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Everything posted by Lento

  1. @Bill W Can you manage to walk for 1 hour a day?
  2. Sometimes I feel that the theory can prevent me from taking action, it comes very subtly, covered with good intentions. Chances are this is not the kind of answers you were looking for, but I think meditation alone for your current situation can help a lot. I mean you seem to have a very good idea about healing, so I don't think you need more theory. Can you manage to meditate for 2 hours straight every single day?
  3. - I am torn between two wolves fighting inside of me. One is fighting to stay here, and the other is fighting to get there. Which one is going to win? + The one you feed the most.
  4. You're proving my point. You chose to "deprogram" yourself, so that's your personal preference. Not sure why that would trigger anyone. What I was hinting at, though, is that you can go further with that deprogramming. You can question it, and that can bare a lot of fruits for you. Why do you want to question everything? Should everyone else do the same? Etc... I don't need to know your answers, I'm just trying to give you a suggestion. Take what you like and throw away everything else. No need for making anything personal, we're all here to learn. ☺️
  5. Maybe the world is moving way too fast. Maybe our authentic selves should be lazy. Don't be too harsh on yourselves. We aren't machines.
  6. @Bill W I don't really know or even care about Leo's "delusion". He talks for hours to his camera. It's quite normal he won't be precise with everything he says. Consider talking to a friend for hours, being precise all the time would kill me. So, I use such strong phrases when I sense people taking everything he says seriously and literally. The point of what he says is to motivate people to do the practices, but victims mentality kicks in by using Leo's pointers as absolute truths and as excuses. I don't like him advocating psychedelics, but they can motivate a lot of stage Orange people. See the other thread where people started doubting the value of meditation just because Leo said something in his videos. I mean, Leo does not try to become the authority, but it seems like some people want to have an external authority. They don't want to lead their lives. I'm kind of giving up on people, but who cares!
  7. The missing piece of your puzzle is 'beliefs'. Or, to be more accurate, you have stupid beliefs about life, and you think they aren't actually beliefs. You think those beliefs are important and that they're precious. Self-shielding beliefs can be the trickiest to uncover, and the hardest to unwire. Why are beliefs important? Because they're the core thing that runs your entire life. You're not supposed to not have any beliefs whatsoever (you virtually can't not have any beliefs), but rather to be conscious of and selective about them. Let me guess some of your beliefs right now (the software you're running on).. I shouldn't have beliefs, beliefs are <insert a discouraging quality>. Beliefs are not the truth, and I want the truth. Therefore, I will reject all beliefs until I find the truth (maybe forever). Well, guess what's the truth now? A life devoid of meaning. Spirituality will deliver me to the the truth. And everyone that says otherwise is deluded or at least inferior.
  8. One of my deepest awakenings revealed to me that mathematics and everything that's similar, are all second-order. The first-order is infinite intelligence. Science is not coherent as one might think. It just appears to be so. It's all an illusion, there are no rules, there never were. Laws are imaginary. Not in the sense that they are just concepts, although they are, but in the sense that they aren't real at all. It's become ridiculous to me to even think that there are rules to begin with, and yet it's very vital and helpful for survival (yet another imagined rule). Think of reality as magic, and you may have a better idea of what it is.
  9. Truth will make you see through the illusion of suffering. You will become able to utilise the suffering for creation. God creates through suffering. And unless you want to create/stay alive, you can try to avoid suffering. You will go full-circle and realise that you want and need suffering to stay alive. You will not desire suffering per se, but you will not suffer from it anymore.
  10. This is ridiculous! This is what I hate about this new age movement. Don't judge meditation unless you've done some serious practice. Serious means at least a month of non-stop meditation. Sure, if you are to fit 20 minutes here and there into your tight schedule, then it's close to useless, but still close better than completely useless. Meditation is one of the practices that build momentum over time. So, the more you practice it, the more you will get exponential results. Weak momentum won't ever get you far. There is a point in practice where awareness, naturally, hits a curve. And from that point on, meditation becomes a second nature, and a baseline level of awareness. Meditation, at that point, becomes a luxury for raising awareness even higher, but never a practice anymore. At that point, the healing process becomes automatic, more of a passive process. You won't need to worry about unwiring your old patterns because God has taken control, and It alone will cure you and purity you from all the earthly impurities. Comparing psychedelics with meditation is just ridiculous, to say the least. Sure they can give you deeper insights in shorter periods of time. But they're never practical. Those insights will not make sense after the high, even to you, simply because you aren't at the same level as they are. You just peeked and saw God, but never became It. Meditation will make you God.
  11. I'm having another awakening. Last winter I've had my first. The difference is that last year it was an ego-death awakening, while now it's zoomed out big picture awakening with the ego integrated. "I am the father. I am the teacher. I am the protector and provider. I will reclaim my authority and make everything right." These are the words I wrote in my notes during the awakening the other day. I don't feel that way anymore, but I know that every decision I make from now on should be in service of that command. .. A lot of insights started coming through; For the first time, I've been able to find the key to life. It's beliefs. Beliefs are what carries you through the hardest times. If you want to change anything in your life, you can shortcut your way to the end with beliefs. Life is imagination. I create everything, literally. I create pain. I create happiness. I create everything. Suffering is a catalyst for creation. Nothing is real. People talk a lot, and that creates the illusion of reality. The most shocking insight that I've ever had is that the authentic self is not already defined. It can change. Beliefs can change it. The saying: fake it 'till you make it. My current goal is to collapse my agendas with my authentic self, so that I can live life free of resistance. It is possible with the help of beliefs. The goal is to make my ego and authentic self, one, as they should have always been.
  12. lol. The fact that you call it pointless chatter is a huge indicator of how indoctrinated you are. Open your mind/eyes up. You aren't alone.
  13. A lot of unnecessary concepts bro. They only cause confusion. It's the present moment. Focus on the present moment.
  14. That's just your personal preference, my friend. You forgot to count for those who want guidance from others without learning from their personal experience. I'm not saying I am one, or some way is better than the other. I'm saying that the preference of being lead exists, just as much as the preference of being a leader. Obviously, you can't be a leader without having followers ☺️ @Nak Khid Dude! You ask some really weird questions!
  15. @silene "Look at your hand, right now! That's God." -- Leo Gura Drop the assumption that there is something called "non-duality" or "God". Then think whatever you want, and there you will have it. (You already do, you just don't think so).
  16. It doesn't happen overnight. You need more time/practice, that's all. Years of unconsciousness usually require months, if not years, of active awareness in order for it to get neutralised.
  17. Believe that whatever you are saying about yourself is interesting. You really are nothing but a story. Be relaxed while saying it. Say it.
  18. That's because you assume non-duality to be something different from any other mundane moment.
  19. @SoonHei ?? Another way for answering the question: Which is more illusory? The water, or the question?