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Everything posted by EntheogenTruthSeeker

  1. Wonderful video as I am addicted to many many things and struggling with adrenal fatigue and stimulant addiction ( adderall, coffee, nicotine)
  2. Amen. @Thought Art Yeah dude I feel. Leo is a lot older than all of us and seems to have had a pretty straight forward life without many mental illnesses so he has been quite grounded. Don’t take it personally. It’s better for him to tel you to be grounded than not. But I get the demonization is not fun when you’re trying your best. Life’s hard bro c
  3. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRVpwTnv/ What y’all think? Make a life purpose out of this??
  4. Is there already one? Also, what are foundational differences between conservative and liberal conspiracies and why are they sooooooo common? like I get a lot of people don’t have life purposes, but that reasoning doesn’t really do it justice.
  5. well I would highly recommend not taking any stimulants to fix this, ie, adderall coffee or convince yourself you have ADHD, when the medication to fix adhd is speed, been there done that. #1 quick tip: squeeze two lemons into 8oz hot water, a shit ton of raw honey, and cayenne pepper. Then, start a 80% plant based diet with lots of fruit. That should be good enough. Nootropics like: phenylpiracetam or others with a VERY short half life, because most will fuck your sleep. Trust me on this. Nootropics and drugs will rarely fix this problem. get the foundations right. Exercise. Juice fast. Water fast a day or two resposibly, get any toxins out of body, thus your brain will operate clearly. My opinion on focus other than doing a daily focus or mediation practice, a focus problem is a health problem. mental health issue = physical health issue. 8 years of issues with this and I can tell you right now, never ever take amphetamines. it can ruin your life beyond imagination.
  6. @aurum thank you!
  7. Like I know I’m depressed and shit, but I see so much hate around me and I am waking up to how unhealthy society is and toxic our environment and technology way of life is, and it seems like as a species we are way too selfish and the laws are set up for us to fail. the system is so intense and everyone is losing their minds! I had a great level headed friend who completely lost his mind to Quanaon and was fully college educated and spiritual, ambitious, healthy, optimistic. Not the only one either. like I can’t even go on the internet without seeing so much hate and division, will there ever be a time of unity or will this be like a world war three with these conservatives stubbornness? I am open to people calling me out as deluded, it may have to do with Christian dogma I’m still trying to let go of or the recommended aligorithm that slowly seeps toxicity into my mind and makes me suggestible to these end of world theories. It’s not so much logic it feels like that for me. I’ve never been in a lower place in my life. Maybe it’s because I have no job or friends, but still this is unusual for me.
  8. @flowboy you’re right. Thank you. I have too open of a mind that I want to see what’s going on everywhere, liberal or conservative videos just to study their minds, and get recommended a bunch of toxic garbage because of it. Spamming do not recommend button, but deleted all apps but Spotify and the forum.
  9. @roopepa if psychedelics got legalized world wide. Anything else feels hopeless lol
  10. @BadHippie @Preety_India I feel what you guys are both saying. I just feel like this dark feeling as an empath just feeling the worlds deep suffering and hate and disconnection from god. I cry so hard when I trip about the suffering we all experience. It’s so sad how rare the experiences and information us on actualized have.
  11. I know it’s an addicting app and low conscious a bit, but Leo’s little clips could go huge on that app and get a lot of people out of ruts. Just a suggestion
  12. @Matt23 @Hello from Russia @Derek White preach preach and preach. I just feel like the woke and stage green side of TikTok deeply needs this yellow and Turquoise aspects. Eyeballs are eyeballs. People on TikTok deeply want Leo’s content, just don’t even know it exists! Even one person Leo helps could be world changing, you know?
  13. How is it possible that so many people miss the truth or even kiss it multiple times and fall into slumber, like myself. It’s truly amazing how bad the mind can deceive itself. the Quanon documentary on hbo or Hulu made me realize how deluded a mind can get, very fucking scary considering they’re “Christian” lmfao. So done with Christians and their garbage.
