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Everything posted by J J

  1. I see quite a few of us parents here, so I'd like to mention how lucky I feel to have Leo's Life Purpose Course for my kids. I think it's a very potent tool for my children to be able to start asking themselves what they want to do with their lives and get to know themselves from an early age. Having this kind of support today is almost a miracle to me. I myself am immersed in the course. I don't consider myself to have finished it, by any means. But it's true that I have my life plan more or less on track for the next 15-20 years since I have financial and personal freedom, which allows me to focus on being a father, which is what I want to do. And the course has been decisive in getting me here. So thank you, Leo.
  2. We do. Aged 4, 2 and our third one due in August. Let me tell you that it is really difficult to combine spirituality with raising such young children. I barely enter the forum now. They are our most absolute priority. We don't have much time for spiritual practice beyond meditating about 30 minutes a day. Some weekend, if all goes well, I can do contemplative work, but no more than 2 hours. It is curious, because we have had to refocus on personal development, approaching it from pragmatism in the face of the red, blue and orange stages, with the aim of giving them guidelines that they can follow to evolve to higher levels, but autonomously. Obviously, not now, but later. They are still small. It seems that, being at higher levels (I think we are in high green-low yellow) many aspects of lower levels are forgotten. We still have a lot to integrate. I'm considering using some psychedelic to see if I get any realization about being a parent. So far, what I have obtained have been spiritual revelations. I'll update you if that happens. Blessings to y'all.
  3. Amazing idea, thanks @Insightful27
  4. Hello, everyone. Lately, I've been trying to avoid the news about Palestine, as it has become too hard for me to deal with. All these images, destroyed homes, suffering children, having their future taken away... Is just a monstrosity. It's inhuman. This can't keep happening. With this example, I'd like to show you how even someone with a low spiritual stage such as Alex Jones can see the reality. Even this well-known stage orange individual is able to realize Israel's genocide. As a globalized society, all countries have to condemn and hold IDF accountable for what it's doing. The world has to act NOW. I'd love to read your thoughts on this topic, especially what, in your opinion, would be the best ending to this conflict. Regards, and much love.
  5. How is strength training a waste of time? Taking it to a extreme, unless you're making a good living out of it, maybe. But on an everyday level? It improves you health, not only physically, but mentally. And when looking for a partner, an aesthetic body and good looks definetely matter. Quite a lot.
  6. Well, what do you think? Is it really happening?
  7. Started a topic bc I didn't know this thread existed, sorry. Crazy stuff.
  8. Too good not to be shared with you people ? Note: Credit to the author, I don't know who did it.
  9. Yeah, maybe I should've posted something to support my claims. My apologies to the forum. This video reinforced my opinion, it's pretty clear. https://mobile.twitter.com/voicelesscorpse/status/1581139510305296385 Again, I am not saying this is the truth, but this whole story looked too stupid to me.
  10. I've read somewhere it's all a hoax made by an oil company, with that exact goal... To cancel and invalidate climate change activists and their work. Gotta search more about it though. It just seems too stupid. No staff there to bring them out? All these cameras? Seems staged, really
  11. Hi, everyone, Lately, I have been worrying about the future of us, young adults, especially concerned about those who "should" be becoming parents, owning a house, having a stable career, etc. Note that I said "should" referring to the fact that we are getting close to 30 yo and beyond, not that this is what we have to do. Times have changed, thankfully. I'll like to add that I have been doing pretty well, honestly, so this is not a post about self-pity or some kind of projection due to personal frustration. Also, I live in the Basque Country, so in where you're from, things could be otherwise. The issue is that in these last 4 month or so, I've been observing around me, and it is the case for the vast majority of my friends around 25-30, that they're still living with their parents, and plan to do so for quite a few years, still. Salaries are at their lowest. The average yearly income in 2019 was slightly above 24k €/year, and the most common was of about 18,5 k €/year. All of that before taxes, of course. (https://elpais.com/economia/2021-06-22/el-18-de-los-trabajadores-cobraba-menos-del-salario-minimo-justo-antes-de-la-pandemia.html). Again, this is the case where I live. I have not a single friend making over 2k €/month, most of them not even close. But, as an example, an average 80 m2, three-bedroom house, costs between 200k € - 350k €. And when we talk about it, millennials and gen z, the atmosphere is not pessimistic. In fact, this situation has come to acceptance. We have normalized it; to be 30 and living with your parents, to be a wage slave, paying first necessity stuff like electricity and gas at outrageous prices, and not becoming a parent because simply it can't be afforded. And when talking to boomers or gen x about it, they can't grasp how significant this is. They think that it happens because the younger generations are not as ambitious as they were, or that they're just lazy. I mean, I'm from Spain, a first (???) world country, from the EU... It's just unbelievable that we can't afford a decent living and independence. What do you think is the root cause? And how do you think is going to escalate? I don't think that's sustainable. Thanks a lot, and love to y'all.
