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About JohnD

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  • Birthday 10/18/1997

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    Chicago, IL
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  1. It's coming to you. I suggest you ignore this feedback and wrestle with it on your own
  2. You need a certain degree of boundaries between your ego and other egos before you integrate those insights or you get an incoherent, codependent world-view plastered with the appearance of high-consciousness. You also lose the stability offered by the lower level world-views in the psychic space.
  3. Guys, get out of the conceptual space and get into reality. When you get an experiential appreciation for what's being talked about at each stage, you'll understand you can't be effective at higher levels without development and integration in the lower levels. There is no higher level without the preceding level. Also learn about open and closed states in SD. If you follow someone at a high level like Leo, you'll have the experience of moving back into lower stages for periods of time, which allows you to fill in and flesh out the lower part of your psyche. If your parents or community already integrated the lower then you'll have the lower integrated. If not then you won't. This stuff isn't complicated, but you need to relate your learning to direct experience. If not, you make mistakes like our friend confusing Green for Purple.
  4. Ironic your judgment of suppression/repression caused such a defensive self-aggrandizing reaction. This isn't about me, you're treating your psychic environment like a fucked up joke.
  5. If you come across a wildly powerful beast, and you have no choice but to be stuck with it, would you fuck with its head so it follows your commands? or would you spend time with it, build a relationship with it, and tame it. This isn't transmutation, it's repression.
  6. @supremeyingyang I wouldn't say the psychological issues are tied to the stage, but the way we deal with them is correlated. A stage green/yellow person struggling with depression will have a different approach to healing than someone at a lower or higher stage. I hope so, I know a lot of us here have taken that responsibility on ourselves, which can be lonely and difficult.
  7. Good info on toxicity here. Trauma is when you've experienced something you weren't able to process. Part of you gets stuck in that experience so some of your energy is tied up. It can relax over time and you can regain your energy, but it can be re-triggered, causing your energy to compress again. Any sort of psychological splitting (falling into dualities) or disconnection from the Self is the result of trauma. This accounts for ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression, narcissism+codependence, bipolar disorder, etc. Fortunately all those labels come from stage orange/green trying to describe stage purple/red/blue/orange behavior. A higher perspective will shine a much more redeeming light on this less developed part of humanity.
  8. @LastThursday The work we're doing can be described as juxtaposing the relative and absolute and integrating these. Egoless perspective is necessary, but losing the ego is losing the relative world, and therefore your ability to act in and influence it. I'll use a metaphor. Let's say a plane's navigation system knows where to take it, you just punch in the coordinates and it flies there. Now say the navigation becomes so advanced that it simply instructs the plane to move from the original location to the destination. The plane can't do this because it doesn't have the instructions to take off, balance, make adjustments, and land. It's like the navigation system doesn't know it's navigating a plane and just wants to be at the location immediately. Now say the navigation system is well connected to the rest of the plane. It knows where it wants to go, and knows how to get the plane there. It's communicating with all the sensors on the plane, the engines, wing flaps, everything that makes a plane fly moment to moment. It knows the entire route but also the situational adjustments that need to be made along the way. The plane is the ego, the destination is reunification.
  9. Yes, but you're asking about systems with multiple gurus at the center. Something new emerges and takes the center, so those kind of people you're asking about exist, they're just not seen as gurus because your attention isn't drawn directly to them. I think the pervasiveness of ego is missed by many in this field. Ego evolves. Everything in the world of duality can be coopted by the ego. One can experience expansive states of consciousness, can contain and direct enormous vision and focus, and still use these in a way that serves the ego. If the ego didn't hide from itself, it wouldn't persist. Ego is also a collective aspect of our unitive consciousness that is moving towards integration. We need more conscious people on the ground, people that understand the inner-workings of the ego and don't take a dismissive perspective. Without this awareness we can't help to untangle the collective mess we find ourselves in.
  10. As soon the lead is decentralized it's no longer attributed to an individual. If 4 people ran, Leo wouldn't be in the position he's in.
  11. @Farnaby You make some good points. I don't find value in acting more masculine/feminine, and I find inauthentic behaviors unsustainable. However, I'm cautious to write off the idea of feminine/masculine. It's a historical polarity, and there's a reason the distinction is so pervasive. Here's where I find value. Having the idea can help you attune to your experience of the masculine/feminine energy, and experiencing it is what matters. When you experience any energy, you increase your capacity to hold and express it. So knowing about it helps you identify it in your experience. Experiencing it allows you to integrate. Integration allows you to be more authentic.
  12. Depends if the android is scripted or acting spontaneously.
  13. Not all people that appear to lead cults are cult leaders. Often if one has a certain disposition others will form around them in a cult-like structure. It takes attentive, meticulous reality-building to create a community that doesn't occasionally reflect cult-like behaviors.
  14. I believe the openness of a particular chakra manifests in the structure/posture/hormonal balance of that particular region. Of course depending on the differences of these particular lines the physical manifestation will also change, but not as a small, subtle dimple that is common in humans, it manifests in more energetic flow in those areas, and over time will result in growth. It's akin to a flower that can handle more sunlight, water, nutrients, and hence more growth, depending on how open it is. Don't forget, the most important thing here is integration. Having your third eye open is a small part of self-actualization.
  15. Without diving too deep, your mind is still split since you're perceiving 'good times'. Notice how it wasn't sporadic good times and bad times, but a cycle of good and bad, the good generally arising to offset some bad that's occurred or will occur in the relationship. The part of you reflecting on good times was isolated from the rest of your mind when she put you through the experience of her trauma. I'll call this the Stockholm syndrome part. Its purpose is to protect us when we're in emotionally and psychologically unsafe environments. When this part arises, hold space for it. Allow it to voice its opinion without clamping down on it. Share what you know about the relationship with this part of you, but maintain a loving attitude towards it. You almost have to spoon-feed it the truth of the matter. You can be instructive and informative, but be patient. Don't invalidate its' experience and don't validate its negative beliefs. Learn to communicate with it. This can be done in a journal, in meditation, or if you have enough awareness to perceive your internal dialogue. I recommend finding a therapist if you feel too overwhelmed to do this on your own and have means to do so.