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Everything posted by TripleFly

  1. Yeah, but what do you feeeeeelllll about it? go deeppp, feel feel feel feel. Like I feel that Leo appeared before you, and that's great for you, but instead of taking it in you just started analyzing and thinking and all that. What does it feel like? What does the experience taste like? Don't just take one bite, eat the whole apple man!!!
  2. Ehh what? I never tried this but google doesn't give me anything about trip length being any different. Nevertheless, extra interested, care to elaborate?
  3. Love yourself deeply and make your connection to your heart stronger. Then experience higher states of freedom, expression, intelligence, connection, better intuition, faster understanding, and an infinite amount of qualities. Then when the elevated experience ends, try to love yourself through the mundane experiences of being, boredom, frustration, lack, anxiety, restlessness. You will be struggling, which is good, you are exhausting yourself, when you notice the exhausting then return to your heart, which will always guide you to safety, home, intuition, freedom, and liberation... Let love take you hand in hand, gently, to the light. What else is there? I don't believe we have the power to overcome our egos. I don't believe we have the power to navigate through suffering and delusion. I don't believe any experience of awakening has the power to guide us to enlightenment. Love is my only liberator. It is the only thing I can bring myself to yield to.
  4. No man.. Look I appreciate the analysis and feedback but that's totally not what my intention was, neither is that the overall message of my comment. I understand that I write in a messy way but you're making a lot of assumptions on what I am assuming which I could now continue to propel... I think your message is really informative it gives you, me and others more views on the ego. Which I highly encourage!! But my overall message is that ego is. Same way you wrote, but in my words. Which I will back. We're allowed to have 2 sets of truth on planet earth. with grace.
  5. Hey (: I think it is a very noble thing to do for yourself, to decide that you want to end suffering. I think that it's crucial to want only the best for yourself... That's lovely! Trust your eyes, trust your experience, but listen to your heart! It will guide you. But sometimes it takes some time to get used to the language of the heart, be patient and ask whatever you want from your heart, listen carefully and trust its message. It only wants the best for you and it is your dearest compass out of the suffering
  6. Hey Maha, I totally get where you're coming from.. When we are born we forget who we are and where we come from. After suffering drives us to seek for healing and more meaning, we find a familiar feeling. And this feeling-intution is your best guide. I highly recommend you check out Matt Kahn over on youtube, although I am still going through it, everyday I am growing more and becoming stronger. Real strength Maha! It's not the kind that comes by pretty words and goes by surging emotions, it's the kind of strength that only love can teach, and that you know no matter what happens, you'll never be alone and once you recognize what it is you are really here to do, you get it. The Eternal Cultivation of your beautiful heart. Help everyone and your beloved by helping yourself And the best part, you don't need to change a thing.
  7. This is not going to be helpful: Sounds like spiritual bootcamp, and not life. Life is what's it all about, so your ego is going to make your life hell to wake up you up...
  8. What do you mean? You just woke up holy shit BOOM
  9. How would we know we're not your self crying you to pay attention to it? right X'D Personally... Ideally I would do lots of this every day, it's actually ultra fulfilling and it can give you ecstasy, joy, and awareness that is out of a psychedelic state, but much more real. I did part of the 12-step program they give to addicts and it was a hard but amazing experience. It also frees you from crutches that you tend to go to. Any addictions. You suddenly realize you don't want it as much. You know the whole no-fap ordeal, relapse and hell and all of that. I highly recommend finding a framework and doing heavy emotional work, it passes the time in a way that feels like you're not just waiting for hell to be over, and it literally frees you from the shit you're craving!
  10. Yeah.. It comes back ^^ I have a question for you if you don't mind me asking... If you know about god or the divine, how could you have some defunctional buggy feature called an ego? Like I am not denying the existence of ego. But why would we have a feature that is not in our best, most loving, growth? Bottom line: Why do we have ego man? I don't know why I am asking you this. But basically I had my fair bit of shoving down my ego and running away from it. Which resulted in situations like what happened with your friend at the beginning of the thread. Like I can bury my ego but then I can't connect to other egos, what's up with that. So like, what's really interesting?(to me obviously, who cares about you?) How do you live WITH an ego? Like I wanna be my full potential spiritual butterfly soul heart and love that my mind just wants to keep preaching about it. But how do you actually EMBODY the loving energy? Like how the fuck it makes sense to people to force their egos and fucks themselves up in the ass with psychosis and self-denial? Idk, actually I do know, I did it! LOL and not 'me because I am YOU' but me, actually, my ego, my body, my self. lol. It's cool how REAL things can be. And it's holistic man. You don't need to change and become a nun, or go hippy. Only if you want to. So when it's time for you, maybe you'll be interested in that. But if you're not? If it's repulsing you, then it's not for you, and that's not RESISTANCE. Like it is RESISTANCE but it's good resistance, no need to force. Learn from the idiots that force And you find out that you can have it all and with nothing to lose. It's pretty words. But I hope you get the message, be you. it's okay. if it's right for you, it'll find you, no worries.
