King Merk

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Everything posted by King Merk

  1. I've recently noticed that all my current relationships in life are relationships I've simply "fallen into". I haven't specifically chosen my friends, family or lovers. They're all people I grew close to due to physical proximity or some sort of similar hobbies/shared interest. I'm not satisfied with my current relationships. I have people around me I love and care for but many of the relationships aren't as deep as I'd like. I want people around me that I can connect to on an even deeper more authentic level. My problem now is I'm struggling to find clarity in what it is I even want out of these relationships in life. I know how important having a direction/goal in life is and I'm feeling lost in regards to what I want out of both my intimate partners and my friends. How does one find clarity in this? Do y'all have any resources that have helped you build genuine relationships? Whats your story with this domain of life? Any feedback is welcomed. Thanks.
  2. @Roy I feel like I know myself quite well when it comes to my values and my mission in life. I’ve got my life put together really well in all areas except for relationships really. And even my relationships aren’t necessarily “bad” They’re just not where I want them. But then again I don’t even know where I want them. That’s what I’m struggling with.
  3. I saw this video and thought it was the perfect example of how recontextualization can be used comedically. Enjoy
  4. Look into myofascial release techniques. It's essentially self massage and will provide much more dramatic changes in your soft tissue than isometric stretching
  5. @UnconsciousHuman happy to help friend
  6. Chronic stress results in sweaty hands and armpits. When the body is under heavy stress it triggers our fight or flight response and associated hormones. Many people's bodies are in a constant high stress state and can't turn this fight or flight response off. This is due to improper diet, a lack of sleep, a lack of or too much exercise as well as a myriad of stressful emotional issues. If you have anxiety and sweaty palms those are symptoms of a deeper issues. Some things to look into: Am I sleeping 7-9 hours per night? Do I have a healthy circadian rhythm? A regular sleep wake cycle? Am I addicted to any substances such as sugar, alcohol, caffeine, etc? Do I have a healthy body composition? Do I move my body in a fashion that elevates my heart rate on a daily basis? How are my relationships with my parents? Friends? What kind of tone does my internal dialogue take? Is it pessimistic? Or empowering? Is my job aligned with my core values/life purpose? Are my sexual needs being fullfilled? Do I regularly partake in activities that bring me joy? Just some ideas. Don't look for a bandaid solution to remove the sweaty palms. Look for the root issues of the problems. You're going to have to look within and evaluate your own life.
  7. The carnivore diet wasn't "scientifically created". Humans have consumed a heavily animal based diet for bulk of our evolution. It's simply what was available. Meat is the most nutrient dense food in nature. I eat almost entirely meat and enjoy it thoroughly. Gluconeogenesis isn't your body turning protein into carbohydrates per se, its turned into glucose which is a subcategory of carbohydrate. The body cannot operate without glucose so it's a way for he body to develop the bare minimum to keep it functioning. Keeping glucose levels low like his is a good thing. Most people are overly saturated with glucose which leads to eventual insulin resistance. Emerging research is starting to uncover that insulin resistance is the root cause of all disease from metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune issues, to various cancers, etc. If one thing is obvious in the obese population it's that they over consume carbohydrates. The majority of the health benefits from the carnivore diet come less from only eating meat and more from the reduction of carbohydrate intake. Any way you can manage to bring carbohydrates down will result in health improvement whether that's a carnivore diet, vegan diet, keto diet, Atkins diet, etc. Now we can go down the rabbit role even further when discussing autoimmune/inflammatory issues which the carnivore diet in undeniable the superior diet due to its strict elimination protocol. Essentially, the carnivore diet is a great "reset" to remove any potential intolerances or sources of inflammation present in your normal diet. After you establish that new baseline on the carnivore diet you can begin to reintroduce foods and see how the body responds. Some people need to be more restrictive than others. its all depends on your unique biochemistry. Oh and eskimos didn't only eat fish. You can't survive on only protein (which fish are mostly protein). The majority of the eskimo diet was seal which is very high in fat. So, if you take anything from all this it's that humans are made to eat high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrates with some variation depending on how close your ancestry was to the equator. Hope that clears some things up(:
  8. About 90% of my food is animal products. Beef heart, liver, kidney, tongue and muscle meat are the majority of my diet. I can't do dairy but I do like to eat avocados/leafy greens on occasion. I'm healthy as fuck and feel fantastic. When I first heard of carnivore I thought it was ridiculous too but I was open minded enough to try and and boy am I glad I did. Humans are made to eat animals. If you don't wish to kill animals for moral reason I get that but animal products are what we've lived off of for hundreds of thousands of years. That's a fact.
