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Everything posted by EntheogenTruthSeeker

  1. Gnarly trip report! Makes me want to watch Leo’s deathbed stage orange vids??
  2. I feel like our society is blooming af right now. the explosion of spiritual ideas, questioning stage orange, people not working and putting up with bullshit exploitation, healthy eating, creativity, gratitude, etc. I swear to god everything is just so much more lively. I went to a MGK concert last week, and damn. People be so happy, it’s honestly so refreshing. Aside from those who refuse to look at their shadows and end up on wrong side of history. Peace and love! Hope for the new generations is all around. This appreciation literally just came from watching TikToks. I swear that app brings people together like no other app, at least for the mainstream collective ego. What’s the biggest change y’all have appreciated/noticed?
  3. It’s getting bad with my mom. She basically gaslights me 247, is needy as fuck, she expects me to bond with her and talk about my feelings everyday when I just want to be left alone. She blows up if I say I don’t want to talk. It’s not that deep. She constantly harasses me for eating healthy food and telling me I need to lose weight, like I don’t fucking know that. Anytime I see her, she starts an argument or with the family. I would move out, but I’m really focusing on my health, detoxing, and sobriety before I get a job. So, that’s not an option. She voted for trump, is 61, and is beyond ignorant and judgmental. She also abused me physically, and emotionally when I was a kid, so I really don’t have the patience for her bullshit anymore. And my dad just puts up with it because he’ll lose all his money in a divorce. I really fucking resent him for that. Being around her instantly makes me want to break shit, vomit from her energy, and get violent. I am NOT like that, with anyone else in the slightest. It’s just never ending low consciousness with her. She has no respect for my boundaries, and keeps invading you hoping you’ll break and open up to her, but it’s just so fucking immature and needy. She always apologizes and says she’ll change but has no capacity to do so, as her brain is rotted with negativity and low consciousness. She’s the type to believe whatever trump says. thanks!:)
  4. https://canex.co.uk/boris-johnson-psilocybin-crispin-blunt-home-office/ It’s not just psilocybin, I think, but other psychedelics too. Big news!
  5. @wma @Monkey_in_suit @Zakaria @lmfao @Raze thank you so much everyone! I am throughly shocked at how much support I just received. I will look into those videos. I really can’t move out, right now. I am in debt $1000 from moving out pre-maturely a month ago, and it didn’t end up well. I’m not ready. My chronic fatigue, mental issues, bad sleep patterns, etc are not healed enough to even work a standard 20-40 hour job yet. I have no foundation. I just spent 7 months in and out of hospitals, so I’m very out of touch with work-ethic/normalcy. im going to try and go on walks with her, but honestly, I just emotionally have no desire to be around her. She’s dead to me. She was gone for 3 weeks and not once did I miss her. i forgot she existed. on my last acid trip, I remembered in detail how she beat me and all the horrible things I’ve been through because of her, and ever since then, I have no space in my heart for her. Who tells a 4-5year old they’re fat, hide food from them, beat them, tell them they’ll never get a girl because you weigh 69lbs and have a bit of acne? She’s fucked! She also would put adderall out every morning after she knew how suicidal and addicted I was from it. She’s incapable of being a good person, most of the time. I only wanted her home so she can do my vegetable juicing. My main priority right now is going to do Bufo and releasing the huge pent up PTSD from my life. It’s deep and it’s physically locked in my body, I want a release and Truth, just once. I saved up $500, so within the next month in a half, I’ll be doing it.
  6. This video is so amazing: https://youtu.be/yvGtDnv0DXk
  7. @impulse9 @Thought Art I love your insights, both of you. Psychedelics being illegal are an absolute crime against humanity. Millions of lives could be saved each year.
  8. @PurpleTree I understand. This happens to me too, but I just have to eat more frequently. Like every 2-3 hours, or I get very irritated. My body is getting used to it. I just can’t eat meat, so there’s no other option for me. You’re going to have to carve out your own unique health and diet path, no one’s is going to look the same. Take the good things that work with each thing you find resonates with your mind/body over years, and you’ll be golden. Suanas help a lot with my chronic fatigue. 10-15 mins daily.
  9. @Leo Gura I agree. However, not every person has the ability and time to research all the shady parts of the internet, figure it out, do it without legal issues, and ship it to an address without their significant other/family being concerned. I mean those are serious charges and jail time. There needs to be better widespread education on how to do this, but I’m just not looking hard enough. It seems impossible just learning from Reddit. So complicated.
