Forrest Adkins

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Everything posted by Forrest Adkins

  1. Alright lets define it very dry like this: data in text form thar was intentionally not collected the way its purported to be.
  2. @naad @Nahm please dont derail my thread with nonduality/self-enquiry talk. Its a very clear question. Edit: cant remove nametags on mobile
  3. @Nahm I define scam as producing channeled material with malicious intent, either to make money or get attention. I mean I can write some stuff I compile from spiritual books or self-help down right now and post it here claiming I channeled it. I could even justify it to myself that it helps people. But there is a clear difference.
  4. I dont know these "Total Awakening" and "My deepest awakening yet" videos are always so sensational and then the content seems more or less always the same and repetitive to me. The last time a video like this blew my mind was when he talked about how he entered the collective human consciousness, that stuff was interresting. By the way, there is a typo in the youtube description.
  5. There are a thousands of pages spiritual texts, channeled texts, yoga, buddhist theory, techniques etc. out there. And then there is fields like psychology, spiral dynamics which are also very worthwhile. I love reading all this stuff but I also have a tendency to compare these to each other, trying to find how they point to the same things, which books reference each other, which ones contradict each other, how they fit into my "big picture". On top of that there are over hundreds of hours of theory in my head by this point and I just feel myself getting overwhelmed and like Im going about this the wrong way. What is the best way to deal with so much theory? Which attitude is the best to take on when you soak all this stuff up? In a sense I really respect people like OSHO who was said to have read thousands of books and yet he had very clear and simple answers to everything people have throwed at him - how is this even possible?
  6. Depends, some are good in the sense that they guide your mind into the right ways. On the other hand its another source of stimulation, thats why its a bit of a beginners thing.
  7. The CwG dialog portrays the soul and life more playful, like a game where the soul reincarnates by free will to make certain experiences and grow to greater unity. In the course of miralces its this very dark theme where we are plagued by unconscious guilt of separating from god and we have no choice but to reincarnate over and over again to punish ourselves until all karma is dissolved. I think this is actually two sides of the same coin but I dont see how, can anybody explain this to me?
  8. @Leo Gura Not even the dualistic dream we live in? I can see that if all is one that it all boils down to love in the end but there couldnt be any dualistic universe if we were fully conscious and as long as there is unconsciousness there is fear and guilt.
  9. I just wondered why people do this. While humans enjoy the illusion, they also enjoy taking it apart. People enjoy falling in love or watching a waterfall, but there also seems to be a deep need to break these experiences down into psychological concepts and subatomic particles.
  10. Sorry I didnt know where to put this. This is about the "practical short yoga books". The series these books belong to (5 short books) is completed now and I think it should be one entry for all. What I dont understand is why the Book that teaches the basic setup is rated lower than the ones that depend on (and reference) it. These books loosely build up on each other and should be read in a row, its a bit confusing as it is now.
  11. @jimwell Ive seen a prison video where they break these guys hands with a stick and then this guy comes up and violently shakes his hands laughing. God is fucked up.
  12. Yesterday I meditated for over an hour and went to sleep. I had a dream that I was sliding down a closed water pipie, but instead of ending in water the pipe just slowly got narrower and narrower until I was stuck - unable to breath and in panic. Thats when I woke up with the worst existential fear of my life and it hit me that people have died in worse ways in real life. Thats when I made that thread.
  13. @Leo Gura Great video, I have nothing to add. Even though I had no awakenings yet even I see the existential problems with simulation theory.
  14. So what is it now? "Why cant I imagine flying around the room if everything is imagination?" "Being form means being limited." "So we need mathematics and science to help us fly around, and so do ET forms" "No! everything is imagination, science and math is useless, everything can be imagined"
  15. Mathematics might be a projection onto reality but if you want to progress past a donkey you will have to make that projection. ET's have a self and other distinction and thats where counting begins. You just wont lift off if you cant even calculate the circumference of your planet, its not gonna happen.
  16. @Leo Gura But do you think you are the first to make this observation? Do you think sadhguru, osho, eckhart tolle and others naively assume that everybody is just like them? I honestly dont know the answer to that.
  17. The question is, is it even worth it to dedicate lets say 1 hour daily to meditation if the return is so low? If the difference between 1 hour meditation and 1 hour playing video games is so small why even do it?
  18. @herghly from @Leo Gura latest blog video, he basically called it a scam unless you are very gifted.
  19. 1. Is thought the first "layer" on top of consciousness or is every thought ego? 2. = If every thought is ego how can I focus my thoughts on a mantra? 3. = If the "I" who focuses does not exist am I just a deterministic machine, a consciousness watching a movie? Are my intentional thoughts part of the movie? OR Are some thoughts coming from higher while some other thoughts come from a lower ego place?
  20. There are a lot of psychoactive Herbs legally avaiable that you can order, often with having a history of tribal usage. Which of these are worthwhile to check out or can help one spiritually?
  21. Im always debating wether I should put on dating profiles or mention to girls that I'm a software engineer or not. While a lot of people act interested in a "I couldnt do this" sort of way when mentioned I think it also puts you in the undateable category with women. First, because nobodoy "can do this" this sets you apart from the common population. Everyone has a general idea of what a doctor or lawyer does, even if they arent one themselves. But nobody (especially women) know what a programmer even does nor do they care because its too technical. Second because of the stereotypes: nerdy, no social skills, bad hygiene, no sense of style, dont know how to act around women, ... There are really no masculine archetypes in pop culture who are working in IT, which I think is why it puts you even below blue collar workers because their line of work is perceived as masculine.
  22. I dont think there was an image change. To be honest Im very ashamed of my profession, sometimes I wish I just had a normal more social job.
  23. Well the plan is to not repell women right away and kinda reveal that about myself later on when we know each other better. I know its a red flag for some women.
  24. I dont even game much or use nerd speak or anything like that. But this is just my job, it is how it is, even if it sucks and makes me weird in other peoples eyes.