  9. Stick to minimally processed salt such as pink Himalayan salt or Celtic sea salt. Sodium chloride (table salt) is the end result from a heavy refining process and contains almost zero of the trace minerals that are present in the unrefined salt state such such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. The problem with many of the studies done with "salt" is they used heavily refined sodium chloride rather than unrefined natural salt in the tests. As a side note, try to get your salt from land sources rather than the seas as sea salts are often polluted with micro-plastics due to the poor health of our oceans. However, less refined seas salt is still better than overly refined sodium chloride. Hope that helps.
  10. Any updates on your journey @Davidess?? Also, where do you like to go to approach women? I’ve tried the whole bar/club scene and struggle finding women I’m into beyond just their looks. What kind of places do you like to frequent to find women who are more into self actualization?
  11. I’m considering microdosing LSD to increase my work performance, deepen my spiritual practice, increase creativity and improve intimate relationships with those around me. I’d love to collect the community’s experiences with microdosing. Some sample questions: What substance did you micro-dose with? How did microdosing affect your work performance? Did microdosing have an impact on your relationships? Could you notice a change in your spiritual practices from microdosing? What kind of negative affects came from microdosing? Did you notice any athletic benefit to microdosing? Do you recommend micro-dosing for personal growth? Any other feedback is welcomed too. Thanks(:
  12. My standard weekday: 4:30am Wake up and walk dog 4:45am Wim Hof breathing and cold shower. Brush teeth/drive to work. 5:45 to 10:30am work - coaching clients 10:30 to 11:00pm meditate 11:00 to 2pm back to work - coaching clients 2 to 3:30pm myofascial release and/or workout then drive home. 3 days per week sauna post workout. 4 to 5pm first meal of the day and walk dog. Relax a bit in nature with dog. 5 to 6pm Play music (guitar/piano/singing) 6 to 7pm Second meal of the day and relaxing some more. 7 to 8pm Walk dog. Turn off all electronics and read by candlelight in the bath 8pm Bed Repeat(:
  13. Sometimes I just want to end it all. I just want to be done with it. Done with the pain. Done with the seeking. Done with the deafening unease constantly ringing in the background. Most of the time, I’m a happy guy who experiences predominately positive emotions. I meditate daily. I eat healthy. I have a ripped, muscular body. I live my life purpose. I’m a self help junkie. My colleges look up to me. Girls love me. I’m “Mr Right” who has his life together But there are these dark days. These days like today where I feel like I’ve gone crazy. I feel like I’d do anything to escape this madness. And I’ve tried everything to escape it. I’ve tried escaping with food. Tried escaping with sex. Tried escaping through work. By being “productive”. I’ve tried to escape by connecting to those around me. By numbing it out with drugs. By partying the pain away. Even by denying the unease is there. I’ve tried it all... to no avail. The only thing thats helped me is sitting with it. Is feeling fully into this unease. Leaning into this pain and letting it engulf me completely... which is scary af. I’m not sure what the point of this post is. tbh. I just wanted to get this shit out of me. To express where I’m at and what I’m going through. This path of self transcendence is such a lonely and pain ridden road. How can I blame other for not wanting to take it? I can’t. I understand fully why you’d wish to stay asleep. But it’s the road I must walk. I must keep going. I must wake up.
  14. Reading this absolutely blew my mind. I’ve always assumed everyone has an internal monologue... Do you?
  15. Sounds like you eat a lot of carbs. I used to eat lots of beans, rice, lentils, legumes, quinoa and felt very bloated/gassy all the time. This diet also gave me lots of inflammation which lead to breathing and lower back issues. I cut out all dairy, grains, seeds and nuts. Now days I eat a ketogenic style diet. Literally all I eat is organic meat and vegetables. I’m 220lbs at 9% BF and feel fantastic. Something to consider.
