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Everything posted by EntheogenTruthSeeker

  1. @Alfonsoo @Gregory1 @AdroseAkise haha yeah I am really just being lazy and letting resistance get the best of me. It’s just so hard to have quiet focus time in my house, so it takes more conscious effort to leave/isolate and focus. This is all such incredible advice, I’m really thankful for all of your replies! <3 How many books have y’all read in your life or on the book list?
  2. Get a mini trampoline/rebounder from Walmart for $45 and get your blood flowing/change your state after 5-10mins of effortless bouncing. Beyond helpful for moving through blockages and backlashes. I did same thing as you yesterday, and 5 mins today set me in a completely different mood.
  3. @Godhead @DocWatts @Snader @gettoefl this is all fucking brilliant advice!! This honestly broke through the limiting beliefs I have been holding about this obstacle. Thank you all so much. Night time after everybody in my house falls asleep, after I do some rebounding, and all my energy is finished on the things I love the most about my life, then I’ll read 5-10 pages. Starting small. And fantasy books, because I have just read self help books my entire life and I think it’s made me lose the love for reading..
  4. 100% thank you? @Nahm got it, thank you so much Nahm❤️
  5. So, I’m currently on a vigorous detox and my tongue is green from toxicity, yet he bombarded me with all his ideological positions of how my “woo-woo crack science” lifestyle isn’t producing “tangible” results. I’m not losing enough fat, lmao. It’s been 5 weeks, going from suicidal, to thriving. Yet, his mind can’t conceive of the soft inner results built through the process/long term trajectory of the plan. Lol, I mean I can’t even believe the myopic and narrow minded view of the world. I know what his mind wants to see, what it wants to hear, etc. but I couldn’t bring myself to “stoop” down to his paradigm lock. I feel like he needed to be challenged and expand his way of thinking. It definitely worked, but I mean he’s 62 and he is an engineer, who views the entire world through the lens of his career most of the time. I know he was just tryna stick it to the libs, and was taking out resentment for me not working, spending money on healthy groceries that he deems “nonsense”. So, I know it’s all love at the end of the day, but I mean how do you talk to people at this level of spiral dynamics without dumbing your insights down to pure falsehood?
  6. Yo, on thanksgiving-ish, the Beatles have a new special 6 hour live footage/commentary of The Let It Be album. This would be a prime opportunity to talk about the connection between stage green, psychedelics back then and now, etc. Across the universe by Beatles is my favorite tripping song, too.
  7. I mean, if you take living an inverted, selfish life to the extreme = physical death. if you take spirituality to its extreme, your desire for bodily living may fall away, or someone will kill you for being too god damn Good. And being in the middle, you’re not safe either! You’ll perhaps suffer even more than most.
  8. @softlyblossoming LMAO I fucking ROFL’d at that last part, bro. It’s so true, though. I made a laughing stock of myself all over social media and this forum, however, after vigorously integrating failures and focusing on law of attraction, I have manifested more beauty than I could have ever imagined for my life. Even living with my parents. Crazy what 2-3 months of serious effort can do to transform your entire life, forever. But the key to all your difficulties finding proper sources of maximized love is to see how much you suffer, see the unsustainably of the situation, observe the limits of that facet of reality, and slowly visualize/look at pictures/affirm/contemplate exactly what you are looking for in new X relationships. However, if you’re falling into toxic relationships often, my advice is to look inward more and lean introverted for a while. Go book an Air B and B for 1 night by yourself with nothing but a fucking pad of paper, and some extremely healthy food. Maybe an awesome playlist of your favorite contemplating songs/happy/inspiring that get your energy and creativity flowing. Retreat mode for you. Let go of theory for now, and take massive action with your life for the next 2 months and see what happens. At the least, try this as an experiment, and if it doesn’t work, you can always go back to your old way of consuming lots of theory, but you won’t miss anything. I’ve seen your notes with Brandon, they’re intense. You know enough, bro! Experience is the most difficult part, sometimes, however, it ACTUALIZES your theory 5-10X-infinite folds. Trust in your self-esteem to be able handle the brutal real-world failures, blow to your ego, etc. I think approaching one girl a week for you for 3 weeks will be a good start.
