Forrest Adkins

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Everything posted by Forrest Adkins

  1. 1) He was talking about an external god in the sense of a classic religion. 2) Marketing, its to this day what everyone talks about
  2. While watching the MLM documentary on the blog I asked myself how LoA can be true when 99% of these people lose money. These people are highly motivated, focused on their goal and convinced they are becoming rich for months (In a "high vibrational state"). Shouldnt this kind of focus and will bring them the money somehow according to LoA? Yet most of these people end up broke.
  3. @Nahm @Leo Gura The Abraham Hicks teachings for example talk very clearly about attracting money and material things. These things are of course egoic desires. Still, these people pose in sports cars and pretend to live the rich lifestyle. In their mind they are already rich, so I am not saying the MLM should bring them the money (Which it obviously cant, because simple relative statistical/mathemtical truths cant be broken like that) but shouldnt the wealth come to them in SOME way. shouldnt some opportunites or events get attracted to them that will make them big money since they are in the "i am wealthy" state of mind?
  4. I have seen Sadhguru talk about this in various videos and even claim that science has "proven" it. Ive digged into this topic multiple times and all I can ever find is this that this was a claim made by various scientists (Masaru Emoto, Jacques Benveniste,...) almost 4 decades ago. Surprisingly this was taken serious by scientists back then and numerous experiments and peer reviews have been done and none of these experiments could ever be verified. Even today there are a lot of water products being sold that are based water memory theory, these got tested numerous times and no study was able to verify any difference. So I understand if the scientific community considers this "done with" but where do these claims then come from to this day? is it just indian culture dogma?
  5. If reality is non materialisitic, was it designed to seem that way? We know there is a relative truth to light rays, we know they bounce off of objects and hit our eye and depending on which rays get reflected thats the color we see. We can manipulate this in all kinds of ways so we can be sure thats at least somehow how it works. Now this doesnt prove materialism and even if its all consciousness - why was it designed that way? Doesnt this whole chain of thought strongly imply that there is an external object below the surface that we cant get to, that we cant ever truly see but that still exists?
  6. So on one hand you have materialistic scientists theorizing about the interpretation of quantum mechanics and the nature of time and space. And on the other hand you have multidimensional highly advanced beings trying to help humanity from the outside with the answers to all existential questions, and we can ask them freely. And yet there was never an intersection, never has anything channeled led to anything where we can say "Yes we tested this and it is true, and no human ever had the idea". Literally all these beings do is give self help advice and dogma. Dont get me wrong, some of my favorite works are channeled, my favorites are Abraham, CwG and Ra Material. But I still find this highly suspicious.
  7. Yes I can confirm Phenibut has a good synergy with psychedelics in terms of reducing bad trips. It lasts a long time and helps stay just above the level where you would go into negative thoughts without interfering too much otherwise. Also, unlike benzos it will not make you tired. For me, it increases my mental capacities and focus.
  8. Its great. But it has nothing to do with acid. There is a slight spiritual component in that it lets you appreciate life more though while feeling pretty sober. Never take daily, its like a benzo and is physically addictive.
  9. Would a Buddha-level enlightened person with a body that is physically addicted to heroin and in withdrawal be able to say no to a hit if locked alone with it in a room?
  10. Healthy or too high in cholesterol? Even if its pastry raised and high quality, I read a study that Eggs are even a risk for heart disease and stroke. Too bad beause they are easy to refridgerate, tasty and nutritious.
  11. His blog post "Strange Loopy Rollercoasters" its just a bug in the games physics that lets the coasters go in circles forever. Physics in games are never accuracte anyway, nothing strange about this. it doesnt take the friction into account or something.
  12. @ajasatya Thank you!
  13. I heard about this practice in Sadhgurus book. Its right in the middle between a spiritual practice and physical exercise, which is perfect for me to do in the morning. I was really just looking for some physical exercise to in the morning but if there is some benefit to my meditation practice its great. Now there are a lot of Videos on Youtube and they all look different and its not explained very well. I havent found any Isha instructio videos but I guess this practice is safe to learn from a video. So I did the Youtube Suriya Namaskar for some weeks now to get me going and now I want to refine it and look more into it. So my question is, does anybody here practice it, or has any reputable information or instructions on this practice? I would also be interrested in the theory behind its spiritual benefits.
  14. @Salvijus Thanks I already know that information but instructions would be nice.
  15. @LfcCharlie4 I never waited more than a month and the "magic" never vanished for me, its always been the same basic experience. What most people call the magic is more the novelty of it in my opinion if you didnt totally fry your serorotinin receptors. And yeah thats really what it feels like, like your brain gets fried, I always have a dull feeling in my head the next day and feel burned out. Like everything else it just gets old after wahile.
  16. I do not recommend. This substance definitely causes an in inbalance in your brain that does not seem intuitively healthy. We know it depletes serotonin but all consquences that come from that nobodoy knows. if you must do it I do not consider it a faux-pas to use it for partying there is definitely some special relationship between MDMA and music + dancing. Its really not that spiritual and the emphaty part is overblown. To be honest I think the high itself feels not too far off from cocaine. The depression is real and not worth 2 hours of fun.