  14. Well awesome responses! Thanks so much guys. It’s amazing how much our society and minds are run on fear. Do y’all think enlightenment work will get easier as our society progresses? Or will technology further out spiritual progress??
  15. Take this situation very seriously. No being friends or helping him be a fucking man. If proper action isn't taken asap, you could end up in a very ugly situation, be suicidal due to internalizing his hate and other stuff. I have been going through this. my moms abusive no boundaries behavior is so ugly it has caused me to 99% hate myself so massively I am in constant suicidal thoughts because I feel I am not worthy of love. Do not let it get to this point like I did. Emotional abuse can be the end of you if you are not careful to cut the cords, now! <3
  16. this sounds like a dude with unresolved trauma and a lack of love from childhood. Been there. also, just block him, and if he shows up to your house have the self love and respect to get a restraining order and FOLLOW THROUGH. You are young and beautiful and wise and have no business letting vampires who have no sense of respect for boundaries (aka extremely fucking rapey abusive and toxic) suck the Being out of you!! Come, on. The light on the other side with just a little more "I love myself" or "I am worthy of love" mantras may work, but I don't know if you already do that, as this seems complicated, other solutions and multiple may need to be employed. But, overall an increase in self respect to take action to lock this guy up if he continues harassing you is NOT too far. Men like this need to be held accountable, because emotional abuse is just as traumatizing sometimes. My mom does this to the day onto of being psychical abusive way back. If someone is willing to cross boundaries after repeated pleads to stop, they're selfish, a devil, deserve none of your love because that's enabling. the only thing to do is completely ghost and get police involved. Anyone who does this will at all costs go to psychotic lengths to get a hit of love or a reaction or pleasure in seeing you suffering, so they will eventually resort to violence. If you believe this is no Ct the case, it's very misguided. These parasitic and narccistic men can seem attractive and everything, but all their massive insecurities come out during trying times or deep in relationship. Run away like the plague! I love you girl. You deserve a CONSCIOUS, loving, selfless, masculine, humorous, witty, humorous, introverted/extroverted balanced, compassionate, sex god, safe space emotional god, etc. What's possible for you is unreal. Imagine the opposite of this torture, what that could feel like, the infinite love and MAGIC. Just use the law of attraction and stuff like that to reprogram beliefs that allowed a low value man to walk into your life without huge alarms going off, sorry if that sounds harsh, it's more just anger I have for men who have no respect for women's boundaries. Remember, get inspiration and HOPE. Go to concerts, talk and dance with men, idk whatever gets you feeling free and happy. Make sure these men you go after have similar values. Yoga, Health (not just BS bodybuilding). P.S. I am not very good at communicating with women and am a 23 yo, so if anything I said came off unputting, I want to clarify I have very little experience with women, but I will say that this advice is pretty universal wether man or women.
  17. So, I am connected with support systems and professional care, just saying. However, I like advice from this forum over anywhere else. Every day I feel like I’m drowning. Suffering so intense I know I would be better off dead, no questions asked. Feels like every solution: exercising, juicing, medical checks, discipline, habits, meditation, contemplation, psychedelics, pharmaceuticals, drugs, etc. it’s all failed miserably. I think so negative all the time and am constantly tired and have no ability to actualize or stabilize any good moments I have of inspiration or hope. The moment it’s gone I’m back in suicidal despair of just not wanting to go through this miserable human life with so many deluded people including myself. Waiting to find the solution seems impossible and this is why I’m going to start 7.5mg instant release adderall again, because my add/adhd/ocd/addiction/depression/anxiety/negative thinking/dwelling on truama, etc is so intense, I will not survive. I don’t brush my teeth, shower, I lay in bed 14 hours a day watching YouTube and TikTok. Wiping my ass is a complete struggle, like wtf is wrong with me? They said my thyroid nodules are fucked, but come on. no matter what fucking crazy awakenings I’ve had that 99% people haven’t, they have no use in my actual happiness or practical life, due to my constant mental anguish and self hatred and suicide and nonstop thinking, so I feel like I’ve accomplished absolutely nothing since high school. Only time I was successful was taking a shit ton amphetamines to every concentrate. Sorry for asking for so much help all the time. But I feel like I may have serious heavy metal toxicity.
