Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. I recall Leo you asking not to share this stuff here anymore.
  2. @Squeekytoy Yeah, but I can't buy food with time and energy. I think that is what money represents in a sense. Mix in a little skill, market value and social agreement and you have money. You do need to learn to navigate the material world to be happy. This is for most people true. The dream, the inner work matters too. But, they can both be worked on if you like.
  3. Anything outside of God is by definition inside of God
  4. @Yimpa That’s another useful list but not the same
  5. @caesar13 There is no purpose. It’s something you create. You can just live. You can create a purpose but it’s just a useful construct.
  6. @Squeekytoy If that’s a resource for you. But, are you gonna wait till you’re 40 or 50 for them to die? Sounds dumb. And, you’re lucky IF that’s a resource you have. It’s essentially giving your power away to rely on that.
  7. Cuz you wanna have the yin and the yang the up and the down. Part of the ride for an immortal being. God loves suffering. God loves not loving suffering. Pain and suffering make reality feel REAL.
  8. @Breakingthewall Right on mate, right on. I appreciate you
  9. "Imagine feeling more loved from someone than you have ever known. You're being loved even more than your mother loved you when you were an infant, more than you were ever loved by your father, your child, or your most intimate lover-- anyone. This lover doesn't need anything from you, isn't looking for personal gratification, and only wants your complete fulfillment. You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don't have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success-- none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here. Imagine that being in this love is like relaxing endlessly into a warm bath that surrounds and supports your every movement, so that every thought and feeling is permeated by it. You feel though you are dissolving into love. This love is actually part of you; it is always flowing through you. It's like the subatomic texture of the universe, the dark matter that connects everything. When you tune in to that flow, you will feel it in your own heart - not your phsyical heart or your emotional heart, but your spiritual heart, the place you point to in your chest when you say, "I am". This is your deeper heart, your intuitive heart. It is the place where the higher mind, pure awareness, the subtler emotions, and your soul identity all come together and you connect to the universe, where presence and love are. Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an active emotion as a state of being. It's not "I love you" for this or that reason, not "I love you if you love me". It's love for no reason, love without an object. It's just sitting in love, a love that incorporates the chair and the room and permeates everything around. The thinking mind is extinguished in love. If I go into the place in myself that is love and you go into the place in yourself that is love, we are together in love. Then you and I are truly in love, the state of being in love. That's the entrance into Oneness. That's the space I entered when I met my guru." - Ram Dass (Be Love Now) Picture of Ram Dass with his guru Maharaj-ji.
  10. @UnbornTao Video lays out some pretty Interesting systemic rational. There are very real economic, cultural, geographical and economic reasons for the rise in loneliness.
  11. @tuku747 Crrrrrringe I am a little cringe there’s a little cringe in each and every one of us
  12. @Breakingthewall Luv y’a anyway mate
  13. @Yimpa I hate Barney 👎🏻
  14. Hey, here is my newest Qigong routine. Check it out, follow along and like and subscribe if you will. 😊 Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice that involves coordinated body movements, deep breathing, and meditation. It's a holistic system designed to enhance and balance the flow of vital life energy, known as "qi" or "chi," within the body. Qigong exercises can vary significantly, from gentle, flowing movements to more dynamic forms, and they're believed to promote physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance. This practice is often considered a part of traditional Chinese medicine and is utilized for overall wellness, stress reduction, and cultivating vitality. (ChatGPT) Cheers Mate
  15. That’s a lot of trips for someone just starting out. Be careful.
  16. I think they were mostly clever stories easy to share and remember about human life, existence, nature and reality.
  17. List the things you want, the things you don’t want. Take small steps toward getting maybe a part time job. Baby steps first, but start getting experience. Also, maybe go to some events or something and make some friends who can have a positive influence on you… try toastmasters..
  18. Hey, I’ve been through something similar. Relax. Take some time to contemplate and start taking small steps everyday. You’re gonna be okay. Keep going. 27 is relatively young. Is young enough to start for sure, and pace your own way.
  19. Hey, I’ve been through something similar. Relax. Take some time to contemplate and start taking small steps everyday. You’re gonna be okay. Keep going.
  20. Friedman is old news
  21. @Zest4Life Thanks! There are many ways to relax for sure! Enjoy the exploration of your mind body! Learning to relax is a skill, even when your not exhausted. Though in Qigong we do activate before we do our flows and meditation. I was reading that Zen, actually was developed out of partial maps from Qigong. They only had a part of the picture. There’s many good fitness teachers. I’ve also been wanting to get into this guys work
  22. @Zest4Life Thanks for sharing Mike's stuff. I will check it out. I have seen him around. What Chang does it very Yang, is very active and it looks healthy and great. But, when it comes to quality Qigong, he isn't really doing that in this particular video. Even his Qigong I have seen he moves very quickly and tries very hard. Effortless Qigong my brand, and all the Qigong I admire is slow, chill, relaxing.. It can be challenging and there can be faster movements but it's focus is on the Qi, longevity, relaxation, etc.
  23. @Princess Arabia Say that to the lonely people