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Everything posted by Cabot

  1. He's right though, it does help a lot. You also clean your mind and calm yourself while doing it. Start small, have faith in yourself. Enjoy the journey. Reflecting is key. We tend to have these big realizations, then panic, try to figure out what to do... We make grand, life changing decisions. By the time we wake up next morning it's usually all gone, and we're back to our default dream like state. This is why meditation and isolation is important. It'll give you honest one on one time with yourself. You are the only person that can figure out what's best for you, purpose wise. Make a habit out of meditating. 20 minutes every day will do wonders, but it must be consistent. It's a good place to start. Long term, Rito is on spot. You got to try out new stuff, all the time... It's the only way to know what works for you. This should never end.
  2. We talk about LSD and DMT as means of expanding our consciousness. Since there is no quality control when buying illegal drugs, how do you guys know what you are getting? This is the main reason I stayed away from stuff like this. Especially after watching videos like these, where it's pointed out that there are so many similar substances that are sold as the real deal: Does anyone own a testing kit of some kind? Do you just trust people? My intuition is to stay away from it unless I'm sure of what it is, rather then going for it.
  3. If you aim for anything other then a one night stand, never sleep with the guy on the first date, for two reasons: 1. He will assume you do it all the time and will loose respect for you, you'll be a "slut" in his mind. 2. You took away his chance to "conquer you". We love a challenge, and things are so much sweeter for us if we have to work for them. It doesn't have to be too long, just long enough so you both crave it really, really badly. Especially then, hold it off for another day or two, to get the tension to the max... And then do it. I'm sure you will both appreciate it... For me, grooming is very important. I feel both sides need to be on spot here. Again, no, but after you actually start having sex regularly this is the name of the game if you want to keep the guy. I personally LOVE when a girl is all aristocratic in manner while in public, all formal and mannered, just hinting it with her eyes... So you call him, let him now you're on fire... Then go back to being a lady. I think I feel this way because this way she's only yours... You need to be HIS slut, not A slut, that's probably the main point. Damn, I'm all turned up now.
  4. Now I feel like reading "Getting off: A Woman's guide to masturbation". I bet there's some interesting information there...
  5. I feel carrotqeen has made the most important points. It's all about the mindset. Stuff like P90X is very advanced, and unnecessarily complicated. Just stick to basics. Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to health and fitness. Motivation? Love yourself. This is the only body you'll ever have, make it as amazing as you can. Consistent, small improvements every day. It adds up. Good luck!
  6. I'd suggest being your normal, kind self. After all she didn't wrong you. She is being herself. It is her choice and her freedom to do as she chooses. It is very good you found out who she is now, before your relationship got a chance to develop. It's obvious it would have been even more destructive and painful if you found out after you married her, don't you agree? The issue here is controlling your emotions when you run into her. They are still strong, still there. It's one of the things that makes us human. It's ok. The trick is to start to learn how to master your emotions. This is a fundamental mechanism which dictates so much in our lives. Maybe all of it, if we are not aware it's there. Watch some of Leos videos. He makes references to books in them, you can read further after you've watched the videos. It is an incredibly important aspect of your life, and something you will master more and more as time progresses. I started this journey not long ago and it's a whole new level, you got to try it man. Leo on emotions: Also, some advice on relationships: Grab some food, drink you like, watch the videos. Reflect on yourself, not her. It is your mechanisms that are torturing you, not her. Master this and be better. Be the greatest version of yourself.
  7. Every time we fall in love we project an image of that person. We glorify her. Our mind makes up all kinds of sweet little lies about how perfect she is. This tricks us into falling in love deeper, and deeper. This is not fair. Not to her, not to you. This is not real. I've been there. We've all been there. From what I can understand you are depressed because a person you hardly knew didn't turn up to meet your expectations. This is your brain tricking you, snap out of it. I know it hurts, but you got to recognize this and move on. The only way to be truly happy is to be yourself, watch yourself and grow yourself, so you might get a chance to someday (maybe) meet the person, that's as high quality as you. If you stay sad and depressed like this, over nothing, you will just end up attracting an equally miserable person, it's a pitiful little circle. It's good it ended now, she is not for you, you are better then this friend. Stay strong.
