “you exist”. Yes, you exist. But…. Personally there’s something of the depth of realization that I’ve observed and still, I feel dumbfounded. I am sensing a Buddhist framing here. Contrary to Buddhist framing I do think there’s is great depth to reality, there are types of awakenings that are deep, profound and meaningful and… yeah
  14. Thank you Leo
  15. @JellyDogShoe_1Mil Depends how deeply you wanna know
  16. @JellyDogShoe_1Mil Yeah okay, tell me that when you have a deep awakening
  17. At the same time, I know I had some pretty deep insights and awakenings. It's still, mysterious
  18. Honestly I still feel like I don’t know anything sometimes
  19. I do find it confusion. These AI are creativity video games, amazing art, have become experts in psychology, coding, law, etc It’s not clear what it will change. But, it is clear that learning to use the AI, and also developing your own intelligence and learning to do deep work will be important. speaking broadly about every information or knowledge based industry
  20. Go to a cafe once a day, get out of the house and just bring the book, some tunes and a timer ⏱ on the phone