Conscious life

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Everything posted by Conscious life

  1. Write your unconscious biases, for example Even though we know scientists is a person who study science we assume scientists is a person who is in lab. Go for it. The second picture is a software developer.
  2. How does movie increase your consciousness? Your experience.
  3. @Sizeable Oof don't be pissed off. We got you hundred cover. Just browse content.
  4. Yep. What are highly consciousness movies?
  5. You joke perfectly. There is no a person like osho who is enlightened. He is the next great after christ.
  6. Has anyone experienced this kind of thing. @Leo Gura My brain is sound like a computer cpu. Shhhh all the time. What is that?
  7. Yes. Children are pure and awaken. They are buddha by nature but that awaken doesn't last longer, it will be taken because of survival. A person full commitment is to regain his buddha nature.
  8. @Leo Gura For those of you who think Leo is under guru his above them He is exploring real scientific Sprituality, most mystic and scientists don't do. It's rare in the world to find a teacher like Leo.
  9. I don't think this utopian society could happen, maybe after 500 or 600 hundred years later, but also in that time it couldn't be possible, people will move in to another different kind of survival mode.
  10. Don't play the victim.
  11. You should have a backup I am IT expert if you need help I am there for you.
  12. @Identity great job on sharing the content. I once open video for my brother he went sleep because of it's depressing. I introduced to by accident, lot of time I miss a chance assuming the video is ordinary. When I was university ad pop up to the YouTube front interface and want to see it because it's quality ad and interesting topic, but my friend told me he saw one video of it and it's non sense, a lot of times I stepped back from knowing, but by one way or the other I came and fully changed myself my life. As Leo said whenever you assume you know it one thing there is always mind fuckery.
  13. I grow and develop myself through and other YouTube slef help content and materials very profoundly, but I begin to understand that I have to also share the content to other people also, because without collective growing not my growth would be self light. I will start a little bit sharing the content through my social media page and accounts, that what I can do and contribute for the collective.
  14. Red. They are awful. A little bit orange but also blue.
  15. As I begin to self actualization and take Leo as a mentor I encounter great shift from where I was, but the way it takes me is more of my feminine side, I was an alpha male strong and energetic, but when I start actualizing about love and oness it is making more weak, and perceived as weak even though I am energetic and powerfull people doesn't respect me because my bigger tolerance, I think Leo teaching should be embarrassed with eliot hussle kind mentor. As osho said A true spritual person is a person who hold both the lamp and sword ⚔. A person who is samurai. A monk and a warrior. What do you think?
  16. ? ? Great work.
  17. @Rasheed yeah it works for newbies, but as you grow more and more you only focused and interested in the structure not in the content.
  18. Taking notes is useless. Listen totally, and write the topic and go after your research and contemplate it.
  19. What do you think about Leo vs emerlad Similarity vs difference Is it worth watching?
  20. When He is taking Spritual metaphor as literal reality. When he say I am God. on a new video he correct it to God like.
  21. @Key Elements no samurai isn't about survival. Samurai is a monk and a warrior. As osho said no one can't understand samurai because it's agenda and intentions are corrupted by time. Samurai isn't about a person who is about survival. Samurai already left survival. Samurai is all about truth seeking , a truth seeker must develop higher consciousness but also must be super dangerous. If he don't one of his intelligence will become shut off, and impede his truth seeking. He will shut off his will power energy. The samurai have no intention to use the sword only fearful people use the sword. He only protect the lamps from be taken.
  22. Yes. He will be amazed. Like you will be amazed. You are created in the images and likeness of God. God is sprit.