King Merk

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Everything posted by King Merk

  1. @supremeyingyang did u mean to say Lil Peep and post a video of Lil Pump? Lol. Two very different styles of rappers.
  2. I’m pretty heavily yellow and thoroughly enjoy stage red music material. I LOVE death metal/trap metal/emo rap/SoundCloud rappers etc. The subject matter is often death, drugs, killing, Satan, suicide, etc. I find listening to this type of music while I train helps me to go “beast mode” and funnel that anger into a resourceful fuel for physical exercise. And listening to depressive/emo rap helps me fully embody my sorrow. Which is wonderful because I was very emotionally numb/repressive for much of my life. That being said, if you don’t listen to the music consciously and understand how it effects you, it could get ugly fast. Music is tool and any tool can be used resourcefully or at the detriment of the user.
  3. @Farnaby Of course, I would never bluntly tell someone IRL that they are too naive, deluded, dumb, etc. I think we all have enough compassion to avoid that type of toxic behavior. I do think you're mislead about the whole "judging isn't always projecting" notion. I'm not going to try and convince you of anything but in my own experience, every judgment I make on another is a projection of a judgment I've made on myself. But the possibility for self-delusion is always there. I encourage you to meditate on this further.
  4. I agree 100%. Thank you for reveling some of my blindspots Giving advice is always hard because you have to take into consideration where the individual you're speaking to is at. Overall, I tend to tell most people to "look-within" to swing the pendulum back towards the inner-reflection side of things. Because most individuals I observe are much too outwardly focused. But as you said, that inner vs outer differentiation is completely arbitrary and observation should ultimately come from a place of boundlessness anyways. One of the problems with feedback from other that I've noticed is its often more of a reflection of where they're at instead of where you are. But I suppose some feedback is going to be more biased than others. We would definitely all benefit from more transparency and openness.
  5. Critiquing others (be it Leo, Donald Trump, Society, etc) is a mental circle jerk. It's a distraction from self reflection. Look within.
  6. I absolutely put Leo on a pedestal. That's something I'm quite aware of. He is a Buddha that I will one day slay. But for now, he's a resourceful "guru". Is he human? Duh. Is there limitations to finite forms? Duh. I didn't sense any of that because I didn't judge you or what you were saying. I simply witnessed it and responded appropriately. You're lost in your judgments friend. Take a step back to realize you're being led by a constructed sense of morality.
  7. You're not getting it. The notion of "mistreatments" is another judgment. A child undergoing abuse will not benefit from judging or criticizing the abuser. The child should simply respond in the most appropriate manner. When my muddy dog jumps onto me, I don't criticize him as evil or tell him he's arrogant. I simply push him away. Expand this to any action. If my girlfriend cheats on me, I'm not going to call her a evil cheating bitch and criticize her. I'm simply going to break up with her and move on. Take notice and respond appropriately. The step of judging/criticizing isn't necessary. You're lost in your judgments friend. Take a step back to realize this. Drop them. Drop as many as you can. Stop moralizing everything you see.
  8. Your judgments and “critiques” of Leo are reflections of how you judge and critique yourself my friend. Rather than projecting onto Leo, look within and watch what you’re experiencing
  9. No, oat isn’t genetically modified. But that doesn’t necessarily tell you if oats are good for you or not. The biggest thing is how your body responds. Personally, I can’t eat oats without gas and bloating. My body doesn’t like it at all, even though the scientific literature shows health benefits to oat consumption. Get out your head and listen to your body. The body will send you signals as to what it needs and what it doesn’t. Hope that helps bro.
  10. Focusing on one habit at a time is great advice I start most my clients out doing two things: 1. Track the food you eat in an app such as myfitness pal to simply raise awareness to the nutritional profile of the foods you’re eating 2. Begin intermittent fasting. Especially if you aren’t hungry right when you wake up. That your body telling you something. Start slow with IF. Don’t jump right into OMAD or 16:8. Start by simply pushing back your first meal by 1 hour every week until you’re down to roughly an 8 hour feeding window. Also, make sure you don’t eat at least 3-4 hours before bed.
