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Everything posted by TripleFly

  1. Gratitude will take you 'all the way' whereas motivation reliant on your will... Inspiration is a beautiful remembrance of what you have always been, if you will.. And I feel that it's completely subjective and yet there's a thing that talks to you about beyond all that. What the heck's that!
  2. Intermittent fasting as a lifestyle. That's how I deal with. Start easy 12-12 or 10-14, or 16-8.
  3. I have a few friends that are like that too, he even admitted to me that he's starting to suspect he's more sexual than a lot of other people. I think he would've never figured that out unless he actually tried it.
  4. You give me tantrica vibes I think you will really flower if you go the sexual energy route. Learn how to have multiple orgasms and take the true pleasure route to God. Try listening to 'Making Love' by Barry long
  5. But who would identify who?? There is only God. There's never was anything else at all. You don't exists. I am not real. And you are not really over there. Actually we're no where at all??
  6. We are all already saved. I have intense mood swings so I happen to had been sure that I am some sort of savior. you don't exist
  7. LSD. I used to be afraid and paranoid about people figuring out that I am tripping, but actually I found out that LSD helps me navigate and socialize so much better. It's like I am one with the moment, and so I see every possible outcome. Just don't do too much. So yeah I am sure LSD can help you just understand better what is happening around you, and so navigate it much better.
  8. It cannot be like anything at all because it is not a thing at all! It's completely nothing at all. And it can seem like some kind of awakening because there is the experience of someone awakening. EVEN a realization that is happening, without any drugs at all. Is not IT. But it can SEEM LIKE IT. 100% For SURE. But it can never be it For who could grasp the wind?
  9. NoFap works great! Masturbation is a normal habit for the human robot, once you discover you can please yourself at command, who wouldn't be masturbating? Ahh, but this is the age old secret. Doing NoFap gives you: First you eliminate a distraction from your life. Masturbation is simply an exhaustion of energy, and some of us fool ourselves a long the process that they like it. Many will be outraged by NoFap's existence. Not all of us are ready for it. So you eliminated a (great) distraction from your life, besides the added mental-emotional strength that you gain by simply not fapping, you will get power, or energy. You're not wasting your time masturbating, so there is more energy for you to go inside. Eventually awakening requires you to break out of your own self-built mental-emotional prison, the energy your reserve will help that process. Second you're not watching porn. All the dopamine imbalances, all the cravings you have after porn and before porn. All of that is out of the window. You're not watching porn anymore!! This is a celebration everyday! Who wants to be watching porn?! Who would tell their kids, "Hey, I am watching porn, and I am proud of it, and you should do it too!", you already know how ridicules that sounds. You don't need No Fap, this knowledge comes before porn was invented. Third, Brahamacharya. Nikola tesla did it. And that one famous indian mathematician, that invented a lot of the stuff we use today used it too. If you're interested google it, brahamacharya is great, and no-fap is only at its doorstep but it's there for you if you want it. I hope this helps anyone who is doubting himself. You already know what is natural and what is for you and what isn't. No fap is a plea to your deep inside innocence, to stop making excuses. Nobody is openly declaring to the public, "I WATCH PORN!!!" , because we all already deeply know how awful that habit is. How dreadful it feels after you finish. Continue trying! I am on day 103 or something. I stopped counting because it's not in my habit to masturbate anymore. You do become stronger. You do appreciate women better. You do have more energy. It's not placebo. Meditation and Yoga for me do a lot of internal energetic work. I have no idea what's happening, but it feels good, and it feels right. And I am not watching porn, I thank god for that. TL:DR; you already know what is natural for you. you can quit it today if you desire. It's 100% in your control.
  10. That's fun. In my experience I don't know what love is. But it's recognized immediately even faster than the ego can understand what just happened! There is goodness, and there is also badness. They're both forms of love, but one form allows for the flowering of being. Whereas the other is 'imbalanced' or evil as in, denying it's own conscious. They're both love because they're both allowed equal expression
  11. The only thing that is real is love, and if so, what do you have to be afraid of discovering? yourself? But it's love! You're love! And it's love! so what's left between you two?!
  12. Man at this point I think that all my thinking is not going to lead me anywhere. I have seen myself going through these genius states and deep understandings and realizations. And I have also seen myself abuse those to get what I want. My thinking mind, is my emotional-thinking matrix, my ego, my self, whatever you want to call it. It's really hard to trust that, and I hope I have learned my lesson by this point. I know a thing or two, but my own arrogance really sucked. For me it's about going, finding that deep deep sense of love inside. And being whole with that. And reality just spontaneously summons up whatever you need at that point. And I can choose it, safely, because I am coming from love. I think we can be all most vulnerable to love. But we have to be able to tell what it is.
  13. Embrace your humanity and your faults and shadows. Embody that too. And remember you're not better than anyone You're here to serve all those your zen-devilism resists and is afraid of, so serve them. Not by preaching but by being someone they can relate to. Be a human being mate.
  14. Whatever excites you the most man. Relinquish some of that seriousness and 'I mean business' and instead just enjoy your journey, because it sounds like your on a some sort of wave Do both. Do all of that. You've got all the time in world matey What's best is what works best for you. What allows you keep going!
  15. Thinking is a disease? Where did you bring that from?
  16. Yeah listen it makes sense, you're a little late bloomer, since by 24-25 you should already be set on some career and income. But there's people who don't even think about this stuff until 26-28.
  17. Who is it now that is being shallow? Or were I being too straight for philosophy?
  18. All philosophy is but child's play when you are one with life.
  19. Animals are one with life. Philosophers create a perspective from which they can philosophize about life, otherwise what would they philosophize? How can you speak about something without something: You create it, so you can talk about it. That's duality. And that's not really life because there duality is generated by us, it's in our minds and in the collective psyche. Don't get it wrong. Humans are the peak of evolution, but we can indulge in philosophy, more often than not as mental masturbation. Animals are simple, they are one with life.