Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. I recommend asking chat GPT What are the top 100 books for honouring my life?
  2. @Twega Books for Honouring Your Life: 1. Code of the Extraordinary Mind - Vishen Lahkiani 2. The Art of Loving - Erich Fromm 3. Pathways to Perfect Living - Vernon Howard 4. Mystic Path to Cosmic Power - Vernon Howard 5. The Greatest Salesman in The World -Og Mandino 6. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason 7. Adversity Quotient by ? 8. Guide to Rational Living by ? 9. The Success Principles - Jack Canfield 10. Loving What Is - Byron Katie 11. Total Forgiveness - R.T Kendall 12. How to be an adult in love - David Richo 13. Personal Finance for Dummies 14. Simple Qigong - Mantak Chia and Lee Holden 15. Full Catastrophe Living - Jon Kabat Zin 16. Multi-orgasmic Man - Mantak Chia and more
  3. Solipsim is true And people are not empty vessels. They are just as full as you!
  4. Good points. Nothing I say is gonna change anyone’s mind. I personally don’t care if he occasionally cusses out some assholes. At the same time, I am trying to observe everything objectively.
  5. @StarStruck It’s his forum not “the internet” Like, I am not saying to lick his ass. Just, notice how much shit gets directed to him here. Yet, he keeps going, gratitude for something you enjoy.
  6. People think they can come to a forum a guy runs, verbally abuse him all they want and if he reacts they get upset, play victim. Generally, I do not condone that type of language but at the same time. Thank you Leo for keeping the forum open despite all the assholes you deal with. I enjoy my time here with you all. I respect Leo and understand why he is upset.
  7. @Leo Gura Ram Dass talks a lot about his Guru, very interesting story that guy must have been a genetic freak.
  8. @MisterNobody There is just reality as it appears. Not even solipsism exactly. Just pure consciousness un restrained. But, it's dreaming it's human. The infinite dreamer. There is no external reality at all. It's more like, everyone including you is happening in consciousness. It's all the dream. Everyone is just you. All duality and difference is imaginary. It's 100%, as if there was others. It makes no difference. It's fun to contemplate and play with. Thats part of the dream. But, in the end it's useless to think about. Reality as a human is a dream, in which others are real. But, if you fully awaken to realize you created the entire fucking dream, you realize you are alone. But, as a human others might as well be real from your perspective. If it makes you depressed, you don't get it. YOU are a distinction in consciousness. OTHER is a distinction in consciousness. It's all good. Smoke soom nnDMT and maybe you will see what I mean when a door opens up literally from the field of perception into an impossible dimension or the walls melt and a face talks to you. When you reveal to yourself you are the infinite Now. All is here, NOW.
  9. @MisterNobody You can change the title if you wanted. Instead of false advertising.
  10. Solved once and for all isn't the same as speculation
  11. @axiom Okay, and this has to do with healthy boundaries in relationships, or judging the fools of the world how? It's like you, are speaking from a deep core, but we are discussing relative things.
  12. @axiom Sure, but do you journal and contemplate or just meditate? What does that have to do with you, yourself putting healthy boundaries in your life? Thoughts arise, they come and go, and they you generally can't "Control them" exactly. However, at the exact same time you can decide. You can decide to meditate, you learn, to go to bed, go to school, to educate yourself, etc. You ARE ALIVE! Live, think, and meditation is good too. I think it's a mistake to say, just because you meditate, and now you see thoughts coming and going from no where that... You can't make quality decisions. When you read my words, think, and then you respond to it. You can also respond of your given data base, axioms, opinions, biases and past experiences. You don't have complete free will. This is why we have: Morons, idiots, mentally ill, people because... We have our own minds, our own limitations. That being said, you can decide. This lack of free will is why books, and teachers are important. But so is direct experience, contemplation, visualization.
  13. @axiom Okay, so stop wiping your ass I guess, we can't make decisions. Kidding. Don't let some philosophy you have about free will mess with your mind too much. You can choose to not let mentally ill people, fools and idiots in your life time. If you are stuck with them, you can make a plan to change the situation.
  14. @axiom You can make decisions. Not sure what aspect you are speaking of what I said.
  15. I think the real challenge, that I struggle with is demonizing people. That is the real problem. However, it's important we develop keen discernment about people. It's important to begin to recognize fools, idiots, the mentally ill, etc and avoid/ handle them with skill and care. This doesn't mean we don't love them. Those of us who have suffered from being a fool, or mentally ill understand these people because we ourselves have been there. But, if we are serious about developing our lives we should learn to see them, and know how to operate in life with the fact that these people exist. Love everybody, but the highest forms of love for a human involve boundaries. Ideally, we bring high quality people into our lives. I personally know I want to make more friendships. But, I am also cutting people out of my life who I think are idiots, fools, mentally ill, drama starters, etc because, it just drains me from focusing on my personal growth and visioning for my life.
  16. Solipsim doesn’t matter. I do not care about it.
  17. @MisterNobody No stupid questions Nothing is hidden, it just changes form
  18. Rapid fire psychedelic use! Be careful.
  19. How many Buddhist’s have committed suicide? Not to mention the one who set himself on fire! People unfortunately kill themselves. I don’t believe you can blame Leo?