Byun Sean

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Everything posted by Byun Sean

  1. Since the Universe is One. Consciousness is One. If you hurt another human being or any aspect of yourself it's exactly the same as hurting yourself. This is how selfishness and karma works. The degree to which you are selfish is the degree to which you suffer because you separate yourself off in your awareness as a finite creature separate from the infinite whole. You are the Whole you just aren't conscious of it. So basically your just hurting yourself from the inside out and you don't even know it. This is why living the good life is being absolutely selfless.
  2. @PurpleTree At the end of the day your just gonna have to go out and do it if you want to know more. It isn't rocket science. You have to just put your emotional balls on the chopping block and approach. Otherwise you'll never approach and just be sitting here mentally masturbating forever.
  3. @Leo GuraHave nice rest mate. Your work is appreciated.
  4. In the end you gotta do what best serves you. You want people in your life who lift you up on your journey. Not drag you down.
  5. Trust me you will know when you are "awake". You won't be able to miss it. Your life as you now know it will be over. You will literally experience death.
  6. Your not being creepy or leechy when you ask out a girl if you do it in a polite way that shows you care for her feelings. The girl has needs too. She wants the right guy to approach her. All girls really want is a guy who is strong on the inside that cares for her feelings. The reason why women will view some men as 'creeps' is because they show the woman in subtle or not so subtle ways that they don't care about her feelings and only care about using them for fulfilling their own sexual or emotional needs. For example, women aren't attracted to so called "nice guys" because those "nice guys" are only nice because they expect sex in return of their niceness. Women smell this from a mile away and are repelled because this is a sign of weakness. A man who is emotionally mature and conscious enough will have a sense of care that surpasses his own needs and captures the feelings and needs of the girl which girls can also sense. Thus this kind of guy won't care if he gets rejected or what happens to his feelings because he is putting himself out there for the girl and that is enough for him. This is the kind of guy women are looking for. Authentic. Selfless. Emotionally available. Confident. Spiritually mature. I've never done cold approaches but I imagine they would be hard for the specific reason that the girl is observing everything about you and judging whether you will fulfill that certain criteria so much based on that first impression you give her.
  7. Sorry dude. Not gonna help you creating a belief system to justify why you can't get girls.I can find a scientific study and create a belief system around literally any nonsense I want it doesn't mean it's true. Deep down you know your just trying to hideaway your insecurities by saying women have the upper hand. No man who has developed the skills to get girls would ever even look for this crap.
  8. this is a mere mental model. Spirituality is completely relative to the person doing it: Their karma, genetics, health, personality even sometimes, spiritual talent, etc. No one model can capture all the factors. The only way your gonna know how possible it is for you is by going for it yourself and accepting you'll do whatever it takes. took me like 3 ish years to wake up with nothing really crazy. Some people take a few months. Some a few minutes. Some take their entire life. It all depends.
  9. You will probably be taken more seriously by employers if you have a law degree. But whether it's worth it to finish college depends on what your LP is. Do you want to start your own business? If so you would much rather be spending your time building skills and acquiring resources and knowledge so that business can flourish. College may be a waste of time, money, and energy at that point. 7 months can make a huge difference especially if you are taking this LP of yours seriously and you are grinding it every day. In conclusion you gotta be damn sure about what you want to do in life and what your passionate about. Then you'll know exactly how to make these decisions. A lot of people go to college just because they don't know what the hell they want to do and so they just sweep the problem of not knowing under the rug. This is not the way to do it. Find out what you want. Then take action. Also don't be afraid of not having a degree if you decide to dropout. It will motivate you even more because you will be forced into a position where you have no choice but to develop yourself as a human being so much that having no degree doesn't matter anymore. There are also likely classes, workshops, trainings and seminars available for whatever your LP is that your passionate about that probably have certifications that you can acquire as well.
  10. sometimes we are passionate about something for a little while but then we lose our spark for it because it is no longer growing us in the way that it once did. You may have hit a hard time and passion will re-spark. Or you may have grown yourself to the point with that thing that it no longer serves you and your in need for an upgrade. This is not a bad thing. This means there is something out there better for you. This happened to me a lot. I would be passionate about something until I grew out of it and then I moved on. Sometimes it happens with hobbies. Sometimes with careers. Sometimes with people.
  11. sounds we culturally agree carry certain meanings that we create in our minds.
  12. mate. Most people are living in duality. Your only seeing nonduality from your point of view. It's a paradox between relative and absolute. Reality is Infinitely Relative and Infinitely Absolute at the same time.
  13. I mean yeah but you can't deny the reality of the relative either. This kind of one track mentality is how you get gurus that say "you're already enlightened" to their new students.
  14. Yes but we don't operate in the Absolute perspective do we. We still have limitations constrained by these human forms. If we did there would be no "we", you would be One, and you wouldn't be living a physical existence anymore.
  15. Cute but there is definitely a clear distinction vs being awake and not awake. You can become directly conscious of Truth which is when your human life will be over. But yeah. I agree its useless to argue over who's awake and who's not lol. "we are all collective consciousness realising itself" You as God are imagining this.
  16. Your allowed to talk about anything obviously. Well as long as it follows forum guidelines of course. Just pointing out the hypocrisy in both of your positions. If a method works just be happy and do it. You don't need to convince anyone else that it works if it really works. If it doesn't work and someone else is doing it your not gonna make them change by arguing with them.
  17. if you guys dont want to be together why dont you both just date other people and agree to pay child support and visit every now and then or something? Just an idea.
  18. well then how can you take a position on how to awaken if you are not awake?
  19. well then if you have made up your mind stop being anxious
  20. @Rilles @Red-White-Light are any of you turkeys arguing about Truth even conscious of what Truth is?
  21. I think this is where relativity of points of view come in and how language works. If you tell the average joe shmoe on the street that awakening is realizing that you are God and everything is infinite imagination, how much does that do to help him really and communicate what awakening is? He has no idea what the hell those words mean. At best he will attach some meaning of what he's associated 'God' and 'imagination' with in the past and make a mental model out of that. Language is only useful to the extent we can communicate by emitting certain sounds to create meaning in the mind of another person. Thus, awakened people may speak in these weird anecdotes because they appreciate how reality is being seen from many different points of view. And if you think about it reality only exists as an infinite number of different points of view. Thus hard 'facts' through language are not absolute, but only absolute from a certain point of view. At the same time the absolute is absolute so this is where things get wack.
  22. This is yet to come into your experience.
  23. spiral stage is different from state of consciousness. All of your identities are conceptual and must eventually collapse. Especially the sneaky spiritual ones. Your still trying to take other being's experience such as Leo, Eckhart, Jesus, etc on authority. This is a trap. Only you can know the answers to these questions by sitting your ass down and doing more consciousness work for yourself. Other people can give you ideas and pointers to what you may discover but you can't know any of this stuff through language alone. You'll just construct another identity out of it.