  11. Yes dude it's totally an eye opener the 'us' vs me. I had the exact same thing, euphoria and all from the relief of myself and the discovery of the everything. Try gratitude, I did, and it was nice, but it's not a game changer. But you know rome wasn't built in a day.. but you know you don't gotta do anything really like a 'practice', you know? but 100% on gratitude. like what I am trying to say that it's all about alignment? Like you know when you're doing a lot of spiritual work like Yoga, inquiry, meditation, but you're more distracted and busy by the doingness of the mind, rather than feeling into your body and getting that drowning in love sensation? Like how every moment that you're doing the spiritual-practice you go deeper and deeper? Like even the discipline-strick-rigid-hard-borderline DO THIS OR YOUR IN EGO, that part, falls off and you're just following your intuition? You get in the flow of your heart your best friend your beloved . That's what alignment vs non-alignment feels like. And then it's like how much time do you wanna spend working your ass off spiritual work instead of aligning yourself with your heart and diving DEEP no matter GOOD or BAD, negative positive, judgemental, thought or emotion. You're in faith brother. Now I sound like a preacher nun type of person. But these days I think it's just letting your spiritual ego exhaust itself, notice the suffering you create for yourself, it's like, what do you wanna do? No way you'd choose anything other than your heart when you start seeing, and man you already have your eyes open. It's like, pay attention lol. ANYWAY I hope I transmitted something of value in my blabbering to you. bottom line it's really simple. Have faith that whatever you feel and encounter is right for you, and then you can call that 'right-suffering'. And then have faith that it's gonna pull you out of there when it's the right time too! Notice what feels better to your heart, and what doesn't so you're aligned in your personal compass(I don't use the word truth). That's what god means.. Have faith... Go through the toxic mold and the destruction of your personal world. Why? Because it's 10,000000X better and more REAL than anything mental you're gonna do. The REAL thing separating you are not really your thoughts, you're thoughts are like glass and you only see a few at a given time. It's your emotions. Spiritual work is the cleansing of the Emotional Body. Once your emotions are out of the picture, what remains is pure joy, and all the good stuff that you naturally posses. But don't do anything about your emotions! That's just ego. Actually you're ego is the one that will suffer and make you stop meditating or whatever. Your job is not to force yourself, but to do 2 things: Love yourself as a refuge for your ego, so when it's unbearable, your ego or whatever you think is yourself at the moment can run towards the love YOU freely give. Just tell yourself I love you. Just imagine or cultivate a feeling of love in you. Eventually you can just take a breath and sense the love in you without thought. But if you can't then tell it yourself, 'i love you' . Notice suffering and notice when you're less suffering. Let awareness do the work for you. When you sit down to meditate sometimes you'll be more aware, sometimes you'll try to force yourself to be aware, sometimes you'll have spontaneus joy or pleasure or fulfillment, sometimes you'll 'understand' things, sometimes you'll get excited, sometimes you'll get depressed, sometimes you'll want to stop meditating, sometimes you... And this is where you have the insight that you keep bringing up: You are suffering, and then you FIX THE SUFFERING. STOP DOING THAT! Stop mentally 'becoming aware', stop helping yourself, reminding yourself. Stop changing reality when ever you notice! Eventually stop 'stopping changing reality too!' , a little too meta there... So when you stop mentally fixing the problem(As most people do with thoughts) you allow yourself to experience yourself a little deeper. Give yourself some love and just continue sitting right there. The MIDST of confusion and chaos! What a wonderful place, you never know what you'll learn from being there... But that's the Sweet spot. And just feel whatever comes, notice suffering, notice spontaneus awareness, overly-self-conscious states. It's really cool because you start acting as if you're in the real world and you're going through the motions, sometimes you're happy sometimes you try to do something.... But don't forget to offer love to yourself freely because you'll quickly find yourself drowning in the darkness. Your own willingness to tell yourself 'i-love-you' and to feel what's happening is what determines the rate in which you learn to swim. From there you figured it out, then it just depends how long do you wanna let yourself swim and how deep do you wanna go? Fuck I am so jelous of you. This is such a fun process. You'll be overwhelmed a little but that's just because the water really gets in your face. don't worry though(or maybe do, if that's what arises) you're a natural swimmer.
