Chakra Lion

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Posts posted by Chakra Lion

  1. 5 hours ago, Mo0ngrass said:

    Judgement and criticism are generally unhelpful methods in attempting to change others. If you understand universal law then you understand everything is as it should be and there is no need to waste energy resenting other people's choices. 

    The better question is, to what extent can you lift up humanity with your own thoughts and, by extension, your behaviour? 

    It is impossible to kill the source. 

    @Mo0ngrass @Adam M I agree with you both totally. Judging and resenting others for their own choices is useless. But those are also reactions people have from reading something that questions their ego. Passion is easy to grow momentum and completely overtake a persons POV, becoming a very one sided perspective. Sometimes courage can make one really idiotic. I will remember to keep my head.

    I did not mean to demonize, only questioning why a certain action is continued. Reading statements that cause my thoughts and rational to collide is very helpful in awakening. That’s all I was trying to do. Of course this is from my POV, reflecting what I’m passionate about, and where I’m at in life. Just like the argument that we are not killing the source or it’s an illusion. That is your POV, and in this discussion seems like a quick dismissal to not work on a certain topic. But this is a forum about actualizing and people are at different levels. Some live in a dream and some are awake. Either stage is ahead of the other and lacking behind. It’s all about balancing both stages, knowing infinite love will never die, but knowing infinite love is living in the very source you put your energy on. 

    Peace & Love ❤️ 

  2. @tenta 1 person walks into the store. Every week they buy 2 lbs of beef. Lets say that 100 lbs a year. Thats a conservative and realistic number if you combine that into the total amount of animal products for the entire week. 

    100lbs of beef a year = 1/4 of a cow

    That Cow drinks 30 gallons of water / eats 100 pounds of food every day = 10,950 gallons a year / 36,000 lbs a year 

    It takes 36 months before a Beef Cow is slaughtered. = 32,850 gallons per cow / 108,000 lbs per cow

    So consuming 100 lbs of beef per year is costing = 8,212 gallons of water / 27,000 lbs of food

    Imagine the amount of Methane and CO2 produced from the Cows and transportation. The destruction of waste runoff or deforestation.

    Especially on a planet where 1 in 9 goes to bed hungry and 1 in 10 don't have clean drinking water. Animals are like the Middle Man we don't need.

    And sure it might take more than 1 person to truly change the production, but that shouldn't be a reason to say its pointless or not try.

    If 4 people stop consuming those 2 lbs of beef per week, 1 less cow was consumed. 400 people stop, now you are making impacts. 

    My Grandpa was a Nazi. It wouldn't have made a difference if he stood up against it. He would have gotten killed. If the whole town stood up, they would have been killed. Thankfully we can stand up to this topic one by one without risking our life.


  3. 4 minutes ago, karltiboleng said:

    When we identify with animals and not other beings, we are expanding our sense of self but not for the entire cosmos.

    To be honest, that totally is what I’m trying to do. To expand my consciousness out of my self and into the world. Maybe it’s compassion or maybe I’m more empathetic than you, but knowing that animals are being abused and treated in a way that no being should ever experience, it just makes me sad. This post was just to share my passion for it. To ask for clarification on why a person continues to put that karmic energy out there. Unless you don’t believe in that, or that you as a being are capable to expand your consciousness and awareness to create a beautiful world around you. Maybe that’s just me.
    I don’t identify as myself, Identification is nothing that matters. It’s like clothing. Based on societies standards and the people’s ideas. 

  4. @Arcangelo I can definitely relate to being a “Jesus fan boy freak” and losing faith in humanity.
    Maybe Atheist is just an identity you haven’t let go off, words don’t define you. I bet you have crazy life experiences, dmt takes a brave soul. Thanks for sharing ?

    @Gnosis Courage is like a skill. First getting on a bicycle afraid of falling and ten years later riding down the hill with no handlebars and no helmet not caring for a thing. Maybe it becomes more reckless even, like a gambler risking millions on a single hand. But if we have the courage to fail, we definitely have to courage and will to try again. 

