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About Rayana

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  • Birthday 04/08/1995

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  1. @walt I can't describe how nice your words are . It's true, our living is determined by what we bring to life Thanks for your wisdom and your sweet soul . I hope you the best in your journey . God bless you !
  2. @Bruno Sousa Can't agree more ! Our daily routine has the ULTIMATE POWER . And it is not that simple to stay on track . I found recently that we don't have to do it all at once . We need to set like three to four goals daily ( it would be meditation , reading ,yoga , eating healthy ..for me ) and in a year we will notice the difference I hope that you will find your way , and your balance and I wish you the BEST @Mkayl On point , yes . I do think that self -actualization is selfish sometimes. But as you said, we need to create our own path according to our values,our beliefs and our calling in life . I will work on my Emotional Intelligence , it seems a perfect way to deal with those loads of emotions . Thanks for your wise words
  3. @Bruno Sousa thanks for your encouragement and your sweet advice , I Really appreciate it . @Mkayl I did think about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs when I was posting . It seems that I need to find my own way . I'm living in Lebanon , it's a small country in the Middle-East . Next to us there's Syria where terrorism is killing men,raping women and probably selling kids . In such circumstances , It is probably selfish to be so self absorbed . I know that I need to be the change I want to see in the world . But it is so overwhelming at the moment . I would like to hear about your journey as well guys !
  4. The more I know about Self-Actualization , the more I understand that it requires lots of stability and security in order to be fully achieved . But since I'm living in a distribute area ( Syria, Lebanon, Middle East ) , growing up with all the suffering , the blood and the human crisis , I am thinking how can I get the best of my case . We need to reconsider in our journey into Self -Actualization , that there are a lot of drama around us , and not only think of fixing ourselves but the whole community we're living in . I would be very glad to hear your insights about this subject .