  16. Alex Honnold is why I got into rock climbing a couple years back. It’s hard to truly appreciate this AMAZING feat of free soloing El Cap unless you’re a climber. I study human biomechanics for a living and am therefore very well versed in athletics/sport performance. I can say with great confidence that Alex’s free soloing the nose is the greatest feat of physical human performance I’ve ever seen. Of course I’m also biased because I’m a climber but I agree, it is truly amazing how committed he is to his life purpose. Hopefully more people will see this and watch Free Solo. Thx for posting(:
  17. Stay as mindful as possible. Watch your internal dialogue. I was surprised how negative/judgmental much of my “self-talk” was when I first started paying attention to it. What a valiant cause to love oneself unconditionally. Best of wishes my friend <3
  18. I’d be highly skeptical. One’s height natural increases/decreases with the compression and decompression of the spine. To cause a permanent increase in height seems unrealistic based on my current understanding of physiology. I suppose the only way to know for sure is to try it though. My advice is to instead focus on your posture. Most people have an anterior sway of their pelvis and protraction/internal rotation of the shoulders that decreases their height. Improve your spine alignment and you’ll not only look taller but very well may add a small amount to your height.
  19. @MAYA EL Few things: 1. I agree, the fast was definitely a catalyst to the experience. 2. I was also on the 3rd day of my 6 day fast when this happened. I hadn’t previously clarified that. 3. We can argue on the definition of “sobriety” all day. Sure, if I fast it definitely alters my state of consciousness and can be the catalyst of an awakening experience. However, if I eat a cookie it alters my state of consciousness. If I meditate it alters my state of consciousness. If I stub my toe it alters my state of consciousness. If my mom dies that alters my state of consciousness. If I do self inquiry it alters my state of consciousness. If I consume LSD it alters my state of consciousness? If I watch a YouTube video it can alter my state of consciousness. Literally anything can catalyze an awakening. Am I sober in any of these situations? What does it even mean to be “sober“? Isn’t “sober” vs “not sober” an arbitrary distinction created by the mind? This thread is about awakening experiences while not under the influence of a psychedelic. Let’s not split hairs on minutia.
  20. I relate to your story man. My Dad has been an alcoholic my entire life and was very abusive to my little brother and I... I also struggled with setting healthy barriers and self image issues. My best advice is love yourself my friend. Love yourself and forgive your father. I know that’s easier said than done but it’s necessary. It’d also be very healing to talk with him about all this. I know that probably the last thing u wanna do but it’d be a big help.
  21. First of all, realize you’re not alone. At 20 I felt the exact same way. I was also going through many of the same issues. First, drop enlightenment/spirituality stuff. You can do that later in life. You have years of basic self help to do first my friend. A great place to start would be finding you life purpose. I can’t recommend Leo’s course enough. It’ll give you some structure/direction in life. Just take the leap and buy it. Beside that, focus on regular personal development. Develop healthy habits. Focus on the lower needs on Maslow’s hierarchy. Clean up your diet. Build an exercise routine. Learn how to talk to women/hold a relationship. Develop a reading habit. Meditate daily. Build a supportive peer group. Work on your emotional issues. Fix any family riffs you have. Sleep 8 hours a night. Etc. Most of Leo’s new content will go way over your head. Watch his old shit. Start at his first video and work up from there. Take notes. Take action on those notes. Set goals for yourself. Visualize your future. Think about who it is that you want to become. What type of a life would you be proud of when looking back from your deathbed? What change would you like to see if the world? It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Step back and focus on one thing at a time. Ask yourself these questions. Think long term. Think years ahead and the dramatic changes that can happen in your life. You’ve got this my friend. I’m here if u ever need someone to chat with.
  22. My first awakening experience while completely sober was in a sauna during a 6 day fast. I sat down to meditate in the sauna as I usually do and immediately my face started dissolving starting with the tip of my nose. I continued to dissolve until I almost entirely lost my sense of self which scared the fuck out of me. It’s like I didn’t even have an awareness of my body any more. I got lost in this timeless void for about 20minutes when suddenly my eyes snapped open and I looked around the sauna in awe. I think I was freaking out the other guys in the sauna lol not entirely sure what happened during those 20min but they were all looking at me funny. Interestingly, I wasn’t sweating at all which is wild considering it was 180 degrees in the sauna. Usually after 15 minutes I’m drenched. There was definitely a deeper level surrender I could’ve went into but I was scared shitless to completely dissolve. There was a very thin string that ran through my nose and down into my chest, pretty much the same route your breath takes. It was all of “me” that was left. I just couldn’t cut it. I just couldn’t muster the courage to do it. Everything had dissolved away but it. I think if I’d have cut that “life string” I’d have died