Chakra Lion

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Posts posted by Chakra Lion

  1. For me, negativity comes in the form of depression. It’s hard to get out of that low or negative consciousness when it’s a big part of your reality and has shaped the identity of the character you breathe through. 

    It helps to have certain coping skills to distract yourself from falling so deep into unnecessary suffering. Negativity is fine, so is sadness, but letting emotions or thoughts fall deep into that darkness is not healthy or balanced. And by you asking how to remove negativity, it shows that it isn’t serving you anymore. 

    Surrendering to the flow of life is the ultimate answer I have found. Outside of me might be darkness, but to fight it is to let it in. To see it is different than to speak it. When negativity has creeped into your own silent thoughts, you are no longer in control. Surrender to the you that has become negative. Love that you and promise that you will heal you. Be  vulnerable enough to accept reality by surrender all of you. Work on staying balanced and rational, not letting the ego feed itself into darkness.

    Feeling negative about being negative is an endless cycle. You have to pay attention to how you feel. Find what it feels like to be peaceful and relaxed inside your mind, then work on maintaining that feeling and not letting the parts that don’t serve you back in. 

    A good quote from the Bible goes something like.. It’s not what goes into someone that makes them bad, but what comes out. Because what comes out of someone has to go through the heart. 

    And your heart feeds your spirit, the essence of the higher self. If it feeds negativity, or worse, constant anger and hate, your spirit is or will become a devil/demon/dark/negative. Feed your spirit Love and Peace instead, and be an angel/light/positive. But that is up to each of us. What to let out of our heart. 

    *just an opinion

  2. @SamueLSD’s not unnecessary. If people don’t make it a big deal, the whole planet will be infected. Look at the this article about the Spanish Flu. You have to lock down the city to contain the spread. It’s very simple and only unnecessary for people that don’t see what’s coming. Soon you’ll want to hide that comment. ?


    @TylerJ @unicity It woke me up like a train flying past the third floor window. I have never been that scared. It made me fell so small and fragile, like energy forcing itself into my reality and doing whatever it wanted. I can still hear and feel the rumble and shaking. We lost power for a few hours, but besides a couple heavier aftershocks it has calmed. In the back of my head I’m waiting for the world to shake again. Especially crazy to wake up like that with a Pandemic outside. There was an Angel Statue on top of the Salt Lake Temple that dropped its trumpet... Almost made me pick up the Bible again ?

  3. @hoodrow trillson I didn’t want to stock up, and a part of me still thinks to leave that food at the store for someone else like a lonely old grandma that will be scared to leave her house for the next weeks, months... 

    I was also thinking of posting on Craigslist or somewhere about volunteering and helping people that would need groceries. I’m not going to get it, my body is a gift and it’ll stick around. We just need to find a balance. But how can we with today’s society and economic structure.

    People will wake up. I am going through great changes. I stopped using toilette paper and paper towels, really becoming more humble of the pleasures that we get so easily in 2020. Kings and Queens have never even lived this good. I can get anything from my bed. I am spoiled with sugar and fat, yet I bitch about cold fries. Oh how sorry I am Earth for milking you for every pleasure pit I can find.

    Humanity is the real Virus, and we tried to make Earth our Host. Gaia is fighting back. 


  4. @EddieEddie1995 Just by reading your thoughts it’s easy to tell that you have a great mind and a strong spirit. You are letting yourself be vulnerable enough to find new awakenings and drop old characteristics that don’t serve you anymore. That takes courage, like Jesus courage to continue and improve the state of consciousness while surrendering to the world. 

    Don’t forget that when you climb the ladder of life, of spiritual awakening, you don’t just focus on climbing higher. You need to stop and perceive where you are, look down and see how far you’ve come.

    May this message reach your soul. My spirit will always be here for you Eddie ❤️?❤️

  5. 36 minutes ago, EddieEddie1995 said:

    For example i can hear him arguing with her downstairs and hes kid crying in terror . What is for me there to do? How do I deal with the negative emotion? 

    Thank you ! 

    #1 Be there for yourself.

    I see too many warm empaths let the cold world tear them down. If you are trying to heal others and let their energies into your life, please know that You are Enough. There are no negative emotions you need to deal with because I am Enough.
    Be strong, don’t take things personally, don’t make assumptions, and slow down. To help others most effectively you need to pull yourself away from the self of this being you identify with, bring awareness in to the world and the other beings that you want to help, and live through their perspective. 

    Think and see what would be best for the child. What can you do for the fearful mother, or the angry father. When you pull yourself out of the equation, there is no danger of getting hurt or dealing with negativity. No shame in trying to comfort an abusive man. Because that could save the child some nights of terror ❤️

  6. If you take Leo’s part and make it not about sex, and instead focus it on getting to know the content of a characters souls, both statements are the same. 

    Know what you want In a partner, but don’t just put your pipi in every opening. - (If you combine them I guess)

    But it goes beyond that. 

    Marriage is an idea, if that’s something important to you then honor it. Otherwise, be a soul exploring other souls freely. Know what parts you like and what types you don’t. If you move with Love & Peace in every breath, and like the infinite being of love that you are continue to be open and grow with everyone and everything, there will be no confusion about the choices you are making.