  9. @BipolarGrowth thanks bro, love you so much. I really appreciate you reading the whole thing, as that probably took a lot of time. Your compassion, immaculate nuanced advice on the phone completely revolutionized my state and ability to manage the mania. I went from awakened to manic real quick after our call. However, right after I had Panda Express (Meat/grounding food), my symptoms vanished within two hours completely. Fucking crazy how an imbalanced diet may have been the issue with my bipolar all along. Like, just eating meat/standard diet, I get chronically fatigued and depressed/suicidal, yet eating just raw vegan makes me batshit energetic/manic/infinitely conscious/dangerous levels of happiness and liberation for my development. God wants me to be a master of my homeostasis and balance of my surroundings. Maybe if I was just by myself I could totally let go and transcend all of that stuff, but it is not wise when I’m around other people and I’m not intending to go super spiritual or willing to. I mean, being overly spiritual at the wrong times can be extremely disadvantageous to you and society as a whole.
  10. @Nahm wait what do you mean by this? I had a hard time understanding. I’m also having brain fog right now, lol, so just a little elaboration please??
  11. Finding yourself is an exquisite balance of: •listening to advice of others •socialization •new experiences, is CRUCIAL. You learn what you value and don’t value, at certain times of your life based on new experiences. Say goodbye to knowing yourself without massive experience and action in the real-world •a lot of isolation, is CRUCIAL. Notice how new experiences, action, real-world is important. However, the balance of being alone, contemplating, not even meditating per se, but just going on long walks with just chill music, etc. is beyond transformative. Make sure you develop the skill of being nuanced and flexible with at what point in your life you are introspecting vs experiencing. It’s not half and half, either. Big picture, sure. But, smaller scale, you’ll go through periods of massive knowledge acquiring, then periods of massive meditation, periods of frequent socialization, journaling, etc. but you also have to balance the rest of your life as you are taking action or introspection for, so it’s not one or the other. See Leo’s video: “Life Unfolds In Chapters and Phases” I went from inauthentic, robotic, clueless, a sheep, to becoming 80% authentic at all times, fully loving my unique personality and the vibrancy and glow that I shower myself with and others. Finding yourself is THE MOST important foundational thing you can do in work. Do NOT let ignorant criticisms from below or conservative like people tell you that’s it’s not important, or idealistic, not practical. They’re miserable, but have a point that you should also not wait to find yourself to do real-world work and chores. Like I said, finding yourself requires immense balance, that is cultivated week by week, phase by phase in your life, until you find VERY consistent trends over the next 3-6 years. Once you reach the 6 year mark of really putting in consistent, stable, slow yet disciplined pace, meaning, and deliberate practice into your life, you’ll be gold. Be patient with yourself, love who you are right now and what you know about yourself, and make sure you have role-models like Leo/other highly selfless developed teachers. Role-model people with high levels of LOVE, compassion, intellectual nuance and sophistication, physical health, high value attractive qualities, etc. but don’t just have one role-model, because that’s a trap. Have at least like 10 role models to pick the best of their traits from, and learn where they fall short and the limits of their personality makes them suffer. Bless your soul and continue this work at a young age! I started self actualization, philosophy at 15, too. It can get really dark, but be persistent and slow down if you’re too miserable. You have your entire life to do this work, and I rest assure you, there is nothing else better you can be doing here than the foundational principles laid upon this entire Actualized.org Community. Congrats you’ve found the Holy Grail and Golden Nugget of All of Life, right here, at 15!!!! how fucking exciting!!!! Keep it at. also, “Mastery” by George Leonard book on Leo’s book list is foundational for any long lasting ability to have success in anything, especially finding yourself without giving up to mainstream culture. Keep the love shining!