    @Preety_India Gotta  ❤️ the Ego by being vulnerable. Nice quote :) 

  5. There is this certain feeling one gets in the middle of the heart, this pressure of knowing something you did was wrong. The same feeling is there when you know that the next move you make might result in a negative result. Maybe when you try to start a conversation with a stranger things will turn out to be embarrassing and awkward. Maybe the things you did in the past were weird and damaging to others, and it’s a part of you that should hide. Maybe you are faced with looking at yourself a certain way, asked to drop a belief or ideology that you have proudly held, and like a lost newborn, take on a new identity. 

    Vulnerability is to risk getting hurt. You are putting yourself on the line, ready to do what your heart tells you to. Like beings have done for so long, we are willing to risk the chance for a reward. Leaving the cave, falling in love, trusting others, the chance for failure is there, but the reward outweighs the risk greatly. That is why it’s so important to follow your heart. To speak from your heart and to open your heart. Trust in the ways that you are walking, but continue to be open. 

    Acceptance is to receive something, either into your mind or into the physical world. When we are vulnerable, there is a part of us that is open to new experiences, to new versions of ourselves yet to be discovered. Acceptance is a change, or the start of something new. A new friend or a new perspective. It could be starting a YouTube Channel or becoming Vegan. You are bringing it into your reality, identifying with it, and are again repeating the cycle of being vulnerable. Acceptance is also the end. When something fails, you must live with it. The ego will try to hide, it will run, but unless it accepts who it is, the ego will not surrender. Accepting that you made a mistake, said something wrong, or have lived a life with no love, that will wake you up. 


    One way to find God. Risk over Reward.


  6. 1 hour ago, Roy said:


    @Roy I like that a lot. 
    It is hard to hear another soul give their reasons against something as if it’s coming from a higher awareness, when to you it sounds like ignorance. When I originally posted this is thought I would get the usual justifications like protein deficiency or that it’s not convenient to stop eating animals. But I never heard the excuse that nothing matters, there is no evil, it’s all an illusion. That really traumatized me a little. Because as much as I could relate to that statement, it was also being used as a reason to continue their behavior. Almost like a higher state of awareness was found and could be pulled down to use as justification for any behavior. As if the suffering that is happening is irrelevant because it’s an illusion, or that it isn't really happening. Just such a quick dismissal of something that causes so much destruction. And then accusing the ones who care about suffering as not being awake enough or moralists. That was hard to read... It feels very hopeless when people that call themselves awake use awareness and knowledge to stay ignorant, or to keep themselves from reflecting on their own choices. I guess that is the dilemma one faces when arriving at that level.

  7. Thank you for the many replies. Although this post wasn’t aimed at pushing a certain diet or debating the levels of Spiral Dynamics, a lot of great thoughts came to me while reading through the opinions. I understand that my own comments came across as rude and one sided, so I apologize and fully accept to get banned for insulting @Arcangelo. I should always keep my heart and mind open, and show unlimited compassion and love for all beings.
    Regardless of our differences, I think the quote below speaks to most of us. Love you all! 

    “May all that have life be delivered from suffering.” Buddha

  8. 13 hours ago, tenta said:

    - buying meat from a store doesn't mean you're supporting the industry because the store would have the meat anyway.

    You didn't stop the evil by becoming vegan.

    Think about that some more. Do you understand supply and demand? 

    11 hours ago, electroBeam said:

    Your moral dilemma comes from your refusal to accept the creation you have made, are. 

    The creation that exists is accepted. This does not mean that you stop caring to improve the well being of the inhabitants of that world. That's like saying that people who have a moral dilemma with the holocaust just need to accept the creation. 


    14 hours ago, Arcangelo said:

    Oh man this spiral dynamic sh@t helps me a lot to understand reality.

    If you want you can loose that unhealthy dogmatic ideologue green you got in there Lion. Just a suggestion.

    You are such a hypocrite its cringey... 

    Telling me I need to lose my unhealthy dogmatic ideologue by using your spiral dynamic ideologue which is as dogmatic as anything else. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

    No you don't. If you did you would realize

    You have not realized this yet. Clearly. Some day you will. I am not special neither do you so you have the same right as I do to have access to this paradigm shift.