  11. Oh boy. Where to start. For context, the last couple weeks have pretty hard for me emotionally. I’ll save y’all the details but my life has been full of very high, highs and extremely low, lows of recent. I also lean towards insomnia and supplement with melatonin almost nightly to sleep I was in a rough spot earlier and decided “fuck it, I just wanna get some sleep and escape all this for a bit” so I downed 10mg of melatonin (which is a lot) I’d also like to note, I’ve just recently started having a few mystical experiences while sober, which is new for me and a total mind fuck. I drifted to sleep... In my dream, I was at a rock climbing gym doing some bouldering (I’m big into climbing). Oddly enough Leo was there in the bouldering gym(although he didn’t have climbing shoes on - do u even boulder bro? ). I saw him beside me but was focused on solving this boulder problem and didn’t engage with him. I could overhear him lecturing someone else on how “reality isn’t material and everything is groundless, etc”. I made a mental note that I’d like to chat with him, showing him gratitude for all he’s done for me before he left but I had work to do on the bouldering wall first. Then, suddenly Leo and the friend he was with got up to leave and started to say goodbye to the small group who’d circled him. He walked up to me, shook my hand while saying goodbye and we held eye contact for a brief moment. It was intense as fuck. I said “thank you Leo” and watched him walk away. I ended up leaving the gym to go home and eat. After my meal I decided I wanted to go climbing again. I travelled to a shopping mall area which my climbing gym had been transported to. I was then swarmed by hundred of cyclists, raving on their bikes towards me (it was like 1am btw). Ducking and dodging the bikers, I eventually made it to the climbing gym which I found to be closed due to the bike race. I took a photo of the sign, saying when the gym would be back open and was bummed out. When I turned to leave, a security guard saw me and we started chatting. When we got back to his desk, the man’s voice suddenly transformed to Leo’s and he started ranting to me about how “everything is an illusion and there is not brain - you are actually God experiencing infinity blah blah blah”. From here I fell into what seemed like a bottomless pit featuring Leo’s voice. I really can’t describe what happened in words. It was more intense than any psychedelic trip I’ve done (which is saying something because I’ve done N, N-DMT while peaking on LSD multiple times) Any time I would try to interact with the ever changing environment, Leo would respond to my actions before they could manifest in real life. I was able to create my reality and eventually became completely free of the physical body. It seriously felt like I was in this groundless void of continuous creation and destruction (featuring Leo the ever present vocal commentator of “my” actions) for an eternity. I woke up from my dream and was like, holy shit. I get it. I finally get that I am not my brain or my body. I get that reality is infinite and simply an ever fluid creation of God. I get that none of this is material and that there is no localized “me”. It’s not longer a belief in my head. I GET IT. At first when I woke up, I thought it was just another continuation of this never ending creation/destruction process I was experiencing. I lied down in this “afterglow” for a few minutes before I realize that I was back into “my body” and that the experience had all been a dream. Odly enough, Leo’s “What is Reality” lecture was playing on my phone. I had fallen asleep to a London Real video talking about Psychedelics and not sure how it got to Leo like that. Anyways, I already feel the insights I gained fleeting away and my consciousness being reduced back down from the flowing and fluid liquid form to a hardened and crystallized form... just like Leo told me in my dreams it would. I’ve had an awakening experience before but this one blew it out the water. I’m curious if y’all have ever had anything like this happen in a dream before? I’ve experienced plenty of lucid dreaming and this was a whole other level. It felt more like “Lucid Goding” tbh haha. Anyways, thanks for reading all that <3 Hope it wasn’t too rambley(:
  12. One of the greatest athletes to ever walk this earth died this morning in a tragic helicopter accident. What’s worse is his 13 year old daughter was in the helicopter with him. I think this is an excellent time for us all to remember that we’re promised nothing outside of this very moment. Think of your death and think of it often. It could come in 5 years or 5 minutes. One things for sure though, it’s coming. Rip to a man much larger than the game of basketball. Kobe Bean Bryant?
  13. That’s a mindfuck I’ve been entertaining for years. As well as asking what it is to “think” in the first place. What is the nature of thought? What’s the difference between visual thoughts vs auditory thoughts vs emotional thoughts etc.