  18. damn, thank you everyone for the replies it really helped I’m just gonna take small steps and start keto as a consistent way for energy and just doing basic self help for a LONG time. Actualized is the best @hamedsf @knowyourroots @Roy @mandyjw
  19. Wow, I get what Leo was talking about with his first 5meo experience of complete panic and horror that you feel like the whole room is collapsing in on you and that all you are is this substance, which was impossible to describe but infinite consciousness. Even though I felt like I died, I never died, consciousness just shifted. this lasted about 3-5 minutes until @BipolarGrowth gave me a hug to help me out of a sinking black hole into some dimension I was scared to go to or unwilling to surrender to evil things happening to me and losing grip of my Christian brainwashing of not wanting to be around demons, devil, be traumatized, experience torture, accept that I have evil dark desires in me, I love evil but I reject it cause society would put these parts of consciousness if expressed verbally to people lock you the fuck up! anyways, I do not promote salvia for anyone who isn’t willing to leave this earth, forever! Time doesn’t matter when you enter this eternal state, it’s divine beyond anything I have touched with huge doses of mushroom I am god/DMT/lsd/mystical mania. but for real, newbies on actualized, do not touch this substance at all, however follow your intuition if god is compelling you, but you’ve been warned. Experienced psychedelic users only. Also, it helps I have intense PTSD so I am suicidal regularly anyways, so salvia was a huge relief from my torturous unwilling Pure OCD mind, I mean wow! Anwyays, so glad @BipolarGrowth and I moved in together. Life has never been the same after this salvia trip. I am actually healing now after realizing how much I resist reality 247 100% of the time on the go. It feels like the salvia has permanently changed me and made edibles way more effective and I’m generally very happy if I’m just scrolling on tik tok learning or entertainment. anwyays, questions, feel free. 10/10 for me despite the panic. Totally worth it!:) Don’t let Leo scare you. @BipolarGrowth and I both did it with having severe bipolar disorder and it has helped us, and we’ve been through scary shit in our episodes and psych wards so insanity is not new, lol, so keep that in mind. We are unique and rare individuals that are crazy as fuck and love new experiences and who have serious trauma and aren’t scared of much. Normies, stay the fuck away from salvia. Last thing, wouldn’t even classify salvia as anything like classic psychedelics. Not even a psychedelic to me. It’s just Death (*screamo Oli style version*). I also had a hard time wanting to admit I am consciousness for some reason. Maybe religious delusion dogma. love you all!:)
  20. @Leo Gura thank you, I understand your warning for sure. I am being very vigilant about being grounded, responsible, and not self-biased and self-deceived. I’m just trying to experience more experiences, I’ve kinda been locked up in hospitals for 4 years straight. What would you do in my situation? — @Loving Radiance No, but once I get the money I am going to do it because I have had serious addiction and trauma problems in childhood and all my life, really. My mind tortures me all day with no cure, I’ve been working on my health, juicing, etc. nothing works to baseline remove suffering and ignorance and self deception. Do you? Why do you say?
  21. @Leo Gura okay, I get it, but when nothing else in your life heals your PTSD and chronic wanting to die cause my head has a headache from self hatred and judgment conditioning and ocd, it doesn’t matter at that point, psychedelics are the only thing that help me at this point. I’m not manic or acting flamboyant in public, these trips are private. Anyways, after reading this quote, how can you deny this is bad for me? Lol I don’t hallucinate on salvia or any psychedelics 80% of the time only closed eye visuals very rarely. God and Jesus are protecting me. <you’re gonna destroy me for that one.
  22. @Inliytened1 damn you guys roast me all the time. I feel so stupid 247 I have such a lack of awareness and intelligence. I’m seriously trying. But because there are some rare people in this 20,000 people who might benefit from it if they are careful.
  23. @Leo Gura okay, I am in agreement with you if you say so. Rather, please tell us in details what we should be doing differently, otherwise how will we know what bothers you? I’m trying my best to self actualize. I’ve just been through a lot