Thought Art

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Everything posted by Thought Art

  1. Ideally positive visualization helps with overcoming set backs. But, a balance of optimism and pessimism are useful for life generally.
  2. Mantak Chia’s six formulas for increasing your nerve force: 1. Moderation in all good things if life 2. Super Nutrition 3. Correct Posture 4. Adequate Daily Exercise 5. Sufficient Rest and Sleep 6. Mental and Emotional Poise
  3. This is your work then haha, I relate to it. Sometimes I get nervous too. I also find smoking pot does 2 things which are paradoxical... It opens your mind and closes it depending on the strain. It can make someone anxious.
  4. This is one of my favourite Qigong practices from the Shaolin school A great way to start the day, especially if going to be meditating or contemplating
  5. Found a new Qigong Master Li Jungfeng I Created a new section in my Common Place book to list all the Masters I discover and their resources they offer online.
  6. @OBEler I like that he has different ratios. Cool video, cool tapestry.
  7. CBCs the national generally does a good job of Canadian events
  8. @StarStruck Do you read books or study this stuff, contemplate it and think about it before you post? Have you started building your commonplace book?
  9. @Rafael Thundercat wow
  10. @Sabth It kinda sounds like you need to take more responsibility for taking care of yourself. You can start taking small steps everyday.
  11. Remember to figure these things out in your own direct experience. An intellectual understanding, philosophical understanding, agreeing with another forum member who is convincing or even Leo because he is convincing is not the same as an actual awakening into the truth of "Self" vs "Other". Though, I suspect a radical Solipsism to be the case, and I have had mystical experiences that suggest as much. I still know personally, it may be more years of contemplation, tripping, and awakening work before I grok what is the case. Be extremely careful allowing others to tell you what is true. When it comes to spirituality you should focus on direct experience. Often times, when we are new to spirituality someone who speaks confidentially can be convincing. Some of the most convincing people are also the most deluded, egotistical and spiritually retarded people out there. This includes many of you on the forum, (and me) who think you are more developed than you really are. Be humble, be careful. You don't win any award for being more awake than others. Or, trying to flex is on a forum.
  12. @halfknots Yeah, It's convenient, I don't have to worry about it at all. If I vape on my bed, I can just place it beside it. No flames, just turn it on and go. Plugging didn't work for me in the best but I will also have to give that more try.
  13. @Javfly33 Because it’s emotionally challenging and I wanted a sense of comradeship. Dark souls is a challenging game but it’s a joy to play. It’s a joy, to have a positive impact on the world and do the work I do. But, some days are challenging and scary and cold with emotional challenges, etc
  14. I am reviewing the principles of the foundations for my success in life: 1. Financial Mastery 2. Proper Nutrition 3. Proper Sleep 4. Proper Rest 5. Proper Exercise 6. Moderation/ Sobriety 7. Healthy Relationships 8. Life Long Learning 9. Order, Cleanliness, planning, intentional living 10. Discipline 11. Balance *Under construction - Got distracted copying from my remarkable
  15. @halfknots Carts are convient which is why I like them.
  16. @Javfly33 No, but the reality is it’s emotionally challenging because it involves emotional labour. Overall it’s a joy
  17. Try seeing a Chinese medicine doctor
  18. @Yimpa Nice Those are good things I think. I am working on putting in the work each day.
  19. It's not that dumb girls are easier to get, but acting dumb makes girl easier to get.
  20. Who are you to judge others?
  21. Is Tate really a role model you have? Focus on your own life. Who knows what they will do.
  22. @Sabth Do you have a diagnoses? Learning disabilities?
  23. How do you folks go about persisting towards actualizing a life purpose?