Hermaeus Mora

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About Hermaeus Mora

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  1. Great work keeping your journals constantly. Stay Safe!
  2. I've just finished watching Leo's recent video from his blog. Fascinating it was. Do you guys have any must-see video from his blog uploads? Or is there any way to sort out videos only on his blog? I am not trying to be a lazy person haha. Usually, I try to find it on my own, but the blog interface is a little bit difficult to navigate actually haha. Btw, not only the direct-uploaded videos but also the other youtube materials was great. (such as Life Beyond)
  3. the concept itself and the realization of it are different matters.
  4. It might seem like a silly question and I do not believe that I can get some clear answers about this on the internet but haha as the title says... - After I had some enlightening experience, I quit my career and sorted out toxic relationships(including ex-girlfriend) and started studying all by myself reading tons of books, etc. Just how amazing my life is going on nowadays. I really appreciate you guys. - But there is one big problem. After I stepped out of the so-called 'normal' life passage. I found my self really becoming needy in every situation. This is not what I used to be. When I was in university and in work I did not much care about females. Even in my early 20s during my military service, I was not this girl-looking monster. You know, nowadays, even when I am in the library, I found myself busy looking around girls. How they look like what they are doing. - At first, I thought it was funny looking at my own ego devilling around. Furthermore, I thought it was just a general issue. I mean just a lack of human relationship. (At least, this is definitely not a matter of having sex. I just feel lonely about something but I cannot define or articulate this issue clearly. ) - So I tried to start making friends. But it turned out that I do not need anything like that. It seems like I need a "Girlfriend". The point is I am not sure about whether it is an Ego-calling or am I genuinely need a Partner. - Hmmm... what should I do? I really do not want to waste time at this point. If you guys have any advice or specifically any articles which describe these behaviors. Plz, let me know. May peace be with you!
  5. I just love BMTH and above all, Oli sykes' career since he was a Deathcore musician. After he overcame the drug-addict issue, he became a much more mature artist. I hope his successful career as well in the future!
  6. each behavior should have a certain purpose. Just blindly following a dogmatic 'action-plan' will not help you. Try not to naively expose all of your identity to others. Honestly, I cannot find any critical issues in your story. - But let me be arrogant at this point, you should annihilate your ego-centric mindset from a different perspective. Other people are "complexity"s as much as you are a "complexity". Just brutely speaking out that you are going to therapy might trigger other's devilry. To be honest, if a random person comes out and tells me that he/she is going to therapy, without any single context?, then it will trigger my devilry with super prejudice.
  7. if you do not want God and Ego some sort of Metaphysical logic on this issue Then go check out how Marx interpreted history. which is related to Freedom (pre-history -> Main history) I am not saying that I agree with him but he provides some idea about why we should keep going on and how to articulate this idea without referring God and so on.
  8. well if Leo's video about freewill disturbs you go grab some books. it will help you a lot. here are some of my recommendations for "shortcut" and "summary" 1) "Pragmatism" by William James - I remember, one of his articles in this book, he mentioned the long history of Freewill VS Determinism. Well, he concluded this with his own opinion but it will help you briefly summarize this topic. 2) "History of western philosophy" by Johannes Hirschberger - this one was a tough one though with thick volume but... you may check some of the ancient philosophy parts about how they interpreted freewill VS determinism. Plus, Hirschberger may give you some insights and logics of how to debunk bullshits on this Freewill VS Determinism issue. Furthermore, since I found quite a lot of things in common between Leo and Plotinus, it would be good for you to check some of the Plotinus Idea as a review of Leo's contents. - Well personally, I believe you should not solely rely on shortcuts or summaries, check out some original books about freewill and determinism such as Leibniz and so on. And then, build up your own ideas. I do not believe that any of these books could bring you 100% pure wisdom, especially on this matter. - May peace be with you ~_~
  9. just in case... My mistake, not this year -> year 2019 / articles -> texts including full textbooks
  10. I have been reading tons of books this year. and I had a wonderful chance to read several articles written by Stanislav Grof this week. Quite impressive it was. Above all, all those quotations from "Cosmic Game" about the Nihil -> Being were wonderful. However, I couldn't understand why he supported Creationism at the very end of his book, you know referring Male Peacock and so on... Is this something usual idea in this field or his own unique perspective? I do not believe that understanding(or at least accepting the idea of) God does not mean that also allowing Creationism. I mean uh... you know the Creationism which allows anthropomorphic God. this reminded me of some ideas from Descartes and Plato against atheism which insisted that most of the misunderstandings about God are caused by understanding God in a humane manner. Not as a God but as a god. If there is any thread that summarized this forum's generic idea about Evolution & Creationism please let me know. Love you guys! Peace!