Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. @Leo Gura Yeah, sure. Drivers make mistakes all the time. But, your AI could kill me. Just interesting at least…
  2. @Ramanujan Atomic Habits and Code of The Extraordinary Mind.
  3. @Leo Gura So now I have to bear the risk of someone else using AI?
  4. Move forward.
  5. Haha someone who saw me perform this hunted me down on a Facebook group to ask for the Lyrics. He took this video. The audio isn’t great and the song is still in progress but I thought I’d share it here. I am working on the second verse and the overall delivery of the song. It’s gonna be very strong when finished. Safe Destiny Destiny is all mine as I drudge on alone Safety and peace inside as you feel my song Oh, and I love you so because you are the one You are the one for me And you’re all I need It’s just you and me Just wait and see That this is love And this is peace
  6. Yeah, it's not for the faint of heart
  7. Great movie! Don't miss it.
  8. Every interaction comes with many lessons. Focus on the experience, and adjust accordingly. I don't need to be right. But, I can learn from the interaction. I value respect on the forum. It's a personal development forum.
  9. @Javfly33 I appreciate your perspective. But, I also invite you to open up a bit and see how an integral approach to these schools could be beneficial. To develop a robust mind-body fitness requires not just doing the same workout everyday. But, integrating different ones. I don't use a hammer to screw in screws.
  10. @Javfly33 I think we fundamentally view these techniques through different lenses. I am aware of a lot here because I work in the space. I am a certified Qigong teacher because I was willing to study under my teacher and learn his techniques. I do the same over at Yogalap learning Pranayama and I will do that as long as I learn. But, it's false to say there is a brick wall separating techniques. Realistically a pranayama session is about 30 minutes to an hour. Then, you can do a style of Qigong to work different aspects of the body. Then, maybe Hatha/ Ashtanga Yoga to strengthen and stretch more deeply. Then, maybe meditate to calm, center and integrate the whole session. It's really up to you. We want to breath, stretch, let go of stress and anxiety, and cultivate a high quality abundance of energy, joy, calm, etc...
  11. @Javfly33 All good, thank you for doing that it means a lot to me.
  12. @Javfly33 1. We don't generally go for calling people stupid here.... Change your tone before I issue warning points. (though I appreciate your conversation. ) and 2. Study the history of these schools. What I am doing has been done for thousands of years. These systems constantly grow and change. I am actually studying and practicing these skills everyday not just sitting here talking about them. That is the difference between our approach. You have your opinion, I am out practicing. I am not creating a technique, I am studying, practicing. Perhaps in 10-20 years I'll have a unique system. Pranayama, Qigong and meditation... they are all symbiotic. I am seeing really nice results with my energy. Qigong is really great for overall balancing and it's far more practical for applied usage than Pranayama so far. Though, I think Pranayama is great, fantastic addition to a solid Qigong practice. They are both just different ways of working with energy. It's the same energy at the end of the day whether you call it Prana or Qi. For now I am saying, at the very least that the truth is historically these systems were varied, the techniques were handed around, changed, modified, integrated, seperated, changed, etc. Especially in the history of Qigong. Knowing this history, and with my integral and holistic view I see the potential for integration of systems. What I am suggesting is not that I know it all. But, being a student of integral metatheory, and it's implications. That, an integral somatic/ energetic practice is powerful. There are many teachers who already teach Qigong and Pranayama and many schools of Qigong who are creating unique takes on YoQi which is a combination. It's already happening. This evolution of these practices has been happening for thousands of years and only continues through the work of people like me. I am a certified Qigong teacher who has over a thousand of followers on Youtube. But I am humble and a student. I don't teach Pranayama, and I only teacher certain aspects of Qigong. I am for sure a student, and humble and know little compared to the grand scheme. But, I have a holistic orientation. --- Note: Perhaps we have gone off on a tangent. I think a useful and interesting one but perhaps it needs it's own thread going forward.
  13. Are you actually interested in reaching the highest levels of spiritual and personal development? I am becoming a master Qigong teacher and musician. I focus on my own development and purpose. I am aligning my life with my Dharma.
  14. Realistically, it doesn’t work like this in practice. It’s your body and it’s a holistic system. The titles attached to the techniques or their schools of origin being separate is a mental construct. You could take All these yoga techniques and Qigong techniques, and combine them into a holistic psycho-somatic energetic practice and it will help you develop yourself very deeply. In the age of information this is possible. These systems weave and compliment each other. I mainly combine right now meditation, pranayama and Qigong. Though, plan to study the others in more depth once I gain more mastery of these. Though, Qigong is my main practice. If I wanted I could call all these yogic breathing techniques forms of Qigong. But, that loses the cultural relevance. But, in truth it’s all just Qigong. Qigong mean being skilled with your life force energy. Each breathing technique, yoga sequence, Qigong technique etc are all part of the toolkit for working with the life force energy. Please note I am a student of Integral Metatheory. The Idea of creating an integral, holistic practice. Not, picking a pet school.
  15. @QandC I am not sure. His anger was his claim to fame no? I think Jordan Peterson’s Anger, neurotic behaviour, and where he is immature is ironically what makes him so popular. It sort of backwards. He is an intelligent, charismatic and hard working person with good intentions. But his anger, corruption, ignorance and double standards are very problematic. But, as is the minds of 95% of his core audience and why he is successful. I need to remember not to confuse success with development, wisdom, maturity, integrity, truth, etc.
  16. Weird my response disappeared. I basically said that learning online is a viable option for many forms of Yoga: Kundalini, Tantra, Pranayama, Hathaway. And for many forms of Qigong and meditation. In person can be great as well. My intro to Kyra was videos Sadhguru had on YouTube. @Panteranegra Thank you!
  17. @Javfly33 Good points. I do think that video makes things way easier than with a book. Books are such a slow and uncertain way compared to video. I admit, I have only done a little bit of Krya from books on Leo's book list. And, ironically to your post I have done some Krya from Sadghuru's videos on youtube. But, I have found Kundalini Yoga and Pranayama to be very powerful, essentially psychedelic experiences. They also do a lot of good for the energy. I learn these online. Though, my introduction to Kundalini Yoga was in person. I can't comment fully to Yoga being the ultimate device to awakening because, I just find that epistemically slippery. I pull from Qigong, Yoga, Shamanic practices, psychedelics, etc. I am not really that interested in one path only. I do think that in person instruction is very valuable, maybe even more so at times. But, that being said I think plenty of people learn Yoga of various forms, Qigong of various forms, Breathwork of various forms, meditation of various forms with their phone, you tube, online courses. In person is valuable as well. But, there is pros and cons to each medium.
  18. @Javfly33 I take courses online is a great way to learn. Depends on technique you are learning.
  19. My musical abilities grow.
  20. @Leo Gura Yeah, but the guys needs to take a first step. These numbers can offer him more local resources.