Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Breakingthewall My first trip wasn’t bad. Is it usually they are bad? It’s intense but not always bad. You can fill your mind with too much stuff. As long as you take proper safety precautions and have a good generally idea of what to expect you should be fine.
  2. I’ve invested in these cheap simple things for my sleep.
  3. Qigong is great. Health and healing are part of my top value. There are far more healing techniques than I could learn in a life time.
  4. It's a mature love. Loving something doesn't mean it's all fun all the time.
  5. @Psychonaut Clean your space, meditate, listen to soft music.
  6. Definitely getting emotions under control will go a long way.
  7. To be honest. I simply need to network more. I’m not interested in clubs. I’m not going to find a quality girl there. I am outside a big city right now so the numbers are low. I am a great person to spend time with. It blows me mind she would unmatch. I felt betrayed. “I value respect and kindness” uhh, sure you do. Tinder is dumb. I need to network.
  8. Starts taking to girl in tinder we share common, interests and are getting a long well. Like, we would be a match. She unmatches me. Why? So dumb.
  9. Think I poisoned myself with a stupid cooking pan I used yesterday.
  10. Double standard there. If we are all poor and starving it’s cool. But, if most of us aren’t and there is income inequality.. boohoohoo
  11. @Bobby_2021 You’d be a literal slave. Starving to death and threat of being killed if you said the wrong thing.
  12. @Spiritual Warfare Lion’s Roar!!!!!
  13. @shree Especially around safety and precautions I think.
  14. @PurpleTree Two hells. North and South for many. Still, South seems better.
  15. @Spiritual Warfare If earth is punishment shouldn’t you rejoice we all die? Society relates to death in a toxic way. Give it time.
  16. @Consept My Oura comes tomorrow. It takes about 2 weeks for it to get to know me. I’ll be tracking and reviewing my sleep and will share insights and tips as I go. Last night my sleep was bad and I felt bad this morning for it. Sleep is key. I bet a lot of mental health problems are simply lack of quality sleep, family/ friend time and nutrition.
  17. @zazen Don’t spread conspiracy theories here.
  18. ChatGPT advanced speech tool has a lot of work to do. It's not always very good.
  19. @Leo Gura Thanks, going forward I'll be more thorough.
  20. Game of the year
  21. If it wasn’t a mystery it would be so lame and boring lol.