Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. I am saying that in the trans community there is a lot of mental illness. Not that being trans is a mental illness. Though, I do wonder to what extent it may be. I mean, you want to physically alter your body because you think you were being into the wrong body. That is illness to me. Though my mind is open as I continue to see different perspectives. This does not mean being trans is bad. I know that lots of people I’m sure are grateful they became trans. My honest opinion on transitioning is that it is largely cosmetic and I think has a lot of risks. For me this isn’t a right vs left issue. Not all groups of people, or identities are on an equal playing field. Each group has their own unique set of pros, cons, strengths and weaknesses. There is an idea that is popular right now if you question this trans phenomenon that you are trans Phil, right wing, etc… etc well maybe. Or maybe, I am just observing. I think it is natural for a man, or a women to be anywhere on the masculine or phenomenon spectrum. I have many friends who do drag, are gay, etc. I am sure for some people being trans is great. I know people who have transitioned and seem to be doing well. However, there is also a lot of foolishness going on.
  2. One time… I tripped and stubbed my toe. (Theory of everything)
  3. Nice! I suspect I have some kind of genetic difference that makes me so cool ?
  4. How can we have more constructive conversations about Spiral Dynamics?
  5. @Holykael Basic rule tripping is don’t make decisions. Don’t beat yourself up, but take responsibility and grow from the mistakes
  6. Infinite
  7. @Sultan Al Hind Solipsism says nothing about needing to survive and work a job. You need to work if you want to survive. It shouldn’t be treated as some idealogy that makes you a retard. You need to survive, be practical and develop healthy relationships with others.
  8. It’s worth looking at all the pros and cons. I share this just because before you change your physical body you really want to do deep work, consider options etc. The physical transition is not you becoming the other gender. It is physically impossible to do this. There is a potential host of problems that can come from this. Such as losing your ability to feel sexual pleasure. So, please do as much research as possible. It’s also worth being cautious in the fantasy that women will treat you like a woman, or that men will. Maybe! But, also maybe they will see you as a man, or as trans which is a third thing, which I still know little about in the social realm. Of course there are different kinds of social circles out there so who knows. However, you have to make your own decisions. This is not, in reality a one sided problem. It is not that, those who share words of caution are bigots and transphobes. The reality is much more complicated. People who are blindly pro all things trans are pseudo progressive. They imagine that a complete blind acceptance of all things trans is good. There is good in accepting others and for everyone feeling safe and understood in society. But, what they don’t see is that when we begin to understand trans issues there’s a lot of mental health considerations, the rights of biological women and young girls, and dangers of transitioning that go into play here and in reality the situation is very complicated. A true progressive is going to move beyond group think and fear of social pressures to think for themselves and make high quality distinctions. When it comes to you being happy… this is a complicated thing. I beckon everyone to be willing to look at this from more perspectives. In the end, do what makes my happy and love yourself. It doesn’t really matter what other people think.
  9. Battery is okay?
  10. @PenguinPablo Hmm, I don't know. I know that I want to develop my interpersonal and leadership skills. That is important for my business. I think it's worth addressing. I may be being paranoid about how others perceive me but who knows.
  11. @DrugsBunny Working remote is a good idea. But, will that result in real growth? Or just avoiding the problem? @LSD-Rumi Thank you for your kind words. It's probably a degree of awkwardness.
  12. I don't know for certain. But, I suspect the end is near for me at this particular place. Grateful overall for experience.
  13. Hmm, Yeah feeling fear and uncertainty right now. I need to grow, and develop myself to be able to make money from my online business. There are no problems. Only opportunities.
  14. I believe I can do the job with excellence. However, it may take time. This will be my best week by far, and I will continue to work very hard even though I suspect this is coming. I have to admit I really don't know.
  15. @Illusory Self Yeah, I am doubting my work ability as well. I think they may need someone with more experience in this role. I am learning a lot and growing every week. But, I think my experience is limited, and they may want someone with more experience. I have heard from others that people speak about me behind my back. I feel the energy in the room. It's, obvious people think I am strange. I think my skills matched what they were looking for when they initially hired me. But, because of the structural changes the expertise required for that position is higher than what I can currently offer. Plus, it's really a toxic work environment for me now. I am doing well because I practice and train to have my effortless workweek. I am. I really find it hard to connect with people. I think I am an over sharer. This will be a trap for me as long as I have to work for others. Also, it's an important part of my social skills to develop. I really should socialize more. But, I also have so much work I need to do. Either way, I think staying where I am with this job I will continue to grow. I am going to work my ass off anyway because I care about developing my skills. I feel confident this may come. I want to be prepared for it. There is currently a high turn over rate. I suspect this could happen, that I will be let go. I just , I am getting the sense from management and the culture.