  8. So you let your hunger dictate how much and when you eat? Sounds great, though I'm not sure if I'd be up for that myself... I really, really love cheese... It's also important to note there are also no insulin spikes due to lack of simple carbs. This means your body doesn't get that signal to immediately store fat after you've finished eating a big meal. This is why you also avoid energy crashes, which is one of the biggest benefits of this diet. However, if you overeat, you'll still gain weight, though not as easily as on a standard american diet, right? No, I can't think of any other animal that has to "control its self" this way...
  9. Tried it for a short time, felt pretty good. I ate mostly eggs and cheese, olives... Standard regular food like that, nothing processed. Didn't stick with it though. It's only important to keep in mind that fat has double the calories compared to carbs of protein, gram per gram... That's where the green leafy vegetables come in I guess, you can eat as much of that as you like, it's almost non caloric, and feels so good.
  10. I figured Mark has a problem with overeating on healthy foods so I suggested it as an elegant solution. If the question is whether it's good to overeat on healthy foods... Probably not, at least not all the time. Unless maybe you're working out and trying to maximize muscle gains, but he didn't mention that either... Care to be more specific Mark? Fasting is indeed healthy and awesome,
  11. As I mentioned in a previous thread I've started not eating every Sunday for 24h or more. The benefits are amazing. You'll burn 2-3 thousand calories, you'll feel awesome. You will not loose muscle mass if you work out. I plan on repeating this process until I'm satisfied with my body fat percentage.
  12. I've been rocking IF for some time and it's great. I'm doing a variation now, eating normally for 6 days fasting on water the 7th. The logic being that when I am building muscle I go all in with healthy foods, and one day per week I am focused on fat loss and detox only. I'm happy to report there's no (at least significant) muscle loss that everyone fears, I just look more and more ripped every Monday... It's also a great sense of achievement. I hadn't eaten any calories in 25h now... Lunch in two hours... It's gonna taste so good.
  13. Leo mentioned the book "Psycho Cybernetics" in one of his videos, was a nice read. It talks about your nervous systems inability to make a difference between a real and a vividly imagined experience. This means you can "reprogram" your self image trough re imagining your new self with. The key is to have as much detail as possible while visualising your new image. Apparently your self image can subconsciously hold you back even if you are actively trying to achieve something trough practice. For example, if you are trying to learn an instrument and you manage to discipline yourself into practicing it every day, yet deep down you "know" you suck, then you will fail. The book recommends "meditating" on your new self image every day for 30 minutes... I hadn't done that, but I keep this mechanism in mind when trying out new things, it does seem to help.
  14. If you are trying to influence someone close to you , most you can get away with is small, gradual changes. It needs to be so subtle to an extent it almost feels as if you're tricking them into it. If you get away with this, the next important step is making them feel good about them selfs, and what they did. Just some old school positive reinforcement. This slowly opens them up to more positive changes and prepares them for deeper and more difficult questions. However, some people are harder to work with then others. Some are so defensive that it's best just to back off, at least for the time being. There are no universal rules, just positive effort, patience... Don't be condescending, come from a place of love. If it's a very general question, then I'd ask the same thing Truth is... Why waste energy to pump up your own ego?
  15. I've been out drinking heavily a few nights ago, and trough my recently obtained self observation skills I kind of managed to watch myself during most of the experience. To tell you the truth, I felt ashamed of myself, especially in the morning. It's incredibly self destructive, and the benefits are few if any. I don't think I'd mind the trade off if I had a really, really good time but it's just not the case, at least not anymore. Alcohol used to be helpful when flirting with girls, the lack of inhibition seems to have some charm. But lately I feel it's holding me back rather then helping with anything. I think it's ok to drink on social events where it's expected, like a wedding or a celebration, but other then that I'm done with it. I don't think anyone can make that decision for you though, I'd just suggest trying to be more self aware next time you do it, and make your own judgement.