    I think it is the other way round: you cannot claim to be an enlightened soul if you still care about small stuff like the suffering of some cows.

    Remember: nothing matters it's all small stuff.

    Nothing (like in nothing.)

    You are funny. How do you claim to know anything about me by a few words. You couldn't even imagine my life, my past, the experiences I've had. I know i'm God, and I don't need you to tell me that I don't know that because I care about the 'small stuff' like 300 animals getting slaughtered every second for your little pleasure traps. You are looking right past the issue, and making this about me. Like I give a fuck about what you think of me. I am asking a question, not seeking self help advice. 

    You cannot claim to be enlightened if you care about the suffering of others? Are you serious? How careless have you become? My whole life I've only cared about myself. Now that I opened my heart to care for the world, and to make sure that love is flowing through even the smallest beings, you tell me that its wrong. Wake up dude. Your truth that nothing matters is your own perception. You are wrong and choosing one side of the coin, and telling me that there is only one side of the coin. 

    5 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

    This thread is also the perfect example of how an ego thinks it's higher in the spiral than what it really is. A green ego thinking it is turquoise.

    Just like like Leo says: 2 levels ahead.

    Why are you trying to put me on a level, telling me i'm this or that, when its so irrelevant to the post, and really egoistic. 

    And Leo is just another person who isn't someone special or unique. So whatever his choices are, he has to face them himself. If he knows hes hurting others, and he continues to do so, then I think hes making mistakes. But what do I know, i'm just a low level fool. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:

    This is the paradigm you will shift into one day @Chakra Lion 


    Arcangelo this isn't directed at you, or anyone, i'm only chatting..People have no idea where I am at in my spirit or in my mind. I know I am God, that all is god and reality is as much an illusion as its not. But to use that as the reason why I shouldnt care for the welfare of animals, or care about the 'illusion' that beings are suffering. Some think the answer is to stop caring, to say its a game, an illusion, and therefore its irrelevant if things are being raped and abused. Nothing is right or wrong, so why even think twice about the fucking choices we make. Let me just shove a drill into my dogs head, nothing real here boys... I just cant believe this is how some justify their consumer mind. This is how they justify killing earth, by being blind to the other side of the coin. Because you are choosing the side of saying that nothing matters and nothings real. When the other side is that everything matters, and everything is real. This post was to understand how a soul that claims to see past the illusions of life also can contribute to the destruction of life. I'm not putting anything above anyone, and I know i am not being complete loving by saying this, but some of you have your head so high in the clouds that its dangerous. Pretending its not real is one perception when you orgasm over your dinner plate, but not to the animals or souls that are experiencing the pain. I just know my heart cannot ignore the 'illusion' of the terrible things we do here on earth, sorry buddies.. 

  11. What I am saying is that if you buy animal products at the grocery store, you cannot claim to be a spiritual or enlightened soul. If you don't know about the damage that animal agriculture causes to the earth, the body, and the animal, then you are blindly living a life that is supporting evil. If you do know about the rape and abuse that animals are going through, the waste of resources it takes, as well as the mental and physical torture of all parties involved, including the workers, but you still continue to choose to support such an industry of evil, you cannot claim to be fully awake. This is not talking about a balanced life where a hunter shoots a deer to survive, but rather a selfish and pleasure hungry individual that is keeping the production line moving. Also this post is not directed towards someone who is just getting started with awakening, but rather its aimed at the ones who give advice here, who think of themselves as god, or infinite love. 

    Tell me what you think? How do you justify buying animal products? How could you think you are connected to the source, when you are killing the source?  

  12. 6 hours ago, RestWithinTheHeart said:

    writing stuff down is usually a good way to make the mind let go as well.

    Pro tip right there. 
    Sometimes when the mind seems so full or the person feels overwhelmed, writing helps. Especially when it’s things that worry or stress out. And then when you do write the things down in your head that you want to get done, it usually is just a couple things that seemed like so much more because they cycled around in the mind without a proper identification. A couple issues can easily feel like a world of trouble.