  12. I saw a good quote somewhere around here, Love is what allows being to flourish ? Do you think it's loving to speak to someone in a language which you know he doesn't understand? Or perhaps it is your spiritual ego that wants your friend to see YOU? It's not a sin. It's just doesn't work like that. You don't talk computer engineering to a hobo, you speak human-hobo. Get the idea? Yeah... I still struggle with this. It's helpful to stop doing the above, since it's co-dependency to seek love or even demand love from others. The thing that worked for me is connect deeper with myself. So I don't seek love from other people and I have it given freely within myself. Then you can just enjoy being yourself and you can actually let the other person be himself too! And if he demands love from you, give it to him! But don't expect the same treatment. It's not meant to be fair.. But you'll know it's real
  13. Yes!!!! a 100 times exactly accurate! I get strongly the energetically-sensitive-being vibes from you... Empath? Sensitive? Heart? It doesn't have to have always been like that, maybe it just dawned on you at some point not so long ago. I cannot stress enough how important SELF_LOVE is for me. Otherwise I can't talk to others. I can't be myself. I don't believe in myself. In fact I rather not exist so not to take the breath or attention away from more important things. Everything is so sacred and divine, and I am this little being overwhelmed by my own sensitivity and a fear to somehow hurt, damage, or cause some sort of dissonance to other people. I have to accept all the parts of me that feel ashamed, resentful, scared, overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, tragic... Love them all!!! In fact you could do Leo's self-love exercise, which is: Write down all the ways in which you LACK self-love, in which you don't love yourself. And then decide to love all of it!!! But it doesn't work like that exactly, it gave me a powerful experience of pure PRESENCE. Because when you do this exercise you learn to BE with a BOMBARDMENT of emotions(If you do it properly, intensively,like an essay) which cultivates, presence But for me it didn't do much more than raise the awareness. So what now I asked myself. Holy fucking shit how fucked up am I!??!?!? I RAISED my AWARNESS, but I am still not happy I am still FUCKED with myself!!!! You really have to cultivate strong LOVE. I have litearlly a timer in my heart that offers me, freely, no matter if I did good or not. I love you. And it is transforming the tecktonic plates of my reality. I don't need to do any spiritual work actually, If I just love myself, EVERYTHING COMES TO ME!!! I HAVE IT ALL. I highly recommend you check out Matt Kahn, he is an enlightened being that delivers the heart-centered message. And along the way debunks a lot of the spiritual traps that people like US tend to fall into. I have the highest of love to you.
  14. That's really good man, but I think it's also about independence, being your own individual person, not really relying on outside circumstances to be happy? For me, I had to accept that if I am to live in this world, I need to do it my way... I started eating healthier but also indulging because I found out that I can't force myself to just eat healthy. I started taking my spiritual practice more seriously. I practiced and am still practicing my alone time, and how to be with myself... I got clean water and I drink a lot of it. You know the basics, hydration,diet,exercise,sleep... This is just basic self-care, which no one teaches us!! At least that was my case. The point I am trying to make, don't make it hard on your ego to surrender and to love. Have a good life! We're living in the greatest of times where you can live like a KING!!! You already posses spiritual seeds and sprouts, that's good enough, much better than most of everybody you'll meet. Now just heal your mind and body, by taking care of it. Pick yourself up. I love you.
  15. Personally I feel really weird about truth that feels dry and empty. Where's the love? Where's the heart? I keep oscillating between the dry witness state of being and... I guess... love? (You can tell I don't get it completely) Nevertheless the latter makes all of this boring, 'babble' go away. And then you can REALLY listen, It's like your being is being tickled by... love? by... Yourself? Who can tell. But I can tell it's much nicer on the heart side of things. y'know?
  16. @Espaim Wow! I am thrilled. I always 'microdosed' at 10-30ug. But now I am coming to appreciate the very very subtle effects, as I am now considering more than ever surrender, bhakti yoga and basically devotion and enhancing my own self-love. I think I am going to experiment with this. While on it: Does it change you to a different person too much? Can you say that you're 'vanilla-you' enough? enough because, I am coming from a place that had enough distractions, and I am really only seeking the purest, truest, way to do the work..
  17. Wow man this is really touching me because I have been going through this probably definitely my entire life. It's like this thick world, thick shadow, that drowns you and makes it really hard just to live. It's your own inner darkness coming to life. It's being triggered by the outside world and it's coming out more and more. And our egos can fight and fight but at some point you start to break, and sadness can quickly escalate to depression... You don't need to love all that darkness if you don't want to. But don't abandon yourself! Love the one inside of you that becomes saddened by the darkness. Love the one that becomes jealous Love the one that hates how everything is Love the one that becomes sad You can experiment with different 'spiritual practices' but ultimately the highest form of teaching, is, self-love. All other teachings, in one way or another, point to a FORM of self love. Which is all other teachings are 'sort-of' secondary to self-love... But hey if you find something that really helps you then that's exactly IT for YOU!! which is PERFECT!!! Personally I have struggled with loving myself, and found it ridicules. I mean, come on, we already love ourselves, give me a break. So... Love the one who is frustrated by 'love'. Good luck
  18. I feel that I would need to try really hard and push against many great barriers to reach that deep. And I don't know if there's even an end, I can't speak about past lives, but that's where your logic is headed.
