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Everything posted by EntheogenTruthSeeker

  1. @Leo Gura lmfao Leo all we care about is Truth, it may look different for us because of bipolar, however I am making an extra effort to ground myself and him. We’re not harming anyone or ourselves. We spread nothing but love to everyone we interact with, compassion. Also we’re still really young.
  2. Just had another huge experience on 180X extract. Best experience of my life: Reality is One God has my back and wants healing for me and Jesus is there for me to protect me at all times and psychedelics are gods #1 way of inviting humans to reconnect with him. All thought is one infinite stream of consciousness and love. All thoughts are one strain and interconnected, so if I’m extremely energetically happy I am changing the whole universe in an apartment completely alone by being at a high vibration you change everyone else’s without them knowing it. wow!
  3. @BipolarGrowth growth and I are taking a trip down there. im a 23 year old male with 8/10 looks. 80% masculine. Humorus, light, and calm/grounded as of now. best places in Vegas? I'm on the right in the picture.
  4. Haha lmfao Ikr meet us at Vegas? @blackchair
  5. @Average Investor @Leo Gura thanks guys appreciate it. The money to get into the clubs better be worth it? I’ve approached like 600-700 girls at this point, I don’t have fear with women, I struggle with keeping an interesting conversation going when they are so basic. Tips?
  6. @Raptorsin7 lmao I know, he wouldn’t associate with us untouchables?
  7. https://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/2021/08/shroom-festival-planned-in-ann-arbor-to-celebrate-psychedelic-awareness-month.html @BipolarGrowth and I will be there?
  8. More information: http://entheofest.org/
  9. @The0Self okay, thanks. I’ll check it out for sure.
  10. Take this serious, it will prepare you for the psychedelics hardcore. Do a 3-7 Day Juice Fast with Squeezed 1 bag of organic grapes and 1 lemon X3-4 times a day. eat a small plant based meal if you must once a day. Your baseline consciousness will be through the roof! Forget about enlightenment if you are not detoxing and eating plant based raw vegetables and fruit, you’ll never reach the levels Leo talks about - also heavy metal detoxing with chrollela and Cilantro. Easy start. @jdharvey6
  11. This is purely for education on the nature of imagination, spirituality, and the whole idea of being “enlightened” as a kid. It really makes sense when you interconnect that feeling of being a kid on mushrooms and a dynamic light ego. It’s seriously worth the read. these parents stories about crazy consciousness things kids tell their parents https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRRtVuj4/
  12. Fresh Juiced Grape and Lemon Detox for about 4 days. Amazing results. •1 bag of dark grapes •1 lemon (3-4X a day) — came from a standard American diet and heavy drug addiction because of my diet. Feels amazing to be alive again! Wow! Feel like I was 18 again when I was working out an hour a day and fasting 23 hours a day. Amazing.
  13. I’m so sorry to everyone replied. Give me a bit to read. My fatigue has been immense and detoxing so I have not gotten myself to read the posts. Much love❤️
  14. I half to take adderall smoke a bunch of cigarettes and drink a bunch of caffeine to feel any motivation. everyrhing is boring as tuck. Meditation is impossible. I feel hopeless. I feel my dose of adderall is too low and I feel I have horrible ADD. Even writing this post is taking everything from me. Anyone have suggestions or have similar problems? serious fatigue and laziness. Like brushed my teeth after 4 days. Lol
  15. Do a three day vegetable and fruit fast. More effective than psychedelics for shifting your baseline consciousness and getting you closer to spirituality. Do not underestimate how much this can inspire you and give you clarity and energy after the two days of heavy detox symptoms. Three days with nothing but purity on the other end. God bless❤️
  16. Amen. Needed this. Thanks
  17. Lol, so @BipolarGrowthand I discovered RSO thc wax put on a cigarette brings you into infinity within seconds. you’re welcome. !:P TM
  18. Love, Mark Van Wiemeersch. God bless you all. I love this place.
  19. Everyone feel free to give their opinion on the cons of Christianity and the pros of you feel compelled as well. I’m deep into Christianity. My mom has dreams of Jesus talking to me every night now, so I’m convinced of the Christian path for my awakening. Love, Mark
  20. this took a lot of vulnerability and courage and faith to record this. Let me know how you guys felt about the truth of how much of a fraud I am.
  21. I have nothing to say but Jesus Christ is the answer. Call it dogma, but I have never been more at peace ever. All the new age and Meditaion and Actualized.org stuff never truly fulfilled me. Maybe it’s just my path, but this feeling of the Holy Spirit in my body is way too strong to be delusional religious pre-occupation and mental illness. Christ is the name above every single name in existence and he is The Full and Only God of Reality. He is 100% God in Human Form. Amen. Never been happier, ever... Thank you Actualized.org and the forum, for I never would have reached this level of realization, stability, love, compassion, gentleness, patience, and consciousness without Jesus and Leo Gura. God bless you Leo for being so rational and intelligent to explain spirituality to “dumb” people/young people/rational/scientific minded people. I am destined to be a World Class Teacher by 2031 or sooner. Everyone, thanks for your patience and support on this forum and all the direct messages. Shoutout to @BipolarGrowthfor helping me and getting me closer to Jesus and indepdence from my parents and just a beautiful spiritual oneness friendship. Can’t wait to meet up in person and start a YouTube channel about mental illness and God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit. Love, Mark Anthony Van Wiemeersch. June 25th, 2021 at 11:58PM in Novi, Michigan, United States of America.
  22. https://youtube.com/shorts/HdcZ-JC2O50?feature=share Wish me luck. Strategy/plan: 1. Sell Insurance for 6 years for capital 2. Teach for 10-20 years about God and the Holy Trinity. 3. Perform around the world for the rest of my life with my band Mosh For God wish me luck folks.
  23. “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life" (Matt 19:29).
  24. @Kalo @Adrian325 @VeganAwake @Adrian325 I’m ready to do 5MEODMT in Mexico at Arkana retreat in Mexico. Is this Christ like? Bible says to be sober. I have ocd and a lot of guilt and shame so I just hope I’m not disobeying god by doing this but I have serious OCD, trauma, addiction problems and I just don’t want to disappoint Jesus Christ. please be gentle with me or brutal. I want the cold hard truth. I’m 100% ready to die forever on 5MEODMT. I’ve been waiting 5 years. I think 5meo will make all this Christianity stuff way more integrated and less neurotic, y’all feel?