Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Sheila and the leadership of rajneesh Param mishandled and mistreated that poor little community. They may have been able to build their dream community but not like that. They were aggressive and militant. Osho has some good teachings. I’ve listened to hundreds of hours but also a lot of it is worthless.
  2. How not to start a business
  3. I think this is mentioned in LP course
  4. All we are saying….
  5. @Twentyfirst Thanks for sharing. I’ll add this to my contemplation.
  6. @Twentyfirst Oops, why you were replying I added a bit to my above comment. What Solution do you think is right here? What would you like to happen?
  7. @Twentyfirst I have a question about your biases. In an earlier post you'd say something about how "we should treat each how we want to be treated" and that Israel is evil for killing innocent people. But, when Hamas kills innocent people...first... I might add in this particular conflict... Israelis are at fault for being stupid and having a festival next to them. Then, it is Israel who is evil for fighting back. Is a woman evil for fighting back against her rapist? What if both Israel and Gazans see each other as that rapist.. Therefore they are both acting from good intentions? I can see fighting Hamas to keep a country safe. But, killing and raping at random in this context as Hamas did... That is only gonna spread pain and fear. This is where I think, perhaps I need a wider context of the conflict. What Hamas did to me is stage red, but also must be stemming from deep trauma and anger. This quote you share, I don't know what that has to do with this.
  8. @Twentyfirst I’m done talking to you. At least for now. I don’t live anywhere near these countries and I’m unfamiliar with the situation and culture. So, it’s all new to me.
  9. @MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI Be careful with your posts. A little maturity goes a long way.
  10. Seeking understanding of a conflict I don’t know well is not inherently disrespectful unless you project that into it. Strawman comparison.
  11. @Ash55 The first mistake was Sheela not doing proper research on zoning laws
  12. @Twentyfirst I asked “Why”. Asking why something happened isn’t bias.
  13. Oh? Show me a quote where I said I was picking a side. Did you read what I wrote?
  14. @rachMiel Unless you can go infinitely deep
  15. @TwentyfirstPlease come towards conversations here from a place of relative respect, or don’t come here. I don’t wanna read your nasty posts, about how you have the right opinion and everyone else is an idiot. That you and Leo are the two smartest people here. Which, I find funny because as one of Leo’s students the things you say show me how little you actually are familiar with Leo’s work. For one, you come off extremely ignorant, selfish, rude, entitled and arrogant. Calling everyone here a retard is rude and unnecessary. Not just your recent reply to me but your behaviour throughout this thread over the previous days. (also my last verbal warning for that kind a behaviour). Politics and war are complicated when trying to understand the hyper complex reality of the wants, needs, perspectives, biases, histories, etc of all the parties involved. I’m not more biased towards Israel or Palestine. I can try to understand why the actors are doing what they’re doing on both sides as I try to understand every perspective or possible interprétion. See, I practice what is called epistemic humility which Leo teaches. I try to be patient, loving, unbiased, not knowing, curious, open minded, patient, truth seeking in these situations. You on the other hand JUST KNOW, what is right. JUST KNOW, everyone’s a retard. Give me a fucking break. Why did Hamas murder, rape and kidnap 1400 civilians? Why did the Palestinian Government praise Hamas for this action? Is Israel’s response correct or not? Who am I to decide this? Why would Israel react as intensely as it is doing to destroy Hamas? What is the reality of actions needed if is Israel is too see that through? What is the history of this part of the world? Of this conflict? Why has the conflict gone on so long? Why can’t there be peace? What is the global consequences of this? How will all this pain, trauma and conflict ripple out through the generations? What news reports are true? What are false? What is a valid opinion, view, interpretation, perspective? Is it really a genocide? Or is Israel genuinely trying to destroy Hamas but there are many who will be hurt because of the reality of how Gaza is laid out and how Hamas operates? What are Israel’s intentions? Which is true? What is right here? What is wrong here? What are my biases and how could they be affecting my interpretation of this situation? There are many questions to ask here… many I haven’t due to my limited understanding and my unconscious biases. Leo does not teach being a self centred arrogant asshole towards others, being close minded, only seeing the world from your survival bias. He teaches NONE of that. Though, you act on this way here on a regular basis. If anyone acts retarded here it’s you. Your biases are made clear in your post. Thanks for sharing them. Start acting better around here. I also get the sense this conflict is very hard for you. If that’s the case I’m sorry you are suffering. But, don’t take it out on us here. This “treat others as you’d be treated” I agree is a very high ideal. One I see you struggle with. It’s beautiful when you can do that in a part of the world. But, at the same sometimes you need to go to war. Krishna explains it well in The Bhagavad Gita. So, in reality these morals you have again may just be your biases. I personally find it a great great shame when so many innocent die and suffer. It’s very sad and challenging. I would prefer world peace. But, as of right now there is conflict on earth.
  16. But that’s so partial. It’s like saying night is unnecessary because it been sunny for 7 hours.
  17. @PurpleTree Does that mean it’s not natural? Hasn’t there been war there in the past? Over the past 75 years hasn’t the world as a whole had wars in its various parts? Does natural mean pleasant? Is stinging ivy not natural because I having not been stung in 75 years and I’m not missing it? How do you think Western Europe was formed as it was those 75 years if not through war, conflict and its resolution? World War 2? You could say it’s not necessary because well, much of the world isn’t at war. But, at the same time the whole world deals with conflicts allllllll the time. Basically what survival is.
  18. @Jehovah increases lol yer gonna find a lot more than just nihilism. You may just discover infinite love… shhh
  19. I sense this is a highly complicated problem where there is no easy solution. It’s painful and confusing. I am not picking a side. But, looking to understand the perspectives of all actors. I live next to a common protest area. I can hear “free Palestine” chants. I want to understand. There is so much noise it’s hard to know what’s accurate. I don’t deeply understand this conflicts history. I don’t know the reality of destroying Hamas, which is the one thing I can understand doing after what they did to Israel. I think killing innocent civilians is wrong. I am biased towards peace and harmony. But, I realize war is a natural part of reality and a necessity. I really don’t know much about this so… please understand that I am learning.
  20. Good example of a lack of integrity.