Mohamed Saleh

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About Mohamed Saleh

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  • Birthday 09/15/1990

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  1. Good morning brothers, I've attended a vepassana meditation retreat in Chiang Mai and it was as my true beginning point after two years following Leo on YouTube. Then, after 3 months doing vepassana meditation plus self inquiry work I decided to do 7 days solo meditation retreat at home country but unfortunately it was not that profitable. So, I would be grateful if anyone could recommend a center or temples that host such activities. Thanks in advance ?
  2. @Leo Gura Once I close eyes starting self inquiry I hear that obvious continuous sound (_____________). I feel that keeping concentration on that sound is the right thing to do although I don't get any answer for my questions. Do you think such a perceptive thing ___________ is an indication for something? I am not on rush but your advice would be helpful in such stage. Leo, I am so grateful that you are here on earth at the same time I am ?