Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. I want to see looking back 5 years from now that I've had 5 years a solid decision making, execution and results.
  2. I have begun the Google Cybersecurity Certification. So far, I’m enjoying it.
  3. @Rishabh R Are you doing your best? Is there ways you can improve your study habits? I think in school you sort of have to do your best and face the truth. When it comes to getting a job I don't think GPA matters at all.
  4. @koops Okay I reviewed his chapter and examples and his are broad as well. I will try out my mission statement as it is for now and continue to make changes to it over time. For me this addresses the things in my life as a whole. A lot of the things are done simply by their interaction with those areas in my life. I don't see where Steven says that in the chapter that you shared. My mission statement is a draft. It'll need to be honed and clarified. It’s not meant to be a life purpose statement which would be more focused.
  5. @Rishabh R I think so. Grades don’t matter that much, and having intégrant work ethic matters Moore over long term. Imo
  6. @koops Thanks I’m still working through the chapter. First time writing it out loosely based on his examples.
  7. All of us lonely, it ain't a sin To want something better, then the shape your in The rain came at the break of day Your light in the windowpane, said come on in It's a broken heart babe, I know the sound Feels like your hands, are nailed to the ground It'll pass just like everything else You won't let it get to me, the next time around It's a hard earn victory The life that come from you to me Can never be wrong Grown from a moment and a million miles Here lies the stardust and it slowly dies Borrowed from nothing come back half alive And the stars the whisper blessings as you walk by
  8. It’s funny I had been thinking about cyber security career for past few months. Then, at an open mic last night I was chatting to a guy who happened to be a cybersecurity manager here in my city. He mentioned once I had a certificate or two to reach out to him and he’d help me find/ get a job.That was lucky.
  9. I think I just need to find a way to drastically increase my income and to hell with everything else. Money is all that matters short term/mid term. No more thinking about being an artist, no more thinking about spirituality, no more Qigong as a business I just can wrap my head around that working out at all. I need to go into a field like cybersecurity and focus on finding ways of just earning more money. I don’t think I’ll ever make money from things I like. At least, not unless I already have an Abundance of money in the first place. It’s also probably true there is more joy in being a craftsman and following a passion anyway. It’s disheartening but, I’m in this social matrix meatsuit nightmare drama. So🙃, gotta meet it on its terms. God dangled a lot of fruit in front of me and slapped me down hard. I get to see artists like Arcadefire and Bon Iver but, not taste success unfortunately. Instead I get bald lonely , debt riddled tinnitus. Focus on the process, building higher earning skills, being a craftsman in a higher earning field than accounting and payroll like cybersecurity. I know hope is important to keep me alive and going. I just don’t want tjj oh be fooling myself. I suffer enough as it is. I never want my fridge empty again as it is right now. Is embarrassing.
  10. @LSD-Rumi Thank you Rumi, that is a good mindset you share. I’m re-evaluating it. I sense I need to allow myself to focus on this survival stuff right now. I have a life purpose statement but, I think it need adjusting now. @Leo Gura Thank you Leo. It means a lot to me.
  11. I’ve been working on crafting a personal mission statement inspired by reading “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. I thought I’d share it here too. I’ll be refining it as I growth and mature until I have a solid foundational document. My Personal Mission Statement.pdf
  12. Imagine how massive his pursuit is for one guy haha
  13. If you are a young entrepreneur, or you are interested in spirituality make sure you watch this. This is what happens when you are so lost in new age bullshit you can’t think straight. Money doesn’t care about your feelings, your spirituality or your identity. It’s a skill, and it’s important you understand debt, earnings, taxes, interest rates, budgets, numbers, etc. Do not skip your financial education. It’s really the most fundamental skill set for a self actualizing persons. Chances are you do want some degree of wealth, shelter, peace of mind, etc. Having good financial habits, psychology, and just brute understanding of how our economic system works will save you years of paying the idiot taxes that is loans, credits, etc. Your ability to endure understanding boring and technical fields like personal finance is a worthwhile sacrifice and investment into yourself. If you are a teenager or in your 20s this is number one!! Understand first the brutal nature of finance and money and then, understanding this harsh reality build your life. Not the other way around.
  14. Sheila and the leadership of rajneesh Param mishandled and mistreated that poor little community. They may have been able to build their dream community but not like that. They were aggressive and militant. Osho has some good teachings. I’ve listened to hundreds of hours but also a lot of it is worthless.
  15. How not to start a business
  16. I think this is mentioned in LP course
  17. All we are saying….
  18. @Twentyfirst Thanks for sharing. I’ll add this to my contemplation.
  19. @Twentyfirst Oops, why you were replying I added a bit to my above comment. What Solution do you think is right here? What would you like to happen?
  20. @Twentyfirst I have a question about your biases. In an earlier post you'd say something about how "we should treat each how we want to be treated" and that Israel is evil for killing innocent people. But, when Hamas kills innocent people...first... I might add in this particular conflict... Israelis are at fault for being stupid and having a festival next to them. Then, it is Israel who is evil for fighting back. Is a woman evil for fighting back against her rapist? What if both Israel and Gazans see each other as that rapist.. Therefore they are both acting from good intentions? I can see fighting Hamas to keep a country safe. But, killing and raping at random in this context as Hamas did... That is only gonna spread pain and fear. This is where I think, perhaps I need a wider context of the conflict. What Hamas did to me is stage red, but also must be stemming from deep trauma and anger. This quote you share, I don't know what that has to do with this.
  21. @Twentyfirst I’m done talking to you. At least for now. I don’t live anywhere near these countries and I’m unfamiliar with the situation and culture. So, it’s all new to me.