  14. @Farnaby I feel you. Meditation and mindfulness has definitely helped slow down my inner dialogue as well. It’s much quieter “in here” now days @Spaceofawareness thats interesting about your wife. When I was younger I had a very critical self dialogue. I’d “whip myself into shape” mentally. Which helped me be very ambitious at an early age but I also found this to be very damaging at the same time. Now days my inner dialogue is more akin to that of a motivation speaker. More like “I’m a bad motherfucker who can do whatever I set my mind to”. I’m my biggest hype man? never really realized this until I read your comment. The left to right brain is also interesting. When I was younger I was much more verbal. Everything had to “make sense” to me in a logical manner. Now it’s much more emotional/intuitive. I go with what “feels right” even if it doesn’t make sense to my logical mind. Interesting. Are y’all more logical or intuitive thinkers? Or both? I would think striking a balance between the two would be optimal. But maybe that’s just my bias.
  15. @Muhammad okay, not perceiving time is an absolutely mind fuck as well. I’d be very interested in finding out if he had an internal dialogue. Like can’t even fathom not “knowing” time. My life is build on time. Literally. Build around schedules, dates, events, etc. Us “normal” people who do have an internal dialogue probably seem batshit crazy to those who don’t? Never thought about how odd the whole notion of “I hear a voice inside my head that I attach a self identification to” really is. Lol
  16. Ease into it bro. Start slow. Simply start by pushing back when you have you First meal by one hour ever week. For example, if your first meal now is at 8am, push it back to 9am for a week. Then 10am the next, etc. Keep pushing it back to whatever duration feeding window you desire. Most the scientific literature show the real benefits start around 16 hours of fasting which is why the 16:8 fasting to feeding is so popular. With regards to your training, it’s ideal to train right before you break the fast. Personally, I do roughly 20:4 fasting to feeding ever day so my workouts will be around the 18-19th fasting hour. Obviously if you wish to gain muscle you need to eat protein. For health and gains, I advise a low carbohydrate and higher fat/protein diet. 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass is the sweet spot for most. To find your LBM simply subtract your fat mass from your total bodyweight. Hope that helps. Lemme know if you have any other questions. I’ve been in the fitness industry for years and people pay me every day to give them this kind of advice. Health is wealth.
  17. Have you sat down with your mom and had this conversation with her? Perhaps she’s willing to stop buying those foods... Regardless, physically removing the food is still a surface level solution. Sit with the cravings. Bring more awareness to when you have the desire to eat “x” food. Something I like to do (I’m a struggling food addict and this helps me) is simply meditate on the food. Like literally, I’ll stand there and stare at the ice cream, cake, cookie, etc. I’ll breath in deeply and ask myself deep down “do I really want this? Will this support me in becoming the highest version of myself?” Repeat these questions for a few minutes. Because of this act, I’ll often simply drop the desire to eat it. Notice how good this feels to do. Aaaaand other times I’ll go on a food binge anyways? Im far from perfect but creating that space in between the craving and the act of eating “x” food benefits me tremendously... hope that helps bro
  18. How To Eat Move and Be Healthy is the best practical book written on holistic health. Highly encourage anything related to Paul Chek. He’s a stage turquoise GENIUS in the field of exercise, nutrition and spirituality.
  19. Look into myofascial release techniques for the musculature around the shoulders/neck area.
  20. I had my first awakening experience a few month back that really catapulted me into rapid spiritual growth... And since then I’ve regularly experience very deep states of bliss and unobstructed presence followed by very dramatic states of depression and turmoil. Then repeat. How are the highs, lows, insomnia, rhythms, etc connected? I have no idea but I’m sure they are. The deeper into this path I get, the more I realized everything is preordained. Everything is flawlessly executed or “meant to be” if you will. In regards to nootropics, I like to take huperzine a before bed because it helps with my lucid dreaming but I haven’t taken any recently as I ran out. Other than that I don’t take nootropics often. I’m young (23) and healthy so they don’t seem to do much for me. For example, I can take 150mg of armodafinil and hardly notice a change in my mental state??‍♂️
  21. Everything is not quite what it seems This life is but a dream
  22. I’m the furthest thing from a vegan/vegetarian (I’m a strength athlete and it has a definite decrease in my performance). However, I’ve experimented with veganism cyclically (I’ll do a week of so whenever my body tells me to) and I notice every time it elevates my consciousness/clears the mind a bit. Not as much as fasting does but if you’re a non athlete who’s wanting to focus on spiritual gains, plant based seems like the way to go.
  23. All addictions stem from an unmet need. Focusing on removing porn won’t cure the addiction. You’re stuck on the surface bro. Go deeper. Porn isn’t the problem. Theres something deeper troubling you. Stop treating symptoms and get down to the root issue.