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Unique skills that pay huge dividendsSmall talk
Deep sex
Public speaking
Sales copy writing
Conscious communication
Stage Green Peeps
How to find stage green peopleYoga studios
Organic and whole food grocery stores (like Whole Foods)
Universities (not all obvs)
Any classes for things like reiki, acupuncture, breathwork, meditation, etc.
You can also search on meetup.com if you just type in the words "green people" ..
Self sustainable communities
The west coast of canada
Scandinavian countries apparentlt
Austin Texas, new york, west coast of the US, costa rica, ...
I can't get over how stereotypical I'm being ... it's like racism but with spiral dynamics.
Wage Slavery
Are all employees wage slaves?No one is a wage slave, it's a state of mind. Some people are such slaves to their business, they'd find much more freedom being employed. But if you love what you do working for yourself, it doesn't matter what hours you work. Get in touch with passion, inspiration, intuition, it's all about getting the inner state right, it's not about being judged as being "free" from someone else, on the outside. THAT is the real slavery.
Modern Unhappiness
Why are modern people unhappy?Overabundance of information.
Unfair distribution of resources.
The decline of healthy stage blue values such as ethics, discipline, dedication and family values
Extreme egocentric behaviour regardless of the costs to the environment, other people's health and the suffering of animals
Lack of mental challenge, decline in willpower, patience and strategic thinking about one's life -> tendency to favour quick solutions and shortcuts
The illusion of choice (why settle for one person when I could be shagging all these super hot models)
The illusion of other people's success (omg look at this successful guy with 4 million followers who btw suffers from crippling depression, takes drugs and his family life is a mess)
The illusion of beauty standards -> ehm.. Kardashians
Lack of dedication to a particular cause
Inability to sit down with one's thoughts for half an hour in total silence
Don’t read entire book if it’s not good.
My neurotic approach when reading books fucks me up@fopylo You're being way too neurotic and OCD about reading.
Drop all the rules and just read for enjoyment and relevance. Don't make it so formal.
If some part of a book is irrelevant, skip over it. Don't read books cover to cover unless it's a really good book.
Love Of Learning Careers
Unsure how to turn my strengths and values into marketable skillsTons of practical possibilities here: researcher, scholar, teacher, philosopher, author, historian, academic, research assistant, podcaster, interviewer, youtuber, public speaker, public intellectual, etc.
Not so hard to see practical ways of utilizing your strength.
Machiavelli VIds
looking for machiavellian resoucessAs someone thats scored very highly on Machiavellianism (98 out of 100), I'd say these are among the best videos out there explaining the personality trait, as well as the philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli.
I do however, only use these tactics to prevent myself or family/friends from getting taken advantage of. Much like what @asifarahim seems to be advocating for. It can be a very helpful tool to have, but one that should be handled with great care.
Appearance and Judgement 2
I stopped caring about appearance of girlsThis is a very important insight here that you're sharing...
The way that a man judges women... the judgment will always rebound inward to himself because he also has an Anima (the inner woman in every man).
You can look on this forum (and at the world in general) and find that the men who have the most objectifying, bitter, and mean-spirited views toward women have much lower self-esteem, especially in regards to dating. And this is because they project that women are also viewing them with the same objectification and mean-spiritedness. This you're noticing about yourself.
And of course, the Anima, which is a large part of the male personality will take the direct blow of the misogyny. And the man's self-esteem will take a huge dive because man is also quite a bit woman. So, the sword of bitterness, devaluation, and objectification that he stabs toward women also stabs him in his feminine place bringing up Shadow Feminine feelings of bitterness and pettiness.
And likewise, men who are the most secure, tend to have more normal and humanizing views toward women. And they don't see women as pornographic demon angels up on a pedestal objectifying them and judging their masculinity and their worth as a human being... because they are not judging women's inherent worth based on her looks/femininity.
Also, there is nothing bad about being attracted to women who are your looks-match. In fact, that's quite normal. Most couples don't have a significant disparity in terms of their looks. They even did an experiment, where they put numbers on sticky notes on everyone's heads and had them try to match up. And most people matched up with those who are closest in number, even though they couldn't see their own number. So, it's quite normal.
It's just that there's a lot of pressure to be the guy who has all the hot women... mostly not even for the pleasure of the experience but for the status in the eyes of other men. So, being with a woman of equal looks to you might create feelings of inadequacy in the eyes of other men. And this leads also to self-esteem issues, since you are expecting them (and often rightly so) to be judging your masculinity as inadequate. Men with low self-esteem tend to play off of one-another's insecurities about their own masculinity and success with women... which of course creates a cycle of bad feelings about themselves. Their judgments towards other men, also rebound inward towards themselves.