  17. @Matt8800 I asked specifically about a person that is already physically addicted because im sure someone like that would not even get addicted in the first place. I just want to know if someone like that would be able to resist such an urge.
  18. I follow and practice spirituality for years (no mystical experiences yet sadly), and really the only question that never gets resolved is how can we differentiate enlightenment/absolute truth from psychotic states? The only answer ive gotten from @Leo Gura is "You just know absolute truth when it happens to you" but I cant do anything with that. I have exactly the same amount of evidence for materialism as I have for idealism, extactly zero. I dont believe in anything and how can I ever ? You can always be in states of pure delusion. Wether the brain exists or not - thats another question - but I'm 100% sure within this reality you can make some very specific cuts with a scalpel on a brain and that person will wake up thinking he is enlightened, met god, and will talk like the buddha. So you can not be sure of anybody - not big news - but how can you ever be sure that you yourself are not this person?
  19. So ive been doing recreational drugs (MDMA, Speed, Cocaine, Ketamine) for about 4 years now strictly when going out on about a monthly basis, so its not really a hardcore addiction for me or interfered with my life. After a hard bender and the following depression 4 months ago I said to myself im quitting this bullshit for good right now on the spot. Since then Ive been documenting how long I was able to stay sober from this and I failed around 6 times. Everytime I wake up and I have to reset my counter I want to kill myself because of the guilt. I make myself feel so bad for slipping up and it doesnt matter how bad I make myself feel because I know I will do it again when the opportunit comes. I have no problem during the week, its only on the weekend when I sit with friends and have some beers then I want to seek this out and become impulsive. Its at a point where I just want to get my hands on something and then I snort a line or something and I immediately feel bad and I cant even enjoy it. And I know I cant enjoy it and that I will feel like shit for doing it again, but still in the moment my brain rationalizes it with all kind of bullshit and its scary ("Ill just do a little bit", "So what? you want to never go out again now?", "You only live once just have some fun"). I really dont know what to do anymore about this. All the stuff I bring stuff home I immediately flush in the toilet, I am having a excel list where I tick off single days to see how long I can not do this. Does anyone have any other Idea I can do? Something in me just doesnt want me to let this go because of all the fun I had with it.
  20. @Inliytened1 Thats what I ask myself all the time. Why did I say yes? I would have said no 1 hour before, I would have probably said no 1 hour later. Why the fuck did I say yes even though I was 100% sure "not today" just hours before? Its like something takes over your mind and its scary as hell. I even think it was easier to say no before I started obsessing over it. Like the more I forbid it myself the more my mind is drawn to it.
  21. @Inliytened1 This is spot on. Its not really an addiction because I have very little cravings usually. Its just a problem of impulsiveness on weak moments on the weekend. Like you said all the guilt and suffering is blended out and I just want to let loose and have fun. I also noticed when I feel depressed I have no desire to do drugs to make me feel better or anything, its more like the opposite, when Im on the weekend and I feel great and motivated is when I become weak and give in.
  22. Thanks for your reply the "tug of war" metaphor is very true. Luckily the breaking point for me definitely happened 4 months ago when I said Ill quit and it stuck in my mind for good but yeah I should have expected that you cant just quit this with a clear cut when this was how I defined a fun night out for 4 years. I have it really under control and no cravings normally but then I drink 1-2 beers and its weekend and thats when I easily get triggered. I drill it into my head every time I "relapse" and make myself feel like shit and nowadays its not even the hangover that makes me depressed but its the guilt and fear of not having control over this. I mean I did a small line of coke some weeks ago when somebody offered it to me, I didnt even feel much and went home after that immeditately. I know that this probably did zero to no damage to me physically or psychologically but I still beat myself up bad over it for a week, and thats how it is nowadays for me.
  23. The Salad at McDonalds is okay where I live, even the one with the grilled chicken (not the fried one). Ordering and going to restaurants is expensive though. I would recommend to eat healthy at home regularly and then when you do go out eating go to some quality rerstaurant (not fast food) you like and eat anything really. As long as you usually have a healthy diet eating a high quality ribs or steak with friends somewhere is totally okay in my opinion. But to be honest here and there even I stuff myself with some greasy burger-king but thats it for a while then. Its not something that I do regularly, only 1-2 times a year and thats the point.
  24. The thing is that I work a job where I dont talk much with other people, and not socialising on the weekend either doesnt feel healthy to me. Its not really a feeling of pain that comes up but just a "healthy" urge so socialise and unwind a bit I guess - but I tend to go overboard with it. I think Im missing balance because im either alone and depressed during the week or on a all night drug bender in clubs on the weekend, there is not healthy middle ground. Luckily most of my friends dont do drugs and I dont live in a city so there has to be some opportunity for me to do this.
  25. @OctagonOctopus I guess its because I am depressed because I want a proper relationship and I feel that is missing in my life so I do these drugs to unwind. But I cant get over my depression and talk to girls when I fuck up my brain with this irresponsible behaviour, its a catch-22. Yes its especially on the weekend where I have the urge to go out because I usually feel very lonely during the week and thats when one thing leads to another, I cant lock myself into my house after all.