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Everything posted by TripleFly

  1. Thanks. You are absolutely right (: Already doing all that you suggested, day 30 nofap, I do sun salutations in the morning, and I eat mostly fruits and veggies fasting 20 hours a day. I am going to get greens and frozen berries to blend as a daily shake from now on too. The biggest takeaway is that I am letting go of perfectly studying and putting in the time even though my goal is school > work, I have to release and favor work sometimes. I think I'll be okay, I just need to let time pass.
  2. write down the thoughts, worries, fears, anxieties, that you believe are blocking you, then find a way to reincorporate those very fears as the way to your goal. I am afraid that no one will like me at work and I will stay all alone, as I have been in the past, and this means the future is hopeless... >> Even though I am afraid of many things, I still want certain things, and although I know my fear stops me, I also know that I let it do so. So instead of resisting you, my dear fear, I am ready to surrender the way I want things to be, so you can show me what's the baby steps needed for me to do first before I am ready. I shall be present with you, my dear fear, until you are ready to tell me what excites you enough to step forward and slowly join in the great flow that I Am.
  3. Allow yourself to also give some tough love. You don't gotta limit love the way you think you do. You can love in a very radical way. And if they're upset by it, well that's their issues not yours, you're just being you aren't you?
  4. This is what every woman on this planet goes through these days Stop letting men have sex with you(and I don't mean not to physically love you or have intercourse!!!)... I mean only be open to love. Let them woo you, and then one day You will encounter a man, and he will claim to love you, you gotta be a little vigilant, because at some point he may compromise, or you may compromise, for the promise of sex. But the promise of sex always ends in disappointment and the oncoming on depression for the woman. This is wonderful talk about sex and love: Barry long, one of the only gurus that ever dared to talk about sex or love. He also has an incredibly powerful book about love making.
  5. Fun game, aren't we all waking up? Every moment we wake up to something new
  6. What's so wrong with getting girls? Yes yes.. The classic renunciationists... Yes.. Sex is distraction... Woman is for perverts. Here I'll give you my perspective, I don't think renunciation and celibacy is wrong, but being with Woman is Man's way of manifesting God in existence, by, making love. Anyway, if that's your bliss, and you're not harming anyone. Dude go all the way. I think you already understand that it's important to live through these experiences and fulfill the dreams that you have. You're doing great mate, continue rocking. The trick is that you were always enough for it! Now you just gotta prove it to yourself. So find some methods that work for you. Mirror eye gazing or with a partner really helps break down and loosen up the areas in which you are still uncomfortable in. Do like 15-30 minutes of that. It gives you insane confidence afterwards, and it also gives you siddhis, but don't abuse or use those at all, they're distractions.
  7. Continue watching! It's happening but you keep interrupting yourself. Stay in longer! Give yourself to god fully. For 30 minutes, and then get up and go on with life.
  8. Have fun! I enjoyed seeing a therapist for like 4 session. At the time I was struggling with anxiety a lot and it helped me feel much better.
  9. Some things will take away from your energy without giving you much back, so in this situation you are definitely losing energy. But what if you took this responsibility for things that give you more energy? In that case it would be rewarding wouldn't it? Problems are energy that you are holding onto, and holding on requires energy by itself, so when you are insisting on a problem then you are wasting more and more energy. Can you try to use your rational mind together with your valuing mind, because it sounds like you're giving your problems so much credit that they hold you back. Sometimes we need new energy in our system to clear the old stuck up one, a book about our struggles, a friend to talk about with, even just a walk in the beach can do the trick.
  10. Yeah but what do you do on days when you're microdosing? You know what I mean?
  11. Good for you. There's a lot of mystical and unproven things, so I can't say for sure what happens. But good stuff happened last time I reached 90. On day 26 now. Here's my reasons for doing it: -No longer sexualizing women, being able to just be friends and enjoy a woman's company without being a complete mess because of sexual attraction. -Being able to control my sexual energy better. -No more fucking porn in my life. I have one saying. There are many paths, but there is one thing that I know is NOT it, and that's, porn.
  12. What do you mean...? The middle age is also called the dark ages, where women were burned for being witches, where the church would crucify heretics.. There's a lot more fear for survival. Whereas, you come in, you get PAID, even if you did a shitty job. Ya maybe you get fired, but you get to reserve your dignity and life. With money you can buy anything you want. Also, I think it's important to understand the concept of the western world we live in. We are the western world of opportunities! We are the ones who got lucky! We are not the starving children in Africa!
  13. 100% with you on that buddy, Our brain is really good at solving and fixing problems. Notice the fixation. Continue your path. Some things are more important to think and are more urgent. Others are more playful and less serious Here is my tip to my fellow, Play it out. You wanna take 100% responsibility for why other people are not acting the way you want? Play, it, out. Do it all, do it even more than if you're hesitant. Teach yourself the lesson you need to be taught by doing it. Sometimes you will have to see yourself do something that you think is uncomfortable, or awkward, or a mistake. But you know you wanna do it Just as long as you're not hurting anyone. Also remember, be honest with yourself, this is how you test if you're bullshitting yourself. Don't stop yourself just be honest with yourself, so you know what's up and can understand yourself better. And lastly.... Your now honest is not the same as your past-honest. Sometimes you'll discover things about yourself that you will feel embarrassed about. That's great! Because if it seems embarrassing to you, that means you're past that stage, that also means that you won't be doing that anymore, so you don't even need to be hard on yourself. It's a 'Done this, did that, not going to repeat that again' type of situation, but only, with yourself !