  12. Hey, thanks to everyone for sharing your views on this topic. Yes, I think it is a complex phenomenon and it depends on many factors. But I can see how this middle-class you @DocWatts mentioned is disappearing around me. Upper- and middle-class boomers and x's are raising poor millennials and z's. These new generations may be able to afford a house or be able to live a comfortable life, but only with the support of their parents, that is, absorbing others' wealth, not creating any. If they invest intelligently, by the time they are 60 they may be in a comfortable financial state, even being able to retire, but, man, that's a whole lifetime. I don't see, not even close, the same opportunities they had in the 60s-70s, even in the 80s, nowadays. At first, I thought it was due to, well, not laziness exactly, because people did not have a strong motivation or any willingness to get outside, to the "real world" and build something great, meaningful, to take risks and try to succeed. And although it may be the case sometimes, I see that the problem is more systematic. Our society has completely changed. I've seen people trying way, way harder than me, obtaining more degrees, masters, PhDs even, working long, long hours to just get by. Being the same age, or even older, their perspective is to achieve what I have (owning a house and building a family; do not think that I'm some sort of a millionaire) in 10 years or so, by age around 40. (I am not bragging, that's a fact; I just become lucky and found a very well-paid job. If I didn't, I don't know where I'd be). These cases, they're not just anecdotes, they're the norm. I've come to believe that it has to do with capitalism. This system is designed to increase the wealth gap between the rich and the poor more and more. It started in the 1600s, so could it be the case that the system is getting obsolete? As a society, we are more prepared than ever, almost everyone is going to college, but wages are at their lowest, the rich are getting richer and the poor, are poorer. I'm not saying we should pursue socialism, but maybe the current capitalism needs to be fixed or rethought.
  13. Hello, everyone. In a nuthsell, I just can't completely let go: I refuse to die. This has happened quite a few times, in meditation sessions, which just manifests as a slight fear sensation, but specially during 5-meo-DMT trips. All 5 trips I have made in my life, adjusting my dosis from mild to moderate, never to a high one, have shown me how terrified I am of letting EVERYTHING go. I just am not ready. I have recently become a parent, I am deeply in love with my wife, bought my dream house, made an important career change and my life is doing great, honestly, plus I have two big projects in mind to work on in mid- and long-term, involving business and specially my family, of course. I have been pursuing enlightement, but I am just not ready. I have tried to convince myself otherwise, but the results have been disastrous, because as I can now see, there are many thing I want to experience, go through and achieve in life. This brings two questions, and I'd appreciate all of your invaluable opinions, specially yours, @Leo Gura: I have discovered the path I want to follow for the next 10-20 years. I'm 25 now. What aspects should I keep on self-developing in order to keep improving? And what would you say is the most important thing to teach my children, so that they can also be in the path of self-development? For the record, I am now going to deeply study the episodes "How to raise a rockstar kids" and the "Advice to young people" series, so maybe my answers are already there. Thanks in advance, love to y'all.
  14. Where do thougths come from? What is the reason of a thought? When and how is it produced?
  15. How can we develop our intelligence? Is it just defined by genes... Or is it possible to develop more conciousness in order to be "smarter"? Can we actualize ourselves towards infinite intelligence?
  16. Hello there, y'all. After my 5-meo-dmt experience, I had this realization where I could see/feel/intuite/know (there's not really a word) that all of us living beings are infinitely intelligent. I see this crystal clear. In addition, I recall Leo talking about how it is possible to tap into this Infinite Intelligence (the episode was "What is Intelligence?", if a remember correctly), but saying that it was a topic for another video. He mentioned that people were actually achieving all their goals (related to greed, making money, especially) manifesting this Inifinite Intelligence. My question is, are there any resources about the topic? Leo, are you planning to shoot a video about it? What's more... Is the spiritual practice headed towards tapping into this Intelligence? I heard about Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich", this book has a lot of recommendations and I am intended to read it, but I want to know more about it, how to manifest it. I want to be concious of using my/our universal intelligence to understand it all. As always, thanks for the love.
