Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @integral Yeah, maybe. They are dangerous though. I’m still not really mature enough for them. Obviously more than the average normie. But, yeah.
  2. Life is like a mind field You never know what your gonna get
  3. Most of society consists of dumbed, numbed down apes who are selfish and simple minded. Their role is to act as cogs in the larger social matrix... Basically to keep their organizations and economies running. Psychedelics make people too sensitive, ask to many questions, feel their pain, want to enjoy life in a more open minded and liberal way. It's really dangerous for society that people do this in a way that is isn't slow and properly monitored. We don't have the systems in place for them yet. Overall, it's a very complicated topic with far more than I say here.
  4. Focus on improving your habits and schooling more consciously. You are smart enough. Just really do the work and contemplate what a good student does. and do that. I think it's important you do whatever it takes to build your foundation in life.
  5. @Leo Gura Life has a lot of ugliness to it for me. Lots of beauty too. It's very hard. Me being the fool I am I have made it harder than it really needed to be. Ideally my suffering will make me into a man who is wise and avoids a lot of this stuff for most of my life. I am reading Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. I've got it easy.
  6. @integral Make it illegal for these marketing programs to sell overpriced courses who lie in their marketing how good their program is. Make money back Guarantees that require course completion illegal.
  7. I am taking radical action to try to pay if off it less than 2 years. A lot of work for nothing. You don't need to spend $10,000 on a marketing course. SCAM! Almost no one in the program was getting the results as advertised. I found myself starting to come up with my own solutions because their advice didn't work. Why the hell was the paying them anything? What they sell for 10k can be found in a book for 20. The only thing I liked was the support but it wasn't worth $400 a month. If I can pay it down to 5k in a few months that would be great. I am going ham on the effing debt BS. NEVER AGAIN! NOT MY LIFE! My life isn't a game for some asshole marketers scalping new wanna be entrepreneurs.
  8. Almost no human is mature enough
  9. Easy, go about this from a calm and cool place. Forget your age focus on building the habits and taking the courses you need. Go about getting experience and enjoy the process.
  10. @Dauntment = perpetual wage slave with nothing to show for it
  11. I actually think this perspective lacks nuance.
  12. @DrugsBunny Get your own list. In his lectures on pick up he talks about the kinds of places. Just watch that series and then pick your own spots you lazy degenerate,
  13. @Leo Gura just ordered Book of Not Knowing and Zen Body Being. Been reading his news book on mastery last 2 weeks. Very very tasty ?
  14. I like when Peter says “even masters trip over their wives” haha not an exact quote
  15. @StarStruck That's cool. That is true, his pumping muscle doesn't make him stage orange. I think he actually just has a really wealthy, healthy life style. He says things which I think are grounded and wise. So does his wife. I sense he loves people in his videos and really wants to be a good teacher to other men. He also is obviously running a business and has his own brand of workout clothing, his own fitness app... he markets a lot of mens products as well. So, he treating his videos like Leo... ad free and all. But, I get it I don't mind and actually think he is showing me useful things I would want when trying to make myself more attractive. So that works. I am thinking about going to the gym soon, and yeah. Maybe check out his app. (Not promoting... please make up your own mind whether it's good or not.. )
  16. @vindicated erudite I don't agree with that really. Thought, it's a worth lens to have I think when held together with different interpretations. Sure we know we will die. But, maybe we'd just like some entertainment why we are here! Plus, these myths and legends actually have morals, themes and lessons in them which are entertaining and I enjoy them. Though, our culture is toxic and there are many lies in it. That is for sure. It is solely a fear of death? I don't know about that. I don't know how other people relate to death.
  17. @ValiantSalvatore spiral dynamics doesn’t measure ones ‘simp’ level. could be a simp at any stage ?
  18. @vindicated erudite Haven’t watched. What is it all about and why do you find it fascinating? Give us a summary is you want.
  19. @Antor8188 You can start by taking school and your habits seriously. You are still very young. Use this as feedback for growth.