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Everything posted by TheEnigma

  1. I suspect it's too risky. My friend told me to buy it because it's relatively low now compared to it's all time highs. But given how disliked Musk is, and how much competition there is, plus things are not looking good for the economy, even if everything is artificially inflated. I wouldn't recommend it right now. There hasn't been a bad enough crash yet to make it worth the gamble. And there's many other reasons I don't want to go into right now. What if you buy it now, and it drops to 80 dollars USD a share? Would you be okay with that?
  2. Then does God or nothing care to have a personal connection with us? Or is it just our ego that needs the personal connection. And if the answer is yes, but it's not acquired by Christian ways, how is it obtained?
  3. Trudeau is another huge criminal. He has done so much illegal activity, money laundering, bribed so many people. Here he is saying he will resign, yet he doesn't, and then imposes his own tariffs on USA.
  4. I have to respectfully disagree with Leo here. First of all not everyone is capable or desires running their own business. And secondly, many individuals are largely impacted by Political decisions whether they follow the news or not. Of course following the news just makes reality even more bleak, so for that I agree, don't follow the news. But for example, I work in corporate. Most of the jobs are being taken over by immigrants now. You can't just go tell everyone there to run their own business or be creative. Many individuals don't even have work even if they are creative, they're just not talented or fast enough or have enough energy. It's not that easy. You can be creative and think of something? So have many people. Most Citizens do get affected by Government and political decisions. They might not be killed in a war. But it's still bad enough that many people can't even find work. It's not just bad inflation. Then stimulus cheques are coming. Who wants to rely on that? So yes day to day people do get impacted largely! Leo is treating it like as long as the individual doesn't watch the news they're unlikely to be affected much as long as they go outside and touch grass. Things in my city are expensive as hell. That even making a 100k salary a year now is still barely enough to get by. I am from Toronto and people will have to leave somewhere else. And he's talking as if politicians don't affect most people...
  5. I've even gone so far as to think, my dad is God, enjoying that aspect that crabs and lobsters are also God feeling pain, and enjoy watching it suffer to death. God is torturing itself and finding it fun. Is what I am saying true?
  6. When bought from the store. Crabs and Lobsters are alive. my parents believe in making it suffer first before killing them, saying that if it struggles and it's fresh, it would taste better. I would feel very sorry for the creature as it fights back. First they use a large knife and pound on the claws. And then rip it's body into pieces. And finally pull off it's head. And it's still struggling. And my dad would say "I'll fight this one first. I prefer more of a challenge." People slaughter and hurt animals all the time. But how come no karma gets them? Leo taught Karma means action and that karma already got an individual. But most killings really have no karma. So why even be higher conscious? What peace does someone get from not harming living things? Many people step on ants for fun. But there is never justice done to the human. It doesn't feel like there's ever karma. How does not harming living things actually help humans find peace? My dad and mom even take pleasure in hurting living things, then eating them, and they're still at peace. Vegetarians don't even neccessaily have more peaceful lives.
  7. Aww well. good for your mother. I wished everyone thought like her. Again, but now I am judgning her in a good way. Is that just my own ego again?
  8. Good replies. But I feel compassion for animals and seafood. Is it just my own ego? I put myself in the shoes of the animal and think as someone is killing me "God please cause my killers the same suffering as they're doing to me!!" Okay but if what you are saying is that consciousness balances itself out at higher conscious levels, couldn't my parents just think"great, so I can harm animals, because the universe and karma balances itself out anyway. So there will be no direct consequences to me!"
  9. The weird thing is that my parents are not bad people. And are mostly compassionate. Just when they kill to eat, they believe in that if the creature suffers the longest then the blood rises to it's head and it will taste better. If the animal is lively and strong, then it will also taste better. IS me feeling sorry for it my own ego then?
  10. Okay, well written response. Then why do all high conscious philosophers teach humans not to harm or dominate living things? Leo even said the more violent the lower the consciousness. My mom and and dad are happy people. But they have lots of denial that allows them the happiness. In fact, I see many low conscious people happy. Because they don't have the ability to realize what they do is harmful. Like Trump, as Leo said if Trump realized all he did was harmful he'd never be able to live with himself. Yet Leo said the higher the consciousness generally the happier the individual.
  11. (Canadian here) We have our own problems! Would you like me to get into the details?
  12. Can you please give some examples of human mass delusions?
  13. This video is one of your gems. So it was at 27:11 you said that. It actually took me a few years of experiencing and thinking, to really feel what you were saying. I am an extrovert, but then I realized when I connected with so many people, I really didn't connect with anyone and still had to face a lot of my challenges alone. But then an introvert can also go out and socialize, and seem very extroverted too. But also still feel they have to face their challenges alone. I spoke with my brother about this and he is an comp sci AI vision nerd, extremely introverted. And he once mentioned "Because I think in the end of the day extrovert or introvert, we all want the same things. But never cut at introvert off when they are speaking, because they already don't want to talk, so you will discourage them when you cut them off. With an extrovert, an introvert almost has to learn to cut them off. But when talking to an introvert, expect them to think, because they all also expect you to think. It's like playing chess in classical time control. Talking to an extrovert is like playing bullet. it's a different style. Think of an introvert as a foam that is pressed inwards when interacting, the foam will eventually come back up when they recharge alone. Where as for an extrovert, the foam is already pushed outward, so when they interact, they get pushed down too, but it's already facing outwards."
  14. But Leo didn't you say in one of your videos that if you are so introverted, you actually become extroverted. And when you are so extroverted, you end up also becoming so introverted. Can you please explain what you meant by that?
  15. Can you please give some examples of flimsy or inflated investments?
  16. Yay congratulations!
  17. As an extrovert, isn't my mind already disadvantaged for truth seeking then? I do long for high quality companionship and deep topics that can be discussed all night. But as an extrovert don't I create a lot of my own suffering by desiring that? But I can't help it.
  18. I think when you are on these drugs dental problems are one of the least of your worries
  19. Get well soon !! All the best ❤️
  20. Thank God he's gone. But I'm from Canada, and it's got far deeper issues than just Trudeau.