  16. @integral I personally think there is an even deeper maturity that I have discovered which is…. Though I realize I’m a construct, I am a construct. For now I am in this finite form, with a finite mind, finite story. I know it’s all a construct. I don’t identify with anything. But, this construct is the ocean I swim in. David Richo has a good book as well, it’s called “When the Past is Present”. What you deal with when things from the past that affect you now is called “transference”. It’s important to understand this in more depth because… without you would be dead. And yet, it also contributes to some of your current suffering and what you don’t want to be identifying with. There is a lot of juice in being who you are, as a construct, as a human. I think it could be a mistake to not want to enjoy that juice.
  17. You know, you have a point. Our thoughts, memories and stories are constructions. But, at the same time you are a human. I really think the Tao of Fully Feeling book will open your mind to see something more which will grow you more. He talks about going through what you are right now, and how it was a trap. I personally have a different idea of growth in this context. It’s more for me, of a taking full responsibility for these stories, thoughts and feelings. The thoughts and feelings, though constructs…. If you are experiencing them they are real. You have a human psyche. You aren’t going to unidentify your way out of thinking about the past, or feeling some negative emotions. I realized that a lot of our emotions are stored in not just our brain, but our body. They are deep, and physiological which is why Qigong is a big part of my work… and then, journaling practices, and reading self help is another big pillar in my work and my “Growth”. Because I realize that I am a construct, even as a human not to mention my memories and story, etc then the real question is… as a human psyche how do I Grow? For me, it’s about feeling more, journaling, reading books like I’ve suggested here, studying rational cognitive behavioural therapy, practicing Holden Qigong, psychedelics, etc. To grow in this regard is to work with the construction. To simply not identify with it and expecting it to go away is like… no longer identifying with being obese… okay, sure you aren’t your body. But, the obesity is still there and it’s time to do some exercises. Some of these spiritual teachings like not identifying with thoughts etc is a useful aspect, or lens of this growth we are wanting to have. But, realistically they are far to partial and limited. Human psychology and physiology is far more complex. True healing, true growth… requires deeply feeling. You may be in a trap of spiritual bypassing. Just, be wary and take care ?. You will figure it out.
  18. @Average Investor Yeah, there is evaluations for each meeting. I think even the table talks get evaluated. I did get best table talk this week
  19. @integral I still feel like I need more detail from from you as to what that means.
  20. @integral It’s okay to fully feel the full range of human emotions as well. I don’t have much time right now to go into this. But, some books that come to mind are The Tao of Fully Feeling by Pete Walker Loving What Is - Byron Katie Besides that really, Can you define/ describe what you mean by growth in this context? What is growth, and what would it mean to be grown?
  21. @Average Investor what do you mean?
  22. @Jacob Morres It’s bigger than just sales. I work on sales with my marketing course every other day of the week: copy, brand/ branding, social media, sales calls/ scripts, copy. Etc ToastMasters is to work on my speech and presentation skills, leaderships skills, networking. Public speaking is a powerful marketing technique. There’s also pathways on persuasive motivation. I want my brand to be well known, and have a decent impact on the lives of people with busy stressful jobs. I’ve got a long time horizon on this as well. I am still young, immature and growing. There are many sales/ marketing strategies each with a host of different tactics. Public speaking and networking are in this. I am still working through this. I just know I’m 12 months I want to be well versed in toast masters. This will make me stronger, more confident, a better speaker, leader etc. They also have a coaching pathway which interests me because I am becoming a coach. I am also looking at doing IPEC in next 3 years.
  23. I am building myself into a Man and a leader. I want to be well known, and well paid stress coach and Qigong teacher. I want to be able to speak at a professional level, and teach Qigong to westerners at a professional level. I am definitely in a learning and building phase. My day job is pushing and challenging me every day My Qigong education is pushing me every day My marketing course and business is pushing me every day And my art pushes me too and spiritually I am growing all the time I will act now I will persist until I succeed I will live this day as if it is my last I will laugh at the world I will greet this day with love in my heart I am Nature’s greatest miracle I will master my emotions I will multiply my value a hundredfold I am the greatest salesman in the world
  24. @Kconsciousness cool lookin spot Not sure what you asked me Bon Iver is an Astuarary King