Byun Sean

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Everything posted by Byun Sean

  1. There are certainly lows in this journey that you hit and question it all. Just push through it you'll hit your next level eventually. Or you may need a break from it all to rest and recuperate. Sometimes thats the best move if your burnt out. You could also try taking a big break from the work altogether and involve yourself more in physical life and try that out. If you've been doing this stuff for 5 years, theres a good chance it wasn't for nothing.
  2. ya when he pulls away theres nothing you can do. Either he reaches out to you again first or its over. If you reach out after he pulls away you violate his boundaries and show him you are needy and clingy which is very unattractive behavior. In the meantime, go meet other guys so you don't just depend on one.
  3. try talking about yourself more and expose yourself to more different kinds of social situations. Have you considered that maybe they want to know more about you since you want to know more about them? Try it! It gives conversation juice when both people take turns listening and talking about themselves when appropriate. It can be uncomfortable at first. But remind yourself of why you want good social skills to motivate you in the process. Socialization can also become extremely fun once you bust past your own discomfort in these situations. Its probably good to start small with people you are comfortable with and work your way up.
  4. Why do you avoid pooping on your toilet when a spider is sitting on the edge of the seat.
  5. the pleasure seeking process and the avoidance of pain is the very essence of survival lol
  6. Of course. Sex is survival. Not just women, men too. Your genitals don't care about consciousness. My experience is very different actually. Women seem to smell consciousness off guys without even having to try. In fact many times consciousness/ survival capital are inseparable because consciousness makes you much better at surviving.
  7. Pick up is not creepy. In fact women want sex and intimacy just as much as guys do. It's much healthier for men and women if men pursue sex consciously rather than unconsciously. Thats what pick up is. It's just a set of ways people have taken note of over the years to make a girl wet and sleep with her which is what she wants in the end anyways. Pick up can be done in toxic unhealthy ways for sure where the guy manipulates the girl, uses her for sex, and then ghosts her etc. But it can also be done in healthy ways. It all depends on the guy doing the pick up and his level of consciousness. Not the pick up itself.
  8. seems mostly orange maybe a tiny bit of green
  9. Your frustration with toxic behaviors in men is completely understandable. But you must know that most of these men act in these ways because they are struggling to get their needs met and survive just like you. On top of that bashing them by calling them weak won't likely get them to change for the better.
  10. The benefits of a relationship have to greatly outweigh the benefits of being single and having freedom for time and energy. The more self actualized the guy is, the more difficult it will be to get commitment from him because his life is that much better single anyways and has countless options. Commitment takes time, energy, and can be very emotionally risky and laborious at times for a guy. To have a chance to be with this kind of guy the girl also needs to be very self actualized and exceptional herself to attract him and even then its not guaranteed.
  11. This is a rather partial view. While both masculinity and femininity are both valuable dimensions to an integral personal development and society, bashing the other side is not gonna do anyone any good. All parties are struggling to survive and for love. Men aren't selfish and underdeveloped because they want to be and they need lecturing. Most of these guys lack love and development themselves and are struggling for them in dysfunctional ways. If you want to promote your love for femininity, go ahead why not. But don't go bashing men for being dysfunctional. Remember. Dating and relationships are a value negotiation. It's your job to filter out toxic men. The men you allow into your life are a reflection of how you treat yourself.
  12. arrogance is not a result of external situations or phenomena. Dumb people can be arrogant. Smart people can be arrogant. Rich people can be arrogant and so can poor people. Arrogance is simply a bias toward great self importance vs other. It doesn't matter what circumstance that person has. If they are arrogant, they will be arrogant until they aren't.
  13. "If you can't find God in a strip club you don't understand God" -Leo Gura
  14. If you fully realized Oneness it would not matter. It would be like your back at square one. The reason why its paradoxical and confusing is because its still partially intellectual for you. Because the statement: "You are kissing yourself" still implies two. A kisser and one who is kissed. Which shows you have not fully realized the nature of reality. In reality, its all a hallucination and nothing is really happening. Then again. What does happening vs not happening mean? This is why language can never describe Truth fully. It can only point to it.
  15. I usually would just let it play out. Sometimes its healthy to take a day for rest and integration. If you think you can push through if you tried and you feel motivated to push further. Go ahead. Consistency is key in this journey. You want to push yourself but not bite off more than you can chew. Sometimes the most productive thing to do is to take a rest so you can come back fully recharged and ready to go again later. Much like you would need a rest period from working out at the gym for your muscles to grow and recharge, the mind and nervous system works the same way whether it be with learning something or consciousness work. In fact if you didn't take a rest here and there, you may actually miss out on important growth and insights you could have otherwise have had/ or your growth would just go slower due to burnout.
  16. This is a limiting belief that can cost you so much. What makes you believe you were born "not talented"? Its also fairly common that people have unique strengths and weaknesses and their strengths are not recognized in their totality by both themselves and society. Mainly due to where the education system is at. Thus, most kids end up feeling stupid because everyone is comparing each other by the same cultural standards which are completely fabricated and are far from the actual truth.
  17. I mean people that have preferences aren't consciously choosing them. They are subconscious and likely both conditioned and/or genetic. Not everyone will be romantically compatible with everyone. Thats just the reality of things.
  18. beautiful quote right here
  19. I would not ghost him because that would make him hurt. I would set your boundaries and make yourself clear how you feel and then if you want to cut communication. Cut communication and put your foot down but let him know in a nonviolent way why you are doing so. If he becomes even more pushy and needy and doesn't give up you should increase the decisiveness of your actions with putting your foot down and prepare for what he might do in response knowing him personally. Ideally you wanna cut off the relationship that hurts him the least but you always gotta stick up for yourself first and foremost. This relationship clearly isn't serving you and it is not serving him either because he can use you as a distraction from actually getting his life together independently of you.
  20. Dayum he went a little to deep with that one lmao When you've got a copyright strike for going too deep and controversial on a video you know you've made it
  21. You forget that the woman has to develop herself and present herself in an attractive way just as men have to do. Women don't want a million low value guys creeping on her. She wants one strong man she can commit to. Women become biologically and physically attached to the man she is romantically involved with. It makes perfect sense if you look at both perspectives why the man needs to be the hunter and put in the initial effort. Because way more is emotionally at stake for the woman. Men do the approach so the woman knows he is sexually attracted to her which kick starts the romantic aspect to the relationship.
  22. I would just say "Oh sorry" and just keep walking and let them be paranoid knowing I did nothing wrong and let them think whatever they want to think. Who knows they may have been attacked or been through some crazy stuff and have unhealed trauma from it. You just do you, don't let judgements of others faze you and make sure you don't do anything they can legally hold against you.
  23. It is possible to raise one's consciousness enough to love deep physical pain. How far its possible to go with the limits of the human mechanism who knows. I have heard of stories of yogi's who got their arms cut off and were completely stoic and chill so who knows whats possible lol