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Everything posted by TripleFly

  1. It's no joke to me because I have experienced and went through this stage and some of my friends did too... Some of us are just so fucked... we're so unaware of all the bullshit we have deep inside of us... That when it really dawns on you then you just become crazy. All your conditioning, thoughts, emotions, they're no longer on 100-200% so you maintain the social media image, now they're on 1000% because you believe in yourself, you believe in the goodness and truth that is deep within you. So what are you doing?? You're playing the 1000% conditioning out!!! He's exhausting himself. And that's a path many walk too! Especially here in the western world. So, have a heart. He's not a bad guy. He's so real in his fakeness that it's triggering me. I highly recommend this guy just shuts off social media, and moves out of the big town NOISE. get some quite, and live a mundane life on a farm.
  2. I don't think Leo has lost it in anyway shape or form. I don't think he's bought into a self-made FORCED, EMERGENT, idea: born out of the necessity of growth, continuation, and for things to make sense...By that I mean, Leo didn't go crazy. He didn't lose his mind. He opened himself up to the possibilities that none of us would ever even begin to think about. If you could, would you choose to incarnate as person destined to be tortured? raped? And out of LOVE? FOR love? THAT"S RADICAL OPEN MINDEDNESS. That's balls deep. That's looking at stuff that will give rise to a subtle fear: The fear of losing control. Because you're starting, and willingly allowing experiences that are madness, it is madness. But love is the falling of all those obstacles between you and the beloved, so then, all the stuff you think makes sense, all of your CONDITIONAL LOVE, will face the truth. And that it's conditional. That there's deeper levels to it. And that in order to reach those deeper levels, you will have to surrender the way you think love makes sense. So in essence, you got nuts consciously. Do you understand the idea? That's I make sense of it, and I don't know how deep, painful, scary, traumatic, this will look like. And when you're ready to see that, to bear the emotional experience of that, you're allowing the life in you, to finally breach through. Here's some tough stuff, that I've yet to come to terms with myself: Did you, honestly think, that you could escape the responsibility of the world you have created? Let's make a distinction here, there's the earth-mostly peaceful, there isn't so much suffering on it. Then there is the world. The world Man has Made. And this man. Is You. All frustrations, All anxiety, All fear, That man has made onto earth. I suspect, no, I know, You and I, will have to get through. There is no escaping it. If you want the truth, if you want to see it. You will have to own up to it. If you live here, if you read this, it's your responsibility, and it's gonna get to you. Whether through loss or whatever. If you can't accept this, that's fine!!! I reject, resist, and still in denial while I live as this manly man image that is afraid of showing his vulnerability in day to day awkward situations. Anyway!!! MahaSamadhi. You wanna start talking about this crazy Yogi shit?! First of all. I entirely think it is possible to DIE in your BODY. It rings true but I don't have any further self-knowledge. Is this just another flavor of enlightenment?! I think it's also possible that there is a transcended state, that is simply, not of this dimension of life. And that a portal opens up to each one of us. "MERGING WITH LIGHT", How many of you heard that shit? Yeah I bet most of us just come back here since merging with that requires some intense spiritual flamingo. But the implications Leo... Anyone else ringing-absolute subjectivity is absolute truth? Could be just another post-card spiritual jumbo. But if the entire universe goes out with you going out. It implies that you're the only one. Then why do you teach Leo? Doesn't it feel like you're regressing by teaching someone more ignorant? You know? Fire away
  3. You need to ask a better question. One that is less likely to be answered by those questions, you've already got responses, but you seem to skim through them, sooo Listen, self development is different from spirituality. With self development, you change, or alter your self. You do things to develop. With spirituality you just cut to the chase. Accept yourself, black spots and everything, and you've reached the gate.(AKA the gateless gate).