Basically, any judgment out will rebound as a judgment inward. So, one of the best ways to improve your self-esteem is to drop judgment and notice the humanity in all people and to view all people in a subjectifying way as opposed to an objectifying way.
Appearance and Judgement
I stopped caring about appearance of girlsI used to be very insecure about my appearance for many many years.
A way i found to help correct it outside of self-love, building your value as a man etc etc was to stop caring about appearance in general for other humans.
Whatever you judge on others, is a reflection of judging yourself. I noticed this on other people too, the people that comment the most about others appearances are usually the most insecure about their own appearance. Therefore, if i would judge a girl's worth as a partner or human being based on any amount on her looks then i would also feel like i am judging my worth based on my looks. I cannot go and say "guys judge girls based on looks and that is okay because girls care about personality", that mindset does not work with me. I tried it. If i screen girls harshly based on looks i will feel like i am getting screened harshly based on looks and that will make me somewhat insecure. Now, nuance here please. Of course i have some basic level of looks i care about a female and i expect females to have some basic level of appearance for guys. I tend to be around a 5.5-6/10 generally, so i do not care that much about looks above that for a girl.
Now i am not saying that i will not try to hit on girls that are very hot or anything like that. I will hit on everyone i want to, however it will not purely based on looks and the value of the girl in my eyes will not be influenced by looks much. How happy the person makes me and how compatible we are and how much we enjoy each other company is more important indicator.
So basically, when i see a girli i see her appearance of course but do not put that much value in it. Personality over looks i guess. Looks matter more as a threshold thing. Energy vibe compatibility values etc are more important. I am talking about relationships and stuff here. One night stands clearly differ.
What do you guys think? Is this a massive cope or does it have some usefulness to it as a mindset. It's purpose is basically to make me give 0 shits about my appearance after i take care of myslef because of it is not important much anyway. For this attitude to be embodied i should practice it myself on others otherwise it will be too much cognitive dissonance.
You attract through who you are
Models: Attract Women Through HonestyFacade attracts facades, game attracts gamed, honest attracts honest.
It’s how simple it is which could otherwise elude.
There is nothing better to be than yourself.
Pharmacology and Independent Study
The Study Of DrugsOrganic chemistry would probably be the most solid foundation, and then you could branch out from there.
Don't worry too much about exactly nailing down your end point. Just move in the general direction of what you love. The target will evolve as you gain experience.
Pscyhopharmacology sounds closest to what you want.
But remember, the most serious understanding is gained through independent study and experimentation, not any formal school or field.
Study whatever you care about now! Don't wait around for some program to one day teach it to you. Do it yourself! Go buy the textbooks and read them. You can buy any textbook.
And if you want to understand psychedelics, direct experience is king. It will put all the textbooks in the world to shame. Psychedelics are a taboo field in academia.
Moving Out - HomeSpace
URGENT I'm having an issue that i don't know how to deal with@rd5555 I wouldn't put up with human bullshit in one's living situation.
Move out and find yourself a solitary place where you can feel right.
You shouldn't have to abide fools and devils cavorting in your living space.
Yes, it's annoying to move, but you'll be glad you did. Consider it part of your personal development process. An important part of personal development is setting up your own personal sanctuary at home where no assholes can interrupt you. Don't treat this as unimportant. Your home is important.
Work & Pragmatism
Back after 1 year: For all the young actualizersGreetings to all of you. It was one year ago that I decided to finally drop all of the mental games and dive head first. To give you some context - I am an 18 year old, living in one of the most underdeveloped countries in Europe (and also in a really toxic family environment - Stage Red/Blue). Without going into much detail, there was serious ultra-conservative ideological pressure and many, many limitations. It became clear to me that I cannot develop myself without first addressing this fundamental issue of my environment that would keep stunting my growth. You see, I very much liked to think that I was spiritually gifted - I was a meticulous meditator and yoga practitioner. Whether through meditation, inquiry or psychedelics I had many realizations and states of consciousness of Love, Infinity and Oneness. But however developed I thought myself to be there were recurrent neurotic patterns, backsliding and frustration. It culminated with a series of trips all of which were clear in their message- "come back with focus". However painful at first, I accepted that unless I address these more pragmatic issues of my environment, I wouldn't be able to develop myself. I wanted to somehow feel "talented" and "gifted" by skipping those early developmental stages. Of course, in the long-term this would actually have been an extremely immature and unconscious decision missing the fundamental systemic nature of our lives. I cannot possibly describe all the things that changed over the last year, so I will list only the most impactful:
1) I sought out a mentor - an American businessman and educational activist who had a project at our school. (Stage Orange/ Green). He became a crucial pillar in my development by counteracting the impairing influence of my family.