  14. If sanity is lost then what's enlightenment worth? just surrender now. give it a rest. Like there's a lot of resistance. You're a brave guy to try and go up against that. For now I am more about going with the flow of least resistance. but like, out of a little concern since I have done stupid things to move past my resistances, just be weary that you don't add trouble to your life that you don't need.
  15. Yes I see trees much differently than before. I recognize nature more. It will change your experience of every psychedelic you ever take from now on. You can skip all the 'games' and visuals that changa gives you and just straight up dive into your being. After 5meo dmt your beingness knows the way in, so you just take the path of least resistance, which is, surrender. But it also makes it more scary, because it can simply trigger your death? All of us experience symmetrical limb movements, where your hands and legs and body moves in a symmetrical and graceful way, and is very healthy. This can be experienced in other psychedelics too. It will take a few months to integrate what you went through after 5meo dmt. And real integration means change, to your perception of self, your ideas thoughts and emotions, and about your perspective of being a human, I think you force growth on your psyche, so if you're not resisting it, yeah there's great potential Even a bad trip or a whiteout, where you don't even remember what you went through, will have radical effects.
  16. A similar thing happened to me some time ago. I am going after my happiness, I chose a coding course, and I am working to support my own apartment, food, and lifestyle that I want to live. My lifestyle has changed completely. I pray for the first time in my life sometimes. I fast most of the day and eat at certain times. I eat mostly fruits and veggies. I take psychedelics every now and then. I take cold showers and winter has become my favorite beach time(no kidding), I do breathwork, I sing sometimes, I also just watch youtube videos about dragon ball sometimes... When I started out I was super excited about all of these and was over doing it out of proportion, and so a big lesson for me has also been balancing all these things I want and love doing. My goal that I chose for myself is moving to Hawaii, because- With all of the shit that is going on in politics, economics, social things, social media. I just want a safe place. Hawaii seems great. See, and maybe this is the bottom line for me, I have done 2 vipassanas(the first one being only a few weeks after my grand waking up to life), and after a lot of experience in other fields. Man. It's gonna take a bit of time + effort, to really, die. The end of your world, that's more like a destiny or a vision for me. And I can't, I can't, just take a retreat for a few days. This is gonna take a year I'd say. So I am working towards making that retreat a possibility. And at the same time I am working towards making my life great, healthy, wholesome, fun, and lively. I don't want to be a monk, I want to be in the mock of it, rolling in the dirt with the rest of us. That's what I was born into, that's the meaning of life for me. But I also recognize that a day in my life is coming where I will no longer be interest in anything but going really deep within. So it's preparation for that + living life.
  17. Love it! We birthed it! The womb is the beginning of everything
  18. I don't cry, but I experience extreme degree of personality change even after 4-5 deep full breaths. Everything just becomes deeper. More equanimous
  19. It's useful for when everything but it also takes you further away because you're using a substance to reach something that is attainable without any substances. So if you respond great to weed then it can really help you permanently alter your state of consciousness and it can equally be a way of allowing yourself to run away from life itself in all of its facets making the perceived distance between you and source bigger. So it really depends!! If it helps you calm down that's good but if it start becoming comfortably numb, well, that's sit in front of TV consciousness.
  20. Is there a reason to be uneasy about where you are? Is there anything to understand or figure out? Anything else to do? Any problem? I really like your line of thought.
  21. Fascinating! Laughter is like rolling out your energetic knots :)) Laughter is also interesting to enquire. Can you laugh about everything?
  22. Alter your state of consciousness Take a psychedelic, or do deep breathwork like holotropic breath work produces psychedelic and probably even stronger experiences than that. Try to 'solve' your problems and questions there. Or maybe get a better question. Maybe it'll take you some time. But at least you'll have fun
  23. Even bashar has given us few mantra "Hmm.. interesting" I don't use traditional mantras, but I listen to feel good songs and sikhi chants! I think that anything that makes you feel good, and connected is very helpful!
  24. Maybe you didn't get past the transition period, it takes time to relearn how to sleep since you don't sleep on my floor the same way you sleep on a mattress.
  25. Hey I'll give you something a bit more radical to try Get rid of your bed. When I first heard about this, I didn't have major sleep issues, but I was having trouble falling asleep every few days because of RLS, it is a muscle spasm that causes you to spasm more the closer you are to falling asleep. It's very annoying. So I found this article about a couple who tried sleeping on the floor for a month just to experiment and have fun. And they fell in love with it so much that even the idea of going back to sleeping on a bed became repulsive(strong word...). So I tried it. first few days, a bit uncomfortable, exploring the different poses and which I like better, I had some minor back pain and muscle fatigue, as if I went through training during the night. After those initial days, the pain went away and the fatigue too. Now, after a month and a half, I am never ever going back -No RLS. I rarely get it, and when I do it's much easier to handle, as the floor gives it relief. -My body can relax more deeply. It's like putting on glasses for the first time, jesus christ. My muscles just melt onto my bones and boom, you're done. -I don't struggle with which side to sleep on. It's not a mattress in which I am 100% free to spread my entire body everywhere. my setup is mostly a 1 on 2 meter blanket. I like falling asleep on my sides, but winding down before sleep on my back. -I fall asleep faster. I used to become anxious about when will I fall asleep, or how long it will take. Yeah I don't worry anymore. give it a try.