Conscious life

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Posts posted by Conscious life

  1. @kieranperez exhaustion mean when you let go for the need to run, I used to amaze that running has this kind of meditative state. 

    When you first run for few minutes you are motivated to run and you want to feel you are running. after some minutes past when you lose your motivation and you get frustrated,  when it become boring but you keep run, you body start to function by its own, your mind stops, you body go to instinct mode. 

    Osho amazingly talked about it. 

    Small amount of time running or warmup does not do it. You have to go above your limit even it is slow. 

  2. Yes. You can meditate, but the process is automatic. I am athlete and at certain kilometres when body and mind tired when I couldn't no longer control myself I would go to a medtative state and I don't know where I am while running. My body simply functions and run without my control. 

    But to enter to a medtative state you have to be exhausted and letting go of the need to run. 

  3. @Strangeloop false. Who make light to God and dark for the devil. That a biggest mistake you are making. God is sprit, and he resemble sometimes in light sometimes in dark for only the motivation and intention of good. 

    Sometimes he resemble in fear sometimes resemble in love for only the intentions and motivation of good. 

    God sprit not a giant mind. A mind only thinks in terms of comparison but the sprit knows who is what. 

  4. On 65 core life principles of living the good life. 

    1. no ideology or dogma : don’t be ideological. 

    The very fact saying that don't not be ideological is also ideological itself. 

    These goes on for every 65 principles. what are you implying? 

    Anyone also knows can answer. 

  5. @Gnostic Christian you don't have to throw the trinity concept like a Garbage, because century of saints and sages have contemplated about and they hardly gave their life to understand this concept. 

    You can use them as an instrument to go to truth and understand. 

    The Holy trinity 

    ❝Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;❞

      —Hebrews 5: 8 (KJV)

    Yes I will send my child to death for his benefits. When you give a child a medicine that is hard to swallow it's his for his benefit, even though it is bitter and hard to swallow later it becomes beneficial. 

    The father did the same thing, in order to reward Jesus the kingdom he has to obedience. 


  6. @cetus56 he came here to save humanity form inherited sin as he said. 

    ❝I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.❞

      —John 10: 11 (KJV)


    ❝Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;❞

      —Colossians 2: 14 (KJV)

    We must believe in christ otherwise we should see him as lier.