  17. Phew! Well, I finally gave a step forward, and had my first experience with the God molecule. I am going to try to be concise. I have some questions that I'd love to share with you. It was back in April 29th. My first psychedelic experience ever. 24 yo, male, healthy. Smoked 15 mg of freebase with a common meth pipe. The effect was instantaneous. As far as the experience is concerned... I was literally dying. I did not want to die. I was thinking about my loved ones, how they were going to find me dead in my house. My heart was racing, and I was terrified. I did not want to die. After a while (2 minutes of hell), I tried to surrender, and I think I partially succeeded. This part was pretty hard, yet not unfamiliar. I sometimes have had this sensation or feeling when thinking about death, about how inevitable it is. However, after those 2 minutes, I was invaded with an amazing feeling of love. It was love as I never felt before, especially to my most loved ones. It was not an unconditional indiscriminate universal love, but a freaking intense feeling, nonetheless. I spent the next 30 minutes in pure joy, I even recorded myself, and had some insights that I felt were extremely obvious. They came from nowhere, I just knew that these insights were nothing but the truth. Again, they were plainly obvious. - Everything is as it has to be. - We can, literally, get everything we want. We just have to wish and believe. We are infinitely intelligent. - We have everything we need right NOW. There's nothing to do, nowhere to go, no goals to achieve. The now is perfect. - When you understand that, everything is love. There is no pain, as everything is as it has to, there's only the acceptance of the present moment, because, well, it is all there is, and it is perfect as it is. - I died, and nothing happened. Everything stayed the same. That's the best I can explain my experience, and my interpretation. My biggest question, is: what is this irrational, incredibly powerful and terrifying fear of death? As I said, I had this apparently random "fear-of-death-attacks" since I was 13, twice a year on average, not triggered by any psychedelics. I always thought it was just denial of my own mortality, my fear of ceasing to exist. As I said, that was my first experience. I don't know if my experience was infuelced my preconcibed ideas of enlightment, which are talked in this forum or in the videos, but that genuinely what I felt. What I understood. Thanks for reading. Keep up the good work. This is no shit the journey of a lifetime. To know, to feel, to understand it all. It's pure magic.
  18. @seriousman24 Thanks for sharing, really appreciated. Seems like you have gone through a lot of pain. Reach me out whenever you need to chat. You are loved.
  19. @Leo Gura Do these fear attacks imply that I was involved in spiritual practice without me noticing? Is it actually a good idea to push this fear and see where it gets me?
  20. Probably, but it'd require a prior spiritual practice. For me, this hell part was tremendously important. Hard, but necessary. I have had this experiences a lot, and this last one with 5-meo-dmt has shown me where I am. That I have a lot of work to do and so many aspects of my ego to surrender. Also, it has shown me how powerful this can be for my spiritual practice: contemplating my mortality triggers the ego tremendously. Aslo, it keeps me motivated! There's no time to waste. Again, that's just my case. It can be any other way for you. Do the work! There's no regrets.
  21. Hello everyone, I'm new here, so, first of all, nice to meet you, I am really excited! The question I am droppning here may be too "basic" for most of you, so I honestly appreciate your time to help me out. I'm actually struggling to make a distinction between brain activity and conciousness. The way I see it, injuries or drugs, for example, have a remarkable impact on the brain and our whole perception of reality, so, undoubtedly, there is correlation (yet not necessarily causation). But when the brain shuts down (when we are deeply asleep or even dead), conciousness stops, there's no more perceptions, no more reality. It doesn't matter if it's 8 hours or 5 minutes, you cease to be aware. I am also very triggered by that emotion occasionally, to the point where I even loose my mind whewn thinking about my non-existence. I has hit me really, really hard sometimes, 8 times or so in my life (I'm 23), and is unchained as easily as watching a movie. The rest of the day I am OK with my own mortality, so I just can not grasp the singificance this rare and uncommon psychotic attacks. On the other hand, I have seen the "Why brains do not exist", but I just can not see through. Conceptually, I feel like I'm missing some essencial point. I think the following video explains, more or less, my point of view (just don't watch the whole thing, from 4:50 - 6:35 is enough). So the quiestion arises... Doesn't that brain-conciousness relation prove that? Doesn't consciousness emerge from matter? I'd appreciate if you could clue me in. Thanks a lot!
  22. @Serotoninluv Thank you, too. As I said, I need to contemplate more... The deconstruction process is pretty hard, I'm afraid...!
  23. Wow, thanks to all for taking your time... Really appreciated. There are A LOT of profound insights in what you have told me. I've been meditating since September everyday, but just for 10 minutes. I need to spend more time and tol introduce some exercises you have suggested. @This is the end I have not have any 'paranormal' or mystic experiences, so you can see I'm pretty stubborn when it comes believing this phenomena. I'm not dismissing you though, it's just too radical and unkown for me to accept. But I will do what you say, I will empty my mind and try to not taking things for granted. @Leo Gura Wow, that is like REALLY unbelievable. It just saddens me. How can I be so decieved? Like SO PERFECTLY decieved? Thanks a lot, @Nahm, for introducing me to such fantastic people. I'm just keep on reading and reading your words. They are going to be really, really helpful. Appreciated, man. Honestly. @Inliytened1 I'm on my way to it Thanks, I am excited for having the oppotunity to meet such interesting people! @Guru Fat Bastard I will do contemplation work, thank you... I also want to say that I have had some glimpses when suddenly reality as I know it (my life, this world, my everyday life) stopped making sense, like it was too 'good' to be true, too 'unlikely' to even BE the way it is, that I was too lucky to be alive. How the hell is it possible to just BE... Can you advice or suggest me any powerful technics to help me in my journey towards enlightment? I am really commited into this work. If I make relevant progress, I will post it here. Thanks to all, from the bottom of my heart.