Forrest Adkins

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Everything posted by Forrest Adkins

  1. Personality is all good but isnt it true that online dating is on the rise? People dont meet primarly through friends anymore. Cold approaching is getting weirder and less accepted every year. Girls dont want to wait for mediocre guys to pop up in their friend circle and just pick one of hundreds superior guys online.
  2. Alright ended it. I have to give credit some women bailed out completely when I got sexual or disgusting. Most threw me some more chances to redeem myself. Just being very boring was usually not a problem, women agreed to meet after some very standard messages. 2 or 3 accused me of being a fake profile, which I admitted. The amount of dates I could have arranged with a little effort would be easily 20+ within 2 days as a free user with the swipe limit. Match rate was probably around 70%
  3. @tenta its kind of crazy, I throw up all kinds of red flags like being rude, stupid, boring and even violent, yet most of them never unmatch and always answer. They act offended but they throw you chance after chance to turn it around.
  4. No, I wont arrange meetings and I tell everyone who asks upfront its fake.
  5. @Preety_India Whats your problem? I'm just trying to get a feel how online dating works with an ideal profile to get a better idea of what can be realistically expected.
  6. @Emerald Here are the rough statistics: - 25+ likes within 2 hours - 99+ likes within 5 hours (the counter how many people liked you) - Every girl answered (opener "hi") - Following with "Sex?" around 10% agreed immediately, 50% said no and wanted to meet up first. 20% unmatched. 20% said no but kept texting.
  7. @Globalcollective Would you say the same to a flat earther, to just stay in his bubble and keep on believing the earth is flat so he can feel better?
  8. Yes I did today and will continue for about a week. I had to see for myself because I also thought it was overblown, turns out its not. I will not arrange actual meetings or do any harm though, just curious how far I can go.
  9. Sometimes during mantra meditation my breathing gets really shallow and slow, Im just taking tiny slow breaths, feels almost like im not breathing at all. Is this a good thing or something that should be corrected during meditation like tension and posture?
  10. Another video from this guy, I think its pretty good insight into the dating situation for young men today. I think the first point about dating apps is pretty good, this correlates with my direct experience. The guy I know who use Tinder are either getting all the females or none. There seem to be no middle ground, and most women I know use Tinder or simmilar Apps nowadays to chase after these top 10% men. It will be interesting to see what damage this will cause on society in the next 1 or 2 decades.
  11. Here is a question about Leos claim that spiritual traditions are ignorant about psychedelis. These pure traditions like yoga, buddhism and zen exist for basically over thousand years and their only goal is how to get people to enlightenment. Natural Psychedelics also existed forever. These traditions split of into different groups and developed hundreds of techniques, people advanced them and treated them like a science. I just dont buy that no Guru ever went as deep with them as Leo and explored that path to see what can be used. I mean why would they be ignorant about exactly that. There might be a case for refined psychedelics like LSD but no one in the history of Buddhism ever seriously considered mushrooms? Why would that be? Seems so odd to me.
  12. If ancient yogis or the buddha took mushrooms and got somewhere this would be most likely be tightly interwoven in the teachings we see today and be recognized as a sacred substance. The whole of ayurveda is about the effects of certain edibles on the system . Why is this nowhere to be seen?
  13. That might be true but what about ayahuasca? These shamans have gone deep. Why is this taking place seperate from buddhism and yoga?
  14. @Serotoninluv Just because women are only satisfied with top-tier man doesnt make it equal in terms of privilege. Its having 0 chance for sex vs. being picky. being able to be that picky is the privilege itself.
  15. I dont know if this is bullshit but yesterday I had the insight that life is a neverending stream of consciousness / forms / colors. Notice that even when you wake up in the morning and you didnt have a dream that you just conceptualize it after the fact that when you look at your clock and notice that time has passed you say to yourself "ok so between hour x and hour y I was unconscious". But from a direct experience point of view you really weren't, it was a continuous stream of experience.
  16. @Leo Gura Where does the western way of looking of karma as a punishment system come from? Is it because selfish aka "bad" acts like stealing or murder are ultimately done out of an illusion of seperation and therefore add to your karma and keep you stuck longer (even over multiple lifetimes). 1.Would you say this correct? 2. Would it then not be even the same or worse if you think about stealing someone but dont do it just because you fear punishment? 3. What if you dont steal because you are spiritual and believe we are all one but dont really have any experience of it so its just a mental model, would that add to karma?
  17. This concept of a light worker seems like the same thing as a Wanderer in the Law of One
  18. Thank you
  19. I noticed in myself the strange tendency to enjoy pitying myself and being depressed. I dont really enjoy it on the surface and want relief but deep down I dont want to let it go. Usually people start drinking or doing drugs when they are depressed to get some relief, but I am often so depressed I wouldnt want to even drink a beer or meet friends because I fear it might cheer me up. The same with spiritual techniques that would make me feel more positive but I choose not to do them I feel so identifyed with being depressed that if I suddenly felt better I fear it would be fake, not the real me. After all Ive been depressed all week about this and that and now Im suddenly happy as if its all gone away in an instant, that wouldnt seem right. One day everything is bullshit, the next day everything is great and not a problem - where is the consistency you know? Cant I have one single objective thought about my situation? I usually just sit around and watch whats going on in my body until I feel neutral again. Does anybody know what I am talking about and can give me some insight into this? Thanks
  20. @Eph75 yes this sounds indeed very simmilar.
  21. I always wondered why there is such a difference in the manner how stuff is channeled? For example the way channeling works in the RA Contact/Law of One seems authentic to me and what I would expect. Sessions are short since it "depletes" the channeler, some stuff seems to come through distorted and various adjustments are made at the end of each session, RA often struggles to find the right words in our language which gives it a very unique way of using words. Then there are channelers like Bashar who just talk like you and me but at least seems it to require energy from the channeler. And then there is stuff that seems to be channeled without effort in clear language like Neale Donal Walch, Abrahama Hicks, A Course in Miracles. Can anybody please enlighten me on why this is. I think the obvious answer might be that its all a scam but let me know what you think.
  22. The first. Why do some channeleres need to be in a trance and slowly get it out word by word and then others are on a stage answering questions for an audience in clear language. I just want to simply know why that difference exists, thing else.