2) I moved out from my parents' apartment and have been living independently for 7 months now.
3) Where previously I would struggle with relationships, I really got determined and eventually set this part of my life in motion. Over the last year I met many new friends and romantic partners that led to really valuable experiences and lessons learned.
4) I got my shit together and decided to do everything I could to study abroad. The only way for me to really charge my growth was to change my environment. You see, I am very aware of the systemic limitations and ideological framework of a university, but you have to understand that this really is the only option for someone of my background. So after almost a year of gruesome hard work (and many more prior) I am the only one from my country that got accepted at Harvard this year.
5) I started clearing up my life purpose through having many different experiences - conducting scientific research, working on NGOs and businesses. I became aware that I have a distinctly different path than any standardized path could give me, so I have to put in the extra time to figure it out and make it work.
There were so many lessons and realizations, but since I chose this to be addressed to other people in my situation, these are a few things I would have told my myself one year ago:
1) Sorting out your problems on a pragmatic level is not in any way less spiritual - in fact you really have no other option if you want to be as conscious and as developed as possible. Otherwise those problems will haunt you as your shadow, manifesting in toxic habits, dissatisfactions and even health issues.
2) Have as many and as diverse new experiences as you can. One of the most important lessons for gaining clarity is to experience life as much as possible - meet new people, try out things that interest you, go to different places, read different books. This would not only boost your creativity and general satisfaction, but also give you a clear sense of what you want out of life.
3) Set clear boundaries for yourself of what you accept as friends, partners and acquaintances. This is the only way to start elevating from your toxic environment and relationships. Your satisfaction and fulfilment should be a priority, otherwise you will build up resentment.
4) Focus on you. Stop debating, conversing or trying to change anyone's opinion or view of things. If you cannot cut the toxic people off, at least minimize as much your confrontations as possible (for example I stopped debating or talking about anything with my family that I knew would lead to ideological conflicts)
5) Your environment is an extension of you. Be deeply aware of how it influences you and your development and constantly strive to improve it.
6) You should work on all aspects of your life systemically. There would be times for more focused work on a certain area/project, but in general you don't want to leave a part of your life unaddressed.
I of course had many visions and spiritual realizations, the results of countless hours of contemplation, but I decided to make this post as pragmatic as possible. I hope this helps anyone who finds himself in a similar situation.
Inflation for Housing
Bull Market HousingYou gotta factor in inflation. Inflation will cause both stock values and house values to rise.
The whole point of a house is that it's an inflation hedge. That's mostly why I bought my house.
Journaling as an exercise to go Meta on anythingAfter watching the last video I got this idea. You can start journaling on any habit/hobby/skill you want to improve after doing it, or in the evening as an exercise to go meta on it. I guess this can be very valuable. For example you learn the piano consistently and then you want to go meta for one month, so you decide to journal one month about it everyday. Im sure you can improve in any skill through this. Its an easy exercise to go meta and improve on anything: meditation, instrument, sex, psychedelics....
Help! How To Find A Job Without Any Experience Or Education?I started volunteering somewhere of interests and just kept giving value until I got a small gig, then a full time gig. People will train you if they see you as valuable.
Variety: Volunteering and Skills Acquisition
Help! How To Find A Job Without Any Experience Or Education?I'm on Vancouver Island.
If I were you, I'd probably just start applying to a butt-load of places, then see which ones accept you. Work at a place for a bit, get experience. Volunteering I'd recommend too fosho. Get as many certs as you can. Ya, if you're in a position to do school, might be a good option. Even try doing like small bets and projects for people or organizations in your local community. Like right now, I'm in touch with a youth volunteer org. in town and am meeting them to see if I can put on some sort of Zoom games night or dance party or something. For free.
Pat the stats.
Just like a video game character. start just adding shit to your resume. And maybe variety is good too, since then you'll have experience in a bunch of stuff which not only makes you versatile in a job market, but also helps you learn what it is that truly excites you.
I heard this advice from Objective Personality, he laying out a framework of...
Go on craigslist and find any job you haven't done. No matter how shitty you think it is. Do it. Master 3 skills in that job. However long it takes for you to get to a point with those 3 skills where it's easy-breasy, work at the job until that point. Then quit and find a new job and repeat the cycle. I see this as also not just working at a job and then quitting with no skills learned, but doing the job, even if you don't like it, and actually developing some marketable skills along the way so you're not left with nothing.
