Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Maybe. Or maybe making quality distinctions is important.
  2. When it comes down to it… money is the life blood of human civilization. There is a lot of money to be made, being rich is very spiritual. Focus on providing massive amounts of value to the world. God wants you to be rich.
  3. When you learn to face truth if a thing in human domain… like developing a skill set you will see how much failure is involved.
  4. @Oso First, start taking action. Basically, you gain clarity and confidence in your decisions by making them. Being confused, unsure etc IS going to be a common occurrence even for those with lots of clarity Best Resources: 1. Leo’s life purpose course 2. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield 3. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelo There are chapters is Jacks book where he gets you to begin making it explicit to yourself what it is you want in life. Clarity, life purpose etc are something developed by regular action, practice and doing the work. It will come if you just trust in the process. Don’t let a feeling of being uncertain lead you to feeling helpless. It takes time. Enjoy the process. You are creating your own life! It’s supposed to be challenging. You’ll get there and I will to. I have more clarity than ever. But, only because I have decided to persist until I succeed. Find time to read, to contemplate. Cut out distractions and get you know your own mind
  5. We already have a thread with this video
  6. Obvious we are not Carnivores because we simply aren’t?
  7. This one is good too
  8. I like this guy's energy and life advice. Very Basic, good energy.
  9. So, I just want to share some information and a disclaimer on myself. Though I consider myself relatively mental healthy I do sometimes feel strong negative emotions. During these down periods I sometimes have suicidal thoughts and I have expressed them here in the past. I want to issue a disclaimer that I do not condone suicide. I share real struggles I've dealt with since my youth. These types of thoughts somehow got wired into my brain through either my genes or my up bringing. I believe in honouring my life. Really, I share the negative thoughts because I want to be real and also share my progress as I go about healing these types of thought patterns. They are a trauma and a dysfunction I deal with. I think it's actually a whining sort of spiritual bypassing fantasy where I could completely replace what is with my fantasy of how I would like it. It's neurotic. I will improve in this regards and love myself more and be more kind. I will also do the things I need to do to get to where I want to go and just be patient and persistent. I believe in living my life to the fullest. Suicide is not something I will ever do. It is a thought I need to heal around through more consciousness, love and self reflection. I take my role as a mod seriously and part of that is being a leader around mental health. We need to keep ourselves healthy and treat each other well. Let's make this a place that promotes the highest quality mental health we can have and nothing less. Self Love is the most important thing. If you could be one thing, be well. It's okay to have ups and downs as long as we are working on our downs through regular self reflection. I am well. And if you are not feeling well right now just breath, take it easy. Being kind to what is. This too shall pass. This too shall pass. You continue to grow. Rest is important. I am working on always working from a place of inner wellness. That is home base. I am there more and more frequently as I improve my cognitive function through regularly journaling, self reflection, reading, direct experience, trial and error. It's a process of discovery, and it involves failure and ups and downs. But, I basically know that my number one goal is to love what is.
  10. @Yimpa oh no I have been taken plenty of hits ? I just know there is more
  11. Actualized to infinity and beyond!
  12. Honestly, the fact that the Dali Lama is supposed to be celibate raises red flags for me.
  13. @Paul5480 Direct insight into the nature of God. No where to go. All differences are imaginary. Mind is all.
  14. @Dauntment I feel better now about work. Just went through a stressful sense of uncertainty. But, I am over it now. Just needed some rest, and a mindset shift and it's been night and day. In order to grow we have to go through stress. Direct experience and challenges do this. I am not socially awkward. But, like anyone have room for improvement in this area. I can actually be very socially in tune.