  12. @Nahm Holy shit I am floored by the profundity of this advice. I will mull over this, contemplate, and apply as soon as possible. I agree with every thing you are saying. I definitely have shadow work to continue, and to balance myself out with new ways of understanding, compassion. I am very judgmental sometimes, as it’s been how I’ve been conditioned/willed into existence. Thank you so much! Stage Turquoise shit right here??
  13. Video on OCD, other neurological and physical imbalances. OP, I did my 8 week cleanse with this guy. $150 for breakthrough information, simplified. Just watching his short videos will radically help your situation.
  14. @Michal__ thanks. My intuition is very strong about this. A harmonic, alkaline based body does not behave like this. It’s not just “ego” or a lack of self help that is his problem. It’s very simple and straight forward. But almost no one talks about detoxification because the masses accept dis-ease paradigm, accept health continues to worsen despite being still before your 50’s, etc. Detoxification is a whole other level of spiritual awakening. It makes enlightenment have such a different and nuanced level of understanding. It makes infinite consciousness so fucking easy to access, sober.
  15. @softlyblossoming Rob, dude, be way more practical about your life. I understand you want to change your inner perception, but that’s not the solution here. Focus on increasing your value, so women will like you more! Your hurt stems from a knowing you could be thriving. Focus on detoxification, cellular regeneration, mental health, foundational habits, exercising, therapy, style and new clothing, expression, social circle, gaining real life experience at the bars with wingmen or solo, etc. Your view on the tinder situation is “spiritual bypassing”. Aka, you’re looking to have a cushy life, not face your weaknesses, doing the emotional laborious and difficult real-world work, in the name of spirituality. Spirituality alone will NOT give you desirable and amazing results with women, not even close. No spiritual master or person with their dream life has ever attained it by trying to suppress normal life activities with spirituality, because spirituality comes easier to them. I have been there. Life is scary, but spirituality is comforting. However, you suffer more the longer you put off the necessary fundamental things you need to do to increase your radiance and value as a man. Read: “The way of the superior man” and seriously research hoping on a fruit/vegetable detox to help with your mental/physical health. You’ll be glowing so heavy, that women will find you irresistible. This has been happening to me after I detoxed for two months. Women notice when you’re healthy and thriving. Your genes and everything must be desirable for reproduction, so if you have any physical or mental difficulties, they can smell that shit from a mile away and will have low desire to have sex, due to possibility of passing on poor genes, biologically and subconsciously!:) Love you, man. Keep up the great effort, perseverance, and dedication you have to growing yourself. That’s a high value trait?
  16. ?????? this description is off the walls, but has some serious truth to it. But, I mean how many people have experienced this? Run with your gifts, take it seriously, ground yourself, actualize all areas of your life, and start building the foundations of a professional spiritual buisness. Whenever you’re ready or willing to do so, of course. I’m just challenging you to move into a new chapter, and make a living off of this. You’re obviously gaining serious momentum and could help a lot of people in the dark about stuff, mental illness, shadow work, accepting themselves, etc.
  17. Advanced insight there. Especially last paragraph.
  18. Your symptoms sound like everything I have experienced to severe degrees, before 100% detoxing my body for two months. You are very likely toxic, physically with heavy metals, acidic lifestyle, weak organs/tissues/cells, etc. Working more on spirituality will not improve you. I’ve tried that, too. Nothing works unless your brain is free of heavy metals and your health is fucking 100%. Insomnia, OCD, etc. all the stuff you listed sounds like basic toxicity and imbalance in the body. I was the same way, but after this two month raw fruit and vegetable cleansing with a bit of regular food to ground during difficult times, my spirituality has increased 30X fold! All the psychedelic breakthroughs and experiences are being integrated from YEARS ago that I was never able to remember or whatever. You may think you’ve worked on your health, but seriously, it sounds like you need cellular regeneration at a deep level. Especially the part about orgasms, this sounds like your body is degenerated, very acidic, and your lymphatic waste is not moving enough to provide a DEEP/transformative healing. immediately stop spiritual work and purely focus 100% on your diet for 3 months. Baby steps. Look into “40 Day Grape Fast”, detoxification specialists, Dr. Robert Morse, etc. You will feel beyond fucking horrible eating these foods, seeing how your body is barely able to keep you alive in a thriving state. The detox must be taken at a reasonable, sustainable pace. Start with 1 squeezed lemon juice in AM/whenever into 16oz water for 21 days, and report back results, if you wish. I am not you, have no clue about your health, just making assumptions on one post. However, just trying to make you aware how important diet and detoxification is with being able to achieve enlightenment. It’s more important than meditating and psychedelics IMO.
  19. @mamad this is excellent advice, brother. I’m going to make it work as long as possible, but it’s pretty toxic, stage red toxic. So, moving out is #1, no amount of inner work will fix the fact that the family homeostasis and ego, has a HUGE impact on my ego/development, what I’m able to do in my life. I can’t do a fucking 1/4 of what I know I love to do, or capable of doing, due to them thinking it’s “dangerous” “spiritual BS” “waste of time”. Fundamentally, life fucking sucks when you’re emerging stage yellow/Turquoise in a fucking red/blue/orange house that demonizes green like it’s nobody’s business. I have to leave before I start growing more, or it’s going to stir up some shit, and they may want to send me to a hospital if I end up taking about enlightenment/philosophy again. Yeah, it’s that bad. Literally, just talking about this stuff gets them invigorated with hate, fear, and yelling. This usually escalates to the point of me screaming or breaking shit, so, yeah. It’s non-negotiable to leave and not be fluffy idealistic about any of this.
  20. @RillesLol agreed. It’s love in a sense. He’s trying to keep my within boundaries and not too obsessive, as parents always do.
  21. Simple, but profound realization for me, that I was able to articulate in a stage yellow. I’m so fucking happy I built a proper foundation, and fixed basic self help, because now I’m thriving beyond belief. Stable as shit. Haha The mechanics of Love. The difference between Divinely Beautiful and Profane Horror.
  22. @Leo Gura this is gold nugget advice, Holy shit, thank you so much! Yeah, I honestly believe because I decided to do this ground-breaking work before I left the house, it has caused me to have rage, mania, anger, suicidal, because everything I wanted to achieve was instantly faced with tremendous pushback from parents/family, so any momentum would be destroyed as soon as I started entering stage yellow/Turquoise. They would demonize me, constantly, belittle any progress or realizations with criticisms from below, rarely from above. I’m NEVER supported by anything I authentically want to do, unless I’m suicidal, and even then, they do it out of spite because their main Mode of Operation is risk-averse, safety, comfort, etc. it’s honestly sickening how my family lives their life, lol! My ADHD, thyroid, bipolar, and other issues made me unable to work consistently, early on, but now that I’ve fixed 80% of it, I’m so ready to dip.
  23. @Carl-Richard Genius!!
  24. @BipolarGrowth I agree. The first sign on the door of the building said her family was trying to take her to a psych ward because of her awareness of the universe, so idk, there seems to be a lot of trauma she went though. I mean, imagine trying to pursue spirituality hardcore back in the like 60’s like wtf haha. So the isolation probably made her get into fringe new age stuff. This new self actualization/enlightenment path with a rational/orange mentality is a new thing, really.
  25. @Bob Seeker I totally fuck with this advice, man! Yeah, I forget that I’m not Leo, and we have different values. Maybe he likes reading 300 books, but I’ve not been able to read more than 10-15 books in my life tops, each book takes 3 months to finish, with hard work too. Reading a book is 3X more painful and miserable than meditating or honestly anything I have to do, ever.