Coaching at a young age
I'm Trying to Escape Wage SlaveryLife coaching is usually not suitable for people under 25 because the ROI isn't there and they aren't mature enough to male use of it. It only makes sense to coach people who have good incomes and are serious about optimizing their results.
You might consider tutoring as a way to make ends meet. You can tutor high school and college kids. The is much more practical.
You have to understand that people usually only pay for practical things. It's very challenging to market impractical stuff with low ROI.
How to
Has anyone here tried TRE exercises?This video is a good primer, but here is a full official breakdown of the exercises :
Dismissive Attachment
I feel like I will be forever singleHey Eric,
I recognize some of these tendencies in me too, although less severe.
What you're describing fits a lot of the checkboxes of the avoidant attachment style (avoiding closeness and intimacy, not relying on others for support)
I'll attach a checklist here so you can check to what extent it fits your experience:
I took it from this website which I highly recommend reading: https://www.attachmentproject.com/blog/avoidant-attachment-style/
I used to struggle a lot (and still do to some extent) with connecting with other people, socially and romantically. I tried many different things to work with this (Radical Honesty, Nonviolent Communication, Pick-up, psychedelics, visualization, meditation, etc.) and they all helped a little bit but I felt they didn't quite address the underlying issue. What really changed things around for me was learning about my attachment style, and what's behind my tendencies to pull away from others. What I realized about myself is that I actually was afraid of closeness because I expected that if I let anybody close to me, they would hurt and abandon me. I was basically putting on a band-aid before I could even get hurt; rejecting others before they could reject me. That's my experience. I don't know if that is what's going on for you. To get more clarity on what your individual sticking-points are, it might help to take a quick test to get clear on your attachment style: https://quiz.attachmentproject.com/ . Although online tests are of course not super accurate, but it's better than nothing.
What I do practically to work on this is the Ideal Parent Figure protocol developed by Daniel P Brown. It's been a life-saver for me; maybe you'll find it useful too. I'll attach some links here:
Introduction to the exercises: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMtS8DUmdwM
The actual exercises: https://www.integralsomaticawakening.com/resources
Lastly, be kind to yourself. Even though it might be hard to see it now, there are VERY god reasons for your behavior, and beating yourself up for it is just going to make everything worse.
Hope that helps.
Gluten 1
Is gluten really that bad?Some people can tolerate it. Many cannot.
There's nothing really good about it. It's basically empty calories and toxins. Wheat has a lot of pesticides in it and it is poorly digested by the gut because it was been so over-bred to be pest-resistant.
The thing is, if you are young, you will feel like nothing can hurt you regardless of what shit you eat. Then, as you age it all catches up to you.
When I was young I could eat wheat and drink 3 cokes a day without worries. Today I am paying for it.
Optimizing your diet requires a very long-term view: decades. If you only consider how it makes you feed today, you will eat a lot of shit and still feel okay.
Is gluten really that bad?Obviously rice, oats, polenta, and quinoa have no gluten, so they are much better than wheat.
White long-grain rice seems to be one of the best grains, if you're looking for quick and cheap calories.
People who feel threatened by you@StarStruck I am going through something similar. Make sure you aren’t being condescending and try to become interested in people as they are. Meet people where they are at. Show interest in them rather than seeing their viewpoint as foolish etc. It can be hard to express interest in someone who doesn’t share your values, but in order to get along with people, you need to be able to comfortably express yourself, and be open and interested in others. Otherwise people will sense your inauthenticity and be guarded. Read Models: Attracting Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson. It will help your relationships with both with men and women.
If people don’t accept you for who you are, then why do you want to be around them anyway? If you are openminded and kind to them, and they still judge you, then be thankful that you didn’t waste your time on them, (especially in dating).
If you want to figure out how to get along with every one, work on becoming a spiral wizard. (Spiral Dynamics) Learn to identify a persons’ values and interests, accept their level of development, and talk with them in their own language.
Instead of trying to fit in with the crowd (dumb yourself down), create your own circle. Become a leader. You could start a meetup group for meditation or start a book club. Start going to events or places where people will share your interests. Library, meditation retreats, self help work shops, or anything related to your business/purpose. If the people you are surrounded by aren’t encouraging you to improve, then surround yourself with those that do. Take responsibility for you relationships, be choosy about who you let into your life. If a girl doesn’t like you, her loss. Find someone better, someone who you do vibe with.