Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Less talk more action I say ? I appreciate you Leo, even though you were cranky Leo for awhile there. Thanks again! You’ll continue to grow as you teach and you learn. It’s not easy doing what you are doing. The work you share with Humans is appreciated and there is much here to enjoy in the human domain of love, relationships, service and healing. keep it up!
  2. Idk, just heard it happening from Hamilton Morris. But, know from experience it’s possible for people to be very disoriented which would suck while your house is burning down.
  3. Looks like a cool set up. Warning also to always be extra cautious when using open flame and 5meo. You could lose consciousness and burn the house down. Strongly consider having a sober partner hand the torch.
  4. Developing a Mature Mind Developing a mature mind and relationship to reality is essential to living a good life. In fact, I have learned that the ability for us to be successful is directly correlated with how mature our mind is. Essentially, if from birth you magically had the maturity of someone with massive life experience... someone who self reflected, learned, self actualized you would easily ace life. But, because we are born in ignorance we have to go through the trials and tribulations of developing wisdom. In my case, this has been the trial of developing wisdom through massive failure. I have tried, and failed so many times in my life. But, at the same time I think one think I had that was special is that I have tried a lot of things in life and do my best to expose myself to lots of different information and experiences. I think to the degree that I am wise is because of all these experiences and my open minded approach to learning. However, I do not consider myself wise to the depths and completion that I hope to one day be. In many ways I am foolish. I think it's important to discuss that there are key areas that make up our lives. They are: Relationships Finances Career/Business Hobbies Spirituality Health and Fitness Education Each of these areas requires foundation levels of study, and direct experience to begin developing wisdom in them. It can take years to develop wisdom in these areas. I think it's important that if you are reading this, and you are interested in becoming wise that you make the commitment today that you will develop a mature, wise understanding and relationship to these areas of human life. Some examples: 1. A wise person in relationships understands enough about human relationships both theoretically and experientially that they are able to go about building relationships in a healthy conscious way. They know when to let people into their lives and when to have healthy boundaries. They are wise in the way of relationships and cultivate healthy relationships in their lives. 2. A person who is wise in finances knows the difference between foolish financial practice and wise financial practice. The wise person saves money, invests, builds wealth and uses money to free themselves from meaningless work, or better yet wage slavery. The wise person realizes the importances of studying healthy financial habits, wealth creation and investing. A wise person is also aware of how scams work and can easily spot and avoid them. 3. A wise person in the area of business is realistic about the amount of work that is required with building a business. They know that building a business is challenging, takes time, takes money, has risks, and requires a lot of emotional labour for it to become a reality. They go about business is a way that is thinking, 5, 10, 15 years down the road. Generally a wise person is thinking long term. 4. A wise person realizes the importance of developing hobbies as they add to the enjoyment of life. They also realize what types of things are better off a hobby, than what is better pursued as a career. 5. The wise person goes about spirituality in a slow, deliberate manner. They know when it's the right or wrong time to pursue spirituality. For example, if you are young then spirituality needs to be done in the context that you also have many other goals, pursuits and karma to burn through. They are careful with psychedelics, and do all things in moderation. They are wise to avoid cults, religions, and ideologies. They root their spirituality in wisdom, and balanced, healthy epistemology. 6. The wise person realizes the importance of proper nutrition and exercise and invests in that from a young age. They realize that if they want to be able to afford healthy foods, gym memberships etc then they must find a way to earn enough to make that a reality. They only eat junk food in moderation if at all. They use food and fitness to elevate their happiness. 7. A wise person realizes that their education, intelligence and understanding of reality that is embodied is the deciding factor on their happiness and ability to enjoy life. I personally think I am in the early phases of understanding what Wisdom is, and implementing the principles of wise living in my life. I have a lot to learn, and many challenges to overcome that I created simply due to being unwise with many of the above categories. Wisdom, is really the key to all human problems. Wisdom grounded in a deeply profound self love. I have a lot of work to do. I need more discipline. I need more planning. I need more long term thinking. I need more experience. I need more money. I need more success. I need more relationships. So much to work on. A wise person, I think.. see life as a game. They know it's a passing dream. But, they realize they want to honour it and enjoy the time they have here on earth despite so many challenges that humans face... or create for themselves simply due to their own foolishness or the foolishness of others. Become Wise.
  5. @001 Thanks, I kindly disagree. I think there are many degrees of wisdom and there are wise ways of interaction with each of these domains of human existence. I personally think that developing a healthy body is wise when you look at all the benefits that come with proper nutrition and exercise. You might say, “Well, lots of people who go to the gym aren’t wise” yeah? Well, who is wise. The person who goes to the gym 3 times a week and feels good and looks attractive? Or the person who neglects taking care of their physical body? I think going to the gym, or yoga studio, or dance hall… can be a wise decision. However, if you are wise you will do what works for you. Notice that many people who meditate also are not necessarily wise. I am not saying that going to the gym makes you wise in all the ways. Wisdom is a broad and nebulas notion. Meditation can contribute to wisdom, meditation can be a wise decision. Meditation though is not itself wisdom. That goes for any single example I could provide. Yeah, mediation and contemplation IS what I did when creating this post. I was contemplating for me, examples of how I personally contemplate each of these areas of human life and what I think wise interaction is with each of these domains. You may come to different conclusions and may follow your own wisdom. I kindly disagree that physical fitness is avoided by wise people, or couldn’t be a wise decision someone makes in their life. I also disagree that wise people don’t create these sorts of lists when contemplating wisdom for themselves. The listing of examples of wisdom wasn’t meant to be absolute or exhaustive.
  6. @ZenSwift Malt, I find it pretty mild but also enjoy how calm I feel afterward, calm and focused and clear minded. Placebo? Idk
  7. Most of my problems right now are the result of: 1. Lack of maturity 2. Lack of Wisdom 3. Lack of integrity 4. Lack of emotional Control/ intelligence 5. Trauma and addiction 6. Being a fool It takes years I’m learning to self correct both these behaviours and the damage they have caused. Start Now.
  8. @Fluran No, read the subjective effects it sounds like an intense upper with little spiritual benefit
  9. Sounds intense
  10. @Actualising Why does he think that? Can you give more details?
  11. I am an Alien.. At least to Aliens...
  12. @The Redeemer See if there are any cuddle events in your area as well. Or, any other similar social containers. I also feel this sense of loneliness and am making an effort to socialize more. But, I am also trying to work on my business. I feel at this moment here, as I am stressed and frustrated with my business, also a sense of feeling isolated and lonely. It's tough, but I know I can overcome it. I know I can be successful in business and my relationships. I just have to keep trying. I have many small successes I think about.
  13. I think they are, in most contexts private
  14. @Princess Arabia Hey, I’m funny too
  15. @Rishabh R Hmm, I don’t know much about India
  16. So, it’s very obvious to me pick up and dating is becoming a main focus for me right now. I’m going to invest into building up my wardrobe, and getting more experience simply speaking to women. Especially, I need to speak to beautiful women. Not so much I am afraid it’s just… they are so beautiful it takes strength to handle it! I think I’m lucky in terms of my looks. Even at Toast masters there is a girl who is obviously a 10. She has been very flirtatious. I will not try to pick her up or date her simply as I want to keep that container platonic. I need more experience with women. I want to enjoy spending time with them, dancing with them, speaking, eating and sleeping with them. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun but also challenging. How are you guys doing? How are your experiences?
  17. I myself am a student of holism. I need the whole package.
  18. @NoSelfSelf I want to worship the booty
  19. When you beak up just goooo
  20. @NoSelfSelf Well, have you seen one? Felt one? Wow! I want to look and feel good ?
  21. @Philipp Idk, seems culturally relative. Have you read the book “Sex at Dawn” I think it explores that