  19. His name is Matt Kahn. And he has literally saved my life from the spiritual traps. Integration is everything. And boy does he give you a hell of a BEAUTIFUL experience of simply a HUMAN- BEING. In the FLESH.
  20. Wow! amazing stuff!!! Right on point for me as I am getting more and more and more interested in BREATH WORK. Though I have been doing mainly emergency breath work, with breath of fire and then retention while squeezing the perineum. I'll give this a shot today, tell you how it went!
  21. Hey! For all it matters I am more of an empath, I am looking for some advice regarding meditation and the shenanigans an ego does. I am using the Do Nothing meditation, for several hours each day. I kind of feel stagnant with it now. And I am seeking something to compliment it with. See the issue is that when joy arises, when equanimity arises, when my innocence, the truth in my heart, is beginning to emerge: Instead of not doing anything and just going with it, I automatically shut it down. I believe that I am not worthy of these states or that they're not real. I ACTUALLY feel better when I allow myself to experience these states, when I let them take me... I HATE to say it, but I think Do Nothing is not so much for my ego. Let me clarify, I am not looking for bliss or enlightenment!!(Of course I am) but should I really be sabotaging myself? obviously not, which is what this is all about. Anyway I am not into explaining myself, if you don't get it that's fine... I don't want to drop Do Nothing entirely, it helps me develop, recognize, spaciousness, and I am very grateful for that. But now there are these dark, sometimes painful, emotions inside me. So uh... Anyone here more experienced and can direct me to something complimentary to Do Nothing?
  22. It does have something to do with the mindset... But as of recently I prefer not to stick to any one mindset. I am not interested in trying to learn anything about the subject nor about the person. If the info comes then it is welcomed but it is certainly not something that truly grabs my attention at all. 'I didn't learn anything' by that I meant, I didn't come out of the conversation feeling anything real. I used to delve into whatever theme was present, whether there was a mysterious emotion in the air that I've yet to recognize, or if it was a dry intellectual, conceptual, manly talk where I could see the ideas of my mind. But that's no longer the case, I am much more familiar and quicker and direct. It's as if I am witnessing older versions of a reality in which I covered most of the content. I just have nothing to do with this. I have an aversion to witnessing reality like a mindfulness practice. I find it very impractical when I am with others. I think it's like you're trying to avoid or runaway from the immediate experience by trying to be aware of a 'bigger' or 'wider' experience. I prefer to just be present with reality as it is. Not to dismiss or take away from this practice since I've done it myself and it is 100% useful. But I don't think it's for me anymore. Yes ... The awkward presence that stays when you don't respond, I thought I was at ease with it. It slowly came back some 4 months ago. I used to get the same reactions and I even found myself identifying with that uniqueness. Now there's just so much bullshit between me, my ego, and others. That I just can't get through
  23. What the heck is communication all about? If I try to listen to the other person, then I don't exist and I have no response. I also didn't learn anything. If I listen to myself while someone is talking to me, I get different reactions 'ok...?' 'You should blah blah...' Often people tell me stuff and I draw blank as a response. I then find myself going to my auto-reactions. some examples, so maybe someone can identify my theme and what to do about this: When I find myself in the situation that me and another person are speaking at the same time, I would stop myself and even go on to tell the person to 'go on', or 'yes?'. Sometimes I discard what I had to say because it didn't mean as much or that. Then I draw blanks as a response. Some part of me likes to talk and express himself freely, yet, at times, I feel that in a social-situation, group gathering, where the conversation came to end and silence is present. In these situations I am conflicted about expressing myself since I feel that any thoughts of no real value or importance or meaning, would hurt the harmony. In a situation where my boundaries are crossed or about to. Where anger is the natural arising aid. I don't know how to express anger without making others feel threatened, without making others feel as if I am trying to control their behavior or as if they have done something wrong. Sometimes I feel unworthy of being angry and that maybe I am exaggerating, but my mind knows that to be just spiritual-ego rubbish to escape feeling anger. Anger wouldn't arise for no reason and can't be handled that way so how can I let go off anger without losing my shit completely. It's probably an art like a skill, and I am not so destructive so I am not really afraid to express it, I just feel confused about anger. Help