  10. I agree with Leo here. But I felt the same way, and this new diet has completely revolutionized everything for me: •Stop eating at Midnight, Eat at 4pm. (16hr fast, 8 hour eating window — but be careful with this, build yourself up cause your adrenals could overwork themselves) •1 lemon squeezed into 16 oz water upon waking. Also repeat this two more times a day. •(Juicing) Beet, Spinach, broccoli, celery, ginger, cilantro, orange, and a bag of grapes = euphoria. 1X daily. •Channa Masala Indian dish (chickpeas and vegan curry sauce) •Frozen grapes •Bananas •Avacados •Potatoes •Detox Tea w/ Honey, Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper, and Turmeric •Raw Almonds This should get you feeling very in love with life, or at least help a bit, but the heavy metal detox is so crucial. Decide if it’s necessary after you’ve followed a raw vegan protocol like this. You don’t need a bunch of protein, it’s a garbage myth. Nowadays if I eat any meat/dairy/American food, I have acid come up my throat and feel horrible! Diet changes are a slow thing built over weeks and weeks. Just start with the lemon in the morning consistently, and you’ll naturally crave healthier foods. IMO Much love! I know how miserable chronic fatigue can be.
  11. (No sourcing) just general questions. Do I need a VPN to do research about psyches? I am too scared to even type in a question in google about sourcing. Like is that automatically putting me on gov. watch? even YouTube videos about the alternate web sketch me the fuck out!
  12. @Peo @Vincent S thanks homies!
  13. @Chris365 no, it doesnt, that I know of. Bufo is an additional add on price. It’s $2000 for Aya and $1000 for flight. id love to just go the $5 route, but I’m having serious chronic fatigue and researching just the most basic stuff about that is nearly impossible. Also, I live at home. My dad would put me homeless if he ever found out, lol. @Thought Art I am seriously moving to Canada as soon as I get a decent job and get my health together, no cap ? I am way too scared to get in trouble with the law, my life would be over.
  14. Kept him sober for a year after severe crack and alcohol addiction. Very inspiring. Definitely saving up $3k and finally doing it. I can not stand the curiosity and if I die before doing this, I will be trolling so hard in the afterlife. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/hunter-biden-toad-venom-memoir-b1827563.html
  15. @Sempiternity yeah, it is very exciting to see this! Unfortunately, this is not big news/any news on mainstream networks and it seems to just be this one article I found. Wasn't spread anywhere else I know of. I found it from a psychedelic email list I was on, but that was it.
  16. @Leo Gura why do you say that? I know nothing of the guy, by the way. @Jakuchu because I want to go to Arkana retreat in Mexico where it's safe, reputable, and I can do aya. These other gurus who do it for cheaper, I don't really trust too well.
  17. stay away bro. 20-21. You need to be putting in hardcore foundation work (reading books, watching all Leos videos, blogs, life purpose course). You can fuck up your life by having lopsided priorities.
  18. @Knowledge Hoarder good for you man! I’d like to see some of your work. Leo’s got all the secrets the trainers don’t want you to know☠️
  19. Aye! Let’s go my boy. Getting more widespread recognition. It was just a small section. So proud of how far you’ve come, even though you’ve been the GOAT since day one (advice for college students vid was my 1st vid) https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMR3aK9bn/ Y’all ever fear if you would have done something differently in your life you would have never stumbled upon this gold mine? Love you Leo???
  20. Sounds like schizophrenia/psychosis. Just from personal experience. What is your life like? Are you interacting with friends and coworkers regularly? I find isolation can lead to stuff like this
  21. Preach it. Like I am not in control of my life because no matter how much inspiration or pep talk I have, information, etc. my brain or habits are just so ingrained it seems my executive functioning is just extremely low, so I guess it’s just time to accept it.
  22. Can totally relate. All this justifies my need for adderall addiction cause my machine is just shit otherwise no matter how long I’m sober
  23. I mean it’s sad because so many people are sick and mentally sick and are open to trying these things, but it’s so hard to get access. Meanwhile, all the things that toxify your body are readily available and marketed as solutions. it seems like the only way for society to evolve and not be so sick is for inspiration tools like this. I know this is Leo parroting, but this is felt to my core. even though I’m not healthy, at least I have inspirational moments to look back on to keep the progress up. I can’t imagine how fucking hopeless people feel. Nothing more than toxic material existence. perhaps I’m going to go to legalizing effort communities because just talking about nonduality and psychedelics is not enough for me. We need political action, hardcore.
  24. @Leo Gura I fully agree with your approach. That’s how I did it too. I studied Actualized books and self help since I was 17-21, then tripped. So 4 years of a solid foundation. But even before then, I was contemplating deeply my entire life, questioning all of my friends, sociology, the big questions, etc. I guess I forget how far I’ve come and how crazy this stuff sounds to people who haven’t had a lifetime of philosophical seeking. I think music and proper education systems like Actualized taught more in schools, alternative schools like Actualized High School seem brilliant. but I gotta stop hoping society will provide me with easy access to these beautiful molecules. I have to get my own place, research how to find these vendors, travel to different countries and go out of my way. There’s a good reason you find the truth and not the other way around. Because if we were fed the truth from day one, we’d immediately reject it and demonize it just like Christ was. Anyways.
  25. yeah, been listening to his chill step stuff terrance McKenna. Most eloquent sort of snobby intellectual ever heard, lol. You should check out the song: Northlane - Singularity : discovered this when I was 15 and was my first spiritual awakening on Vyvanse. This started my Truth seeking without me knowing it. I have goosebumps listening and thinking back. 2 years later, I discover Leo.