Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Majed no, animals eat other animals. Even herbivores sometimes
  2. @Schizophonia Sativa is nice
  3. Could be anyone
  4. Interesting. I simply don't know what is going on.
  5. @Leo Gura Lol oh well I guess... hmmm, interesting. So it's a con? So Martin is just tripping on mushrooms? I listened to the podcast of Martin interviewing these people.... He sounded a little sketchy. My damn assumptions
  6. Can you clarify please?
  7. You are ahead by a centuryyyy
  8. Just seeing this btw
  9. I don’t really know Creating a fake product and fake claims is a damn bad business idea… the psychedelic community isn’t that large. Would be really bad for them. I know very little about the substance and organization. I am open to whatever is true… Seems unlikely to me they are trying to scam and con people. But, I have no idea.
  10. @Girzo Well… many people have experience with both shrooms and 5meo… you’d think Martin Ball would know the difference.
  11. @Girzo okay don’t be a jerk here though. The cost of materials to make something doesn’t matter. What matters is the results. There are man hours that go into running websites, accounting, paying rent, keeping the lights on, paying staff, etc… it’s not really 6 dollars per ounce to get it to the customer or…. Church follower. I don’t have a solid opinion on it yet. But, I like the idea of the church and of the 5meo mushroom. Making money isn’t an issue to me. What matters is they have a quality product, that is at least affordable and that people are able to access higher states because of their work.
  12. I got the book. It’s alright so far. He is really stressing in the early pages that I may not understand him.
  13. @Girzo Hmm, but growing mushrooms is dangerous. Plus, it’s 5meo mushrooms
  14. Are you serious?
  15. @Enigma777 I agree with you and I also have some differences. I like what you say in the first two sentences. No, he wasn't "Crazy" and "Gone" and "Insane" because it was an induced straight. His only problem was that was going way to fast. He should of made more friends and gone the path of like... vlogging a trip to some cool retreat centre where he did auyaska. Instead of going in along in the hedonistic, rushed, immature way he did which ultimately lead to his downfall. He is a really open minded guy. It's not easy to make a difference between his playfulness, creativity, comedy or his awakening/ mental instability or his selfishness, foolishness and immaturity., etc... For someone like that, I think opening his mind would be super challenging as the lines between reality and creativity blur. He really should just start with a beginners mind. Go slow. Observe others. Spirituality and awakening is a slow process and it's challenging. Rushing super deep, not following protocols for tripping, over-consuming psychedelics can be a common newbie error. People, like Connor, tend to think they are stronger, smarter, too wise, to clean minded that a psychedelic could ever effect them that much. "Other people, but not me". No. I heard Connor in one of his videos say that "psychedelics make you super awake and aware" or something like this. So, he thought that he was really just getting more and more awake and confusing his confusion for a higher truth or sanity. Psychedelics and spiritual teachings can totally destabilize you and make it so everyone around you thinks you are crazy. Often, especially for newbs you are acting weird, perhaps even dangerously and people around you have no idea what do make of it. All they know is that you took substances they know nothing about and then you starting acting insane. .... Not a good look for spirituality and psychedelics. This is why I stress going slow with psychedelics. Allowing proper integration times. Making sure you trip in a space that has no dangers around you. etc. Be safe and Namaste! I may check out the video. But, I also watched it happen live. Like, I saw things happen as they did. I've even watched interviews. I suspect he may be doing cleaning work as he moves forward.
  16. @Enigma777 Whatever man. I watched it go down. I am aware people will have different interpretations. But, my view is that: he was mentally unstable, immature, and became very ungrounded. He fell into a bunch of traps immature people fall into when they are just getting into it. Not to mentioned he lacks maturity just in general. He was unwell…. For awhile he thought he was going to awaken the world. That giving away his banking information and passwords was a good idea, that there was a prophecy for him to win the grand open Gold tournament. When he didn’t get into the tournament he dressed as a butter fly and ran around the field and got kicked out. Awakening and psychedelics can unground you. Mix that with being epistemologically shallow and immature, going through some trauma or whatever he was doing… it was very messy. Connor has a high level of openness, playfulness, creativity and spontaneity. The psychedelics opened him even more and he wasn’t ready to listen to anyone about its proper usage. I think he started with a genuine intention to awaken. I think he still can make a lot of spiritual progress. But, what he ends up doing is up to him.
  17. @OBEler I think he started out on a genuine spiritual path. But, things spiralled out for him. It can happen. I followed him very closely, saw the videos, saw the lives, saw the posts in the forum…. He was unstable, caught in between a bunch of different sorts of motivations, illusions of grandeur, prophetic visions, and then losing grip between reality, spiritual insight, acting, self deception, etc Other than the collateral damage I know he had a fun time.
  18. @Enigma777 Bro, obviously he was unwell. I followed the whole thing. Not a judgment against Connor either. But, a lot of people were concerned about him and that phase of his life really set him back.
  19. There is an element of: this is fucking reality. It’s brutal and you have to do what you need to do to survive. Earning lots of money takes time. Personally I’ve suffered greatly over this as I’m naturally a bit more artsy and want to just… be spiritual and artistic all the time. But, I am learning to love pragmatic life. Still very spiritual process for me and seems a better foundation. We will see what the future brings. I am going to honour my life the best I can but at the end of the day, reality requires meeting it on its terms. I will not get many of the things I want in life. But, I know I can get lots and enjoy what I have. Ive learned to love money, finance, excel sheets, logic, organization, planning, strategy, etc I always enjoyed these things as well but… went a bit hard into my art at the cost of all things. I lacked balance and wisdom as a young 20 year old. But, it is working out so far.
  20. I've realized that I am socially awkward at work. What are some tips, for while I work at places for: 1. Being more professional and yet casual with my speech 2. Giving off Normie vibes Some people know I teach Qigong online. I really don't fit into the culture there. Feeling a bit vulnerable, some fear. But, also surrendering to what is. I think because, I don't really fit in with my work culture I am going to be let go. I have a fear that this will the case more and more often as I grow and develop myself. I don't know if that is silly or not. Anyway, I have grown so much. If it does come, it is not bad.
  21. Good luck. I’ve heard bipolar takes many years to diagnose.
  22. What are you asking? Try to post more details next time.