    Love comes from the Heart not the Hip


  7. 6 minutes ago, RobertZ said:

    In conclusion, I do not remember swearing, "I will never take 5-MEO-DMT."

    So you are lying to yourself? Huh?


    8 minutes ago, RobertZ said:

    Obviously we can criticize this guy's ignorance for mixing alcohol with psychedelics. But without the mushrooms, this local professor would not have been maimed, and this local family would not have been traumatized. 

    Are you using this to motivate yourself from not smoking 5-meo again? Blaming mushrooms?!? What is your point in telling that part? 

  8. 1 hour ago, Chumbimba said:

    Why do I feel guilty ? is there a problem playing video games ? 

    There is a problem playing video games if you feel guilty. 

    Guilt is a self indulging sorrow that is provided and consumed by your self. 

    You are trying to tell yourself something.

    Activities where you don’t feel guilty = no questioning, peace and content

    Activities where you do feel guilty = questioning, cause you know what it does

  9. Chakras are stages of development, levels of awareness, and become more complex as one awakens to the fine balance that is required in each. (...debating if I should go all in right now) (*drinks coffee)

    This is how I have come to realize the stages. 

    It begins in the Root Chakra. The Source connecting you into the physical body. Like a flower trying to root Itself into the word, it is about survival. Continuously improving our methods of staying in this physical reality where we use the body and have to always be Acting. The big conflict of the root is Fear vs Trust. 

    At basic, the Sacral Chakra provides the reaction of the action in the root. It deals with Feeling. First like a flower feels for the sun, and more complex like a human emotionally reacting to a certain scenario. 

    The Solar Plexus is is the Thinking box. It helps a flower develop and build a certain identity like adapting thrones or growing quickly and tall. In a person, this is the basic brain functions of seeing and feeling what is happening and then putting that external world into our internal world. 

    The way you Act, Feel, and Think is all processed into your Heart Chakra. Like the ‘heartdrive’ of a computer, all the information that is received from the first 3 chakras and the next 3 chakras goes into your heart. Depending on who you are and how you experience the reality, what comes from the heart could be love and compassion, or it could be hate and darkness. 

    The Throat Chakra is what the Heart uses to speak through the Body. It shapes how you express yourself, how you communicate, and what you create for the world. 

    The Third Eye Chakra uses the Mind. Like another eye, it tries to understand and find something deeper to what is being presented. Finding knowledge and ‘truth’, or becoming aware of the many insights that are so unseen to the naked eye. 

    Lastly, the Crown Chakra. The connection to Spirit, and back to the root source. The Crown is a reflection of all the Chakras. It holds your Wisdom and is the key to your real self. The Spirit game is fought by good vs. evil,  light vs. dark. Will you choose to be an Angel  or a Devil? 

    Very broad and quick summary. There is so much more. This is only my own perspective. I have studied chakras for years, personally meditating on them and writing hundreds of charts to Organize and simplify the meanings find my own definitions. Many conflicting explanations of the chakras are everywhere, this is what I found to be my reality. 

    would love some feedback ❤️  ?

  10. Found just before reading this thread. It spoke to me, maybe it'll speak to you. 

    He divides life into 2 zones. Inside the Comfort Zone and Outside the Comfort Zone. When a person keeps themselves inside the comfort zone, that bubble starts to shrink, and soon youll find yourself mindlessly playing video games for days, drinking mtn dew like a real gamer. (so me) And then you have no motivation for anything else because things are so hard and far from what your comfortable with. 

    Like people are saying, do nothing. When you are nothing, you want to become everything. When you are everything, you want to become nothing. 

    Purposefully ruining your life is your current perspective. You see life moving down, depressing, shrinking, destroying.

    Purposefully rebuild your life is another perspective. You see life moving up, optimism, expansion, creating. 

  11. @Martin123 People are always living and expressing through the things they have learned to work best for them. When one shares that with others, it’s just in their best interest because it is what they know helps. No one gives advice they don’t personally see helpful. I’ve learned to read people’s stories that way. When they tell me what I should do or how I should think, (like I am doing to you), I’ve come to see that this is what they would do in my shoes because it worked for them. (And that worked for me so I’m sharing it) Their advice is their medicine. I can partake in it or not. If you ask for advice, prepare to be offered many varieties of healing. A Buffet of Ideas. 

  12. 52 minutes ago, Swagala said:

    And then yesterday I realized how weak Fear is and and how irrational giving into the feeling of Fear is.

    Fear is a strong trait. A healthy rational dose will keep you alive. But to much irrational fear will quickly tear you down. Fear is the biggest blocker of the root chakra. It can be a very heavy negative energy that keeps one stuck from developing as a character. That type of Fear is taking a past or future fear and manifesting it into the present moment. Shaping a reality of lies and darkness. To stop feeding fear, one must achieve balance by learning to trust. When you trust, you can grow. Like a caveman finally stepping out of the cave. Trusting that the past Is the past. “That Dinosaur squished Billy last week, but hey it’s a new day!” 
    Those were rational fears back in the day. The ones that helped us evolve. But today’s have become of the ego and confusion. “What are they gonna think?” “Am I doing this right?” “Should I do this?” “Do I look good?” “Can I afford that?” “I hope I don’t get fired!” “My car is shacking!” “Does she really like me?” “Is it to small